Program Information

The Marketing program aims to develop energetic marketing professionals with passion for quality market research, business development, and growth of organizations. Students choosing to major in marketing have the opportunity to custom-design (choice of selecting minors from other majors) their programs. Non-marketing students, interested in marketing, may select marketing courses that complement their major as minor or as elective courses.

The Department of Marketing’s program provides a basic foundation in marketing skills, theory, and best practices, domestic and international. It prepares students the opportunity to become a marketing professional, and continuing on to graduate study. Marketing is a field that offers ambitious students rewarding career opportunities. In fact, about a third of all employees work in marketing-related activities.

Marketing is an essential part of every business and our everyday lives. If we participate in a job interview, post a review on social media or sell something online, we rely on our marketing skills. Students pursuing marketing careers learn to create and measure marketing messages to understand how products and services are developed, priced, promoted, distributed and sold.

The Saudi population is also increasing rapidly, with increased demand on higher education, and this can be found from the Boston Group Matrix of industry growth. In addition, KSA is witnessing population growth, characterized by the predominance of younger age groups, as well as an increasing number of females seeking higher university education.

Teaching and curriculum emphasize problem-solving: determining the actions necessary to satisfy customer needs through rigorous planning, implementation and control of activities in a competitive market place. The curriculum addresses many areas including customer service, traditional marketing techniques as well as new social media.