Program Information

The Finance program aims to develop finance professionals with the highest integrity and ethics by providing opportunities for life-long learning and research skills of a global nature and following contemporary financial best practices.

With the development of Saudi Arabian economics, financial positions face growing demand for qualified finance officers. Backgrounds in international/domestic finance, risk management, investment, derivatives, and financial innovations make it easier to find positions. The finance major qualifies YU students to their specific career goals and interests. In a competitive job market, students with strong academic skills, campus involvement, internships and connections with professional associations will have the right way for a successful career.

Finance discipline is a dynamic career needing marketable skills and knowledge. With the increase in investment in Saudi Arabia, there is a high demand for skilled finance officers in most of the Saudi Arabian regions. The finance degree will enable the graduates to work in finance discipline in a professional way and matching the international standards. The finance program is designed to fulfill the requirements for international professional certificates, such as CFAs, CMEs, and others. As well, the program serves as a stepping stone for students who wish to continue their higher education studies in Finance or related fields.

Also, it is observed that the number of Saudi female business students is growing at a very fast pace. The Finance major is needed to provide the necessary education and skills to the growing demand of the female population as well, given the increased role of women in the national economy.

Course Description

Course Description of the Finance Major Core Courses

FIN 311: Investment (3-0-3)

This course introduces students to the basics of investments. The purpose of the course is to provide the current state of knowledge about theories and practices in the field of investments. Topics include stock markets, investment firms, risk and return calculation, the capital asset pricing model, derivatives market, market efficiency hypothesis, behavioral finance models, active/passive investment, and security valuation models. The emphasis however will be on theories, as opposed to practices.  Prerequisite: FIN 202.

FIN 313: Financial Markets and Institutions (3-0-3)

The course provides a detailed overview of various financial markets by focusing on different financial instruments and market participants trading them. This course covers topics such as central banking and financial regulation, behavioral finance, market inefficiencies, and the history of financial markets and provides a conceptual framework for analyzing the optimal management of financial institutions as well as the impact of the economic, political, legal, and technological environment.  Prerequisite: FIN 202.

FIN 320: Corporate Finance (3-0-3)

This course provides students with all major theories, issues, and tools to understand corporation financial management at an advanced- intermediate level. The course equips business managers with the capability of evaluating the financial impact of a business decision, under conditions of risk, before the fact and develops a theoretical framework for understanding and analyzing major financial problems of the modern company in the market environment. Prerequisite: FIN 311.

FIN 330: Financial Modeling (3-0-3) 

The objective of this course is to develop the financial modeling skills used in the application of financial theory to practical problems in investment analysis, portfolio management, and valuation. This course utilizes Excel as a tool for financial modeling using Macros, where students will have the opportunity to use spreadsheets and other advanced software, such as R and Python for financial analysis, risk analysis, valuations, investment management, credit analysis, scenario analysis, budgeting, sales forecast, financial projections, project evaluation, and other financial tasks. Prerequisite: FIN 320.

FIN 411: Derivative Securities (3-0-3)

This course presents and analyzes financial derivatives, which include futures, forward, swap, and options contracts. These instruments have become extremely popular investment tools over the past 30 years, as they allow one to tailor the level of risk firms can take. The course also distinguishes between different sources of risks arising from interest rates, exchange rates, stock prices, commodity prices, and inflation. Prerequisite: FIN 311.

FIN 418: International Finance (3-0-3)

This course examines asset and liability management in a multinational setting. The primary topics to be covered in this course include evaluating and managing foreign exchange risk and evaluating FX risk. The course also focuses on technical hedging and/or speculating strategies Straddle, Strangle, and Bull spreads to hedge and/or speculate foreign exchange rates through derivatives futures, forwards, and options.  Prerequisite: FIN 411.

FIN 498: COOP Training Internship (6-0-6) 

The coop is an internship training that is required for all business students, and it is an integral part of their BSBA degree requirements. It is intended to bridge the gap between theory and practice and provide business students with a hands-on experience in their field of study. In the coop training, business students will have the opportunity to apply theories, models, and knowledge that they have learned throughout their undergraduate program to real-world environments. This will sharpen their skills and enhance their chances to land permanent quality employment. Prerequisite: 120 Credit Hours.

Course Description of the Finance Major Elective Courses

FIN 324: Real Estate Finance (3-0-3)     

This course provides students with techniques for real estate valuation, market analysis, legal and business environment analysis, and highest and best-use analysis. This course is a study of the major aspects of real estate finance and investment from the perspective of corporate, private, and public owners, investors; and users. Mainly, students will be exposed to three valuation approaches market comparison, income, and cost, the role of valuation in real estate investment, and government regulation of appraisers.  Prerequisite: FIN 311.

FIN 325: Islamic Finance (3-0-3) 

The course covers the development of Islamic finance, present the Islamic financial system, and explains individual Islamic financial instruments and financing models. A special focus is placed on Islamic banking, its emergence, and its development. This course will cover the core principles and basic models of Islamic finance and establish a framework for understanding this financial system and the challenges faced in the transformation of the finance industry as well as the economy from so-called interest-based modes to interest-free transactions. Prerequisite: FIN 202.

FIN 335: Fintech (3-0-3) 

Fintech is the innovation of finance and technology. Technology can facilitate financial institutions’ operations to be more efficient and dynamic. This course sheds light on the history of Fintech and the intersection of finance with technology. It covers the financial technology industry and discusses the utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning in trading models, brokerage services, crowdfunding, and payment systems, such as Apply Pay and STC Pay. It covers recent innovations in Fintech, such as Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Prerequisite: MIS 201 and FIN 320.

FIN 412: Fixed Income Securities (3-0-3) 

This course aims to supply students with an understanding of fixed-income securities. The course focuses on the modern valuation techniques for a variety of fixed-income securities based on an observed term structure of interest rates. Recognized topics include bond pricing, the Treasury Market, bond portfolio and risk management based on duration and convexity, yield-curve trading strategies, term structure estimation, and credit risk modeling. Prerequisite: FIN 311.

FIN 414: Portfolio Management (3-0-3)

This course will help students to gain in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of portfolio management. This subject will involve the preparation of financial models for the analysis of financial statements, firm valuation, equity valuation, and behavioral finance. Major topics will include asset pricing models, equity and bond portfolio management, performance evaluation, and new developments in professional asset management. Prerequisite: FIN 311.

FIN 420: Risk Management (3-0-3) 

This course covers concepts, theories, and practical applications associated with different types of financial risk. The course will cover measurement techniques for different types of financial risks (equity, fixed income, currency, and commodity) and instruments. It will cover tools such as duration, portfolio beta, factor sensitivities, portfolio distribution analysis, and value at risk (VAR). It will also discuss how risk measurement tools can be used for active management of the risk/return profile of financial institutions. Prerequisite: FIN 311.