Program Information

The Marketing program aims to develop energetic marketing professionals with passion for quality market research, business development, and growth of organizations. Students choosing to major in marketing have the opportunity to custom-design (choice of selecting minors from other majors) their programs. Non-marketing students, interested in marketing, may select marketing courses that complement their major as minor or as elective courses.

The Department of Marketing’s program provides a basic foundation in marketing skills, theory, and best practices, domestic and international. It prepares students the opportunity to become a marketing professional, and continuing on to graduate study. Marketing is a field that offers ambitious students rewarding career opportunities. In fact, about a third of all employees work in marketing-related activities.

Marketing is an essential part of every business and our everyday lives. If we participate in a job interview, post a review on social media or sell something online, we rely on our marketing skills. Students pursuing marketing careers learn to create and measure marketing messages to understand how products and services are developed, priced, promoted, distributed and sold.

The Saudi population is also increasing rapidly, with increased demand on higher education, and this can be found from the Boston Group Matrix of industry growth. In addition, KSA is witnessing population growth, characterized by the predominance of younger age groups, as well as an increasing number of females seeking higher university education.

Teaching and curriculum emphasize problem-solving: determining the actions necessary to satisfy customer needs through rigorous planning, implementation and control of activities in a competitive market place. The curriculum addresses many areas including customer service, traditional marketing techniques as well as new social media.

Course Description

Course Description of the Marketing Major Core Courses

MKT 311: Consumer Behavior (3-0-3)

The emphasis of this course is on understanding and predicting consumer behavior by integrating theories from psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics. The course focuses on studying consumers and their behavioral patterns in the consumption and purchase of products/services. It examines behavioral and cognitive applications to measure and interpret consumers’ formation of attitudes and beliefs. It provides an in-depth understanding of the consumption culture in modern and postmodern life to provide the right product to consumers. Prerequisite: MKT 201.

MKT 318: International Marketing (3-0-3)      

International marketing is a rapidly growing area within the disciplines of marketing and international business. This course is designed to gain insights into the pressures created by the international economic, legal, and business cultural environmental influences on marketing planning. It will enable students to learn the analytical skills required to develop international marketing plans and develop the marketing mix elements in the international environment. The course combines extensive coverage of the relevant theories with a practical approach to the issues and broadens the way students view international markets and marketing strategically. Prerequisite: MKT 201.

MKT 324: Services Marketing (3-0-3)      

Services marketing is often viewed in terms of outcomes, but services marketing is also an ongoing analytic process. The purpose of this course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the role of services in marketing strategy. Students will be able to examine the important issues facing service providers and the successful implementation of a customer focus in service-based businesses. It is designed to connect business students to the service industry through understanding the customer in services marketing; standardizing and aligning the delivery of services; understanding the people who deliver and perform services. Prerequisite: MKT 311.

MKT 326: Digital Marketing (3-0-3) 

Digital Marketing is the process of reaching your target audiences in a more effective and precise way through various digital channels, to attract, engage and convert them to customers. This course examines the demographics of the Internet and the various business models employed in online marketing. The emphasis of this course is on digital marketing concepts, strategies, and implementation. It will enable students to plan a website interface, online marketing, and use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay per Click (PPC) by integrating digital marketing with traditional marketing. Prerequisite: MKT 311.

MKT 411: Marketing Strategies (3-0-3)                                                      

Marketing professionals need to align all the marketing tools and combine the best marketing efforts to implement the strategy in the target market. The course aims at understanding the entire marketing mix considering the strategy of the firm. This course emphasizes problem and opportunity recognition, decision-making, segmentation, targeting, positioning, branding, competitive dynamics, and administering marketing programs. It provides students with a sound theoretical framework for marketing strategy and strategic marketing decision-making to deliver superior customer value. Prerequisite: MKT 324.

MKT 420: Marketing Research (3-0-3)

Marketing Research provides the necessary skills and techniques applicable to problem-solving. This course addresses the use of marketing research as an aid to making marketing decisions; precisely, how the information used to make marketing decisions is gathered and analyzed. This course covers research problem definition, research design, sampling methods, fieldwork, and basic data analysis. Finally, it introduces students to the activities, decisions, and strategies used by marketers in the real world. Prerequisite: MKT 411 and MGT 304.

MKT 498: COOP Training Internship (6-0-6) 

The coop is an internship training that is required for all business students, and it is an integral part of their BSBA degree requirements. It is intended to bridge the gap between theory and practice and provide business students with a hands-on experience in their field of study. In the coop training, business students will have the opportunity to apply theories, models, and knowledge that they have learned throughout their undergraduate program to real-world environments. This will sharpen their skills and enhance their chances to land permanent quality employment. Prerequisite: 120 Credit Hours.

Course Description of the Marketing Major Elective Courses

MKT 315: Branding Strategy (3-0-3) 

Marketing students need to develop a strategy that enhances brand acceptability. This course will reveal the principles of brand strategy and teach effective techniques on how to implement them effectively and efficiently. As well, it is a course where students will learn about personal and online brands. The course will enable students to understand the entire branding process from how companies choose their brands, measure their effectiveness, and what strategies they should use to keep a brand successful in today’s marketplace.  Prerequisite: MKT 201.

MKT 316: Sales Management (3-0-3) 

Sales management as a concept has taken on a greater significance, especially with the changes that have been taking place in the economy. This course helps students to gain practical knowledge of how sales managers develop and execute plans for creating customer satisfaction by developing the selling function, strategic sales planning, building a sales program, and controlling the sales force. It covers major methods and problems of management of a sales organization, as well as the selling process and the job of the sales manager to examine the process of developing partnerships with customers and coordinating sales with other functional areas. Prerequisite: MKT 201.

MKT 370: Integrated Marketing Communications (3-0-3)

Integrated Marketing Communications is an important part of the marketing mix, as consumers will not buy a product if they are not aware of it. It is therefore vital to communicate your message effectively and efficiently about the product, service, and/or idea to the marketplace. The course will signify a comprehensive approach to creating and implementing advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, and sales promotions activities. It teaches significantly the issues related to event sponsorships, direct marketing, public relations, and business/store image, as well as the relevant social, cultural, and ethical issues that are emphasized. Prerequisite: MKT 324.

MKT 414: Promotion and Advertising (3-0-3)                                                                             

This course focuses on how to investigate various promotional tools used in the communication mix, such as advertising and sales promotion. It will guide students on how to analyze advertisements to determine their messages, appeals, and other characteristics to get a better understanding of marketing communications, advertising, and branding, their value, and different ways companies can use them to promote their offerings to consumers. The course is enriched with real-world examples of advertisements and sales promotion to apply knowledge of the content, as well as to analyze using the strategies outlined in this course.  Prerequisite: MKT 318.

MKT 417: Retail Management (3-0-3) 

Retail management focuses on the distribution and selling of products to consumers using various vending points, such as chain stores, department stores, stand-alone stores, and various online markets. The course will highlight the elements of the retail mix, the strategic planning in retailing, the types of retail institutions, consumer behavior, the selection of retail site locations, pricing, store management, store layout, and design and customer service. The course will help the students to understand effective methods and strategies required for a retail manager to improve decision-making. Prerequisite: MKT 311.