Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,


Program Information

The mission of the proposed program is to prepare students for professional careers in Computer Networks and Security. The program focuses on the practical applications of Computer Networks and Security.  It aims also at conducting research that serves the needs of the local market of KSA and Gulf region. In this program, students will acquire professional skills in the expanding fields of Computer Networks and Security. Language of instruction: English, Duration of study: 4 Years


The mission of the proposed program is to prepare students for professional careers in Computer Networks and Security. The program focuses on the practical applications of Computer Networks and Security.  It aims also at conducting research that serves the needs of the local market of KSA and Gulf region. In this program, students will acquire professional skills in the expanding fields of Computer Networks and Security.


To be renowned nationally and internationally for excellence, innovation, integrity, and distinctiveness in preparing the graduates of Network Engineering and Security to meet high demand by public and private sector organizations from a global perspective.

Program Objectives and Outcomes:

The program of ‘Bachelor of Science in Network Engineering and Security (BNES)’ has defined a set of Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) in line with the missions of our Al Yamamah University and mission of BNES. Actually these objectives are measure of the achievements of BNES graduates, 3 to 5 years after successfully completing the degree program of BNES.

BNES graduates will :

  • have established themselves and working creatively in the field of Network Engineering and Security with demonstrated leadership capabilities.
  • have succeeded in enrolling themselves for further higher/ professional studies related to Network Engineering and Security, for further growth.
  • be contributing towards the development of industry of Network Engineering and Security in KSA, the region and communities globally.
  • be practicing high ethical and technical standards wherever they will be working or studying.


Students Outcomes for BNES

  1. an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

Numbers of enrolled students and graduates in the program of NES.


YEAR 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24
New enrolled students 8 20 35 40 32 89 39
Total enrolled students 32 48 76 100 122 145 177
Graduates 0 0 5 4 8 5

Course Description

Network Engineering & Security
Course Code Course Name PreRequisite CH Course Description
CIS 103 Programming I Co-registered in ORN 04C & ORN 04R  


In this course students will learn the basics of Java language syntax, elementary programming, selection and repetition, methods and arrays. They will gain experience by designing, writing, compiling and executing simple java programs.
ENG 101 English Essay Writing ORN 05R & ORN 05C 3 This course gives knowledge of English Essay Writing to the students. Topics include

Introduction to course and characteristics of academic writing, The Writing Process with a review of grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraph structure, and organization (introduction, body, conclusion), The Process Essay, Writing a Research Essay, Paraphrasing Techniques, The Process Essay, More Practice for Revising and Editing, The Cause and/or Effect Essay, The Cause and/or  Effect Essay, The Descriptive Essay, The Comparison/ Contrast Essay

PHY 101 Introduction To Physical Sciences ORN 04R & ORN 04C 3 This course will introduce students to Physical Sciences, especially to the discipline of Physics and Chemistry. It is an introductory course designed to explore the basic concepts of Physical Science. The course includes an introduction to the fundamental concepts of Physics and Chemistry. Students will be encouraged to explore the relationship between science and everyday life. This course will provide opportunities to study the concepts of matter, energy, speed, velocity, acceleration, Static and Current electricity, metals, nonmetals, efficiency, periodic table and forces and their application through investigations and activities that develop thinking skills and independent thinking. This course will establish a base with which the non-science student can view nature more perceptively.
MTH 104 Calculus I MTH 001 and ORN 03C and ORN 03R 3 This three-credit course provides Students to learn different types of functions and their behavior, differentiation and integration and how to apply for engineering problems.


Topics include: Functions (Logarithmic, Exponential and Trigonometric), Differentiation and Integration and their applications.

ISL 101 Foundations of Islamic Culture ORN 02R & ORN 02C 2 Students are novelist, and this course introduces the students to the foundation of Islamic Principles and culture and helps the student appreciate the way Islam views the human beings, life and the universe.
CIS 104 Programming II CIS 103 and ORN 05C and ORN 05R 4 This course gives a thorough grounding in the basics of Object Oriented design and programming including Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance and Exception Handling. Emphasis will be placed on creating and manipulating objects and classes. They will also learn event-driven programming. Students will learn about these concepts in a Java development environment.
ISY 102 Introduction to IS ORN 04C &


3 An introduction to computer based information systems and to their applications in business, including a discussion of issues involved in the use of information systems by management. The course also provides hands on tutorial experience in the use of computers, with particular emphasis on business applications of microcomputers.
PHY 103 Physics-I PHY 101 4 This course provides students’ knowledge of mechanics. Topics include details of vector’s analysis (two and three dimensions), Newton’s laws using graphs and vectors, linear motion, circular motion, work and energy, energy transfer, linear and angular momentum and their conservation, universal gravitation, periodic and wave motion, dynamics and statics of particles and rigid bodies, harmonic vibrations and fluid mechanics of motion.
STT 103 Probability and Statistics MTH 001 and ORN 03C and ORN 03R 3 This three-credit course provides Students to learn the science of statistics, types of data, graphical methods and numerical methods of describing data, probabilities, normal, binomial, Poisson distributions, sampling distribution and central limit theorem, large and small sample confidence intervals for mean and proportions and determining the sample size.

Topics include: Describing Data, Graphical and numerical Methods, Probability and Large and Small confidence interval.

MTH 105 Discrete Mathematics MTH 001 and ORN 03C and ORN 03R 4 This three-credit course provides Students to study the mathematical topics which are most directly related to computer science. Emphasis will be placed on providing a context for the application of the mathematics within computer science. The students will learn to recognize and express mathematical ideas graphically, numerically, symbolically and in writing.

Topics include: Logic and proofs, Relations, Graph and Trees.

ARB 102 Communication Skills in Arabic ORN 02R & ORN 02C 2 This course teaches students basic communication skills in Arabic Language, including verbal communication and presentation skills.


CIS 201 Fundamentals of Web Design CIS 103 3 This course introduces basic concepts of the Internet and World-Wide Web. Students will learn how to create web pages with HTML, and use JavaScript for dynamic effects. Major topics include the roles and operation of web browsers and servers, including interacting with web applications through forms; and the separation of formatting and logical structure in HTML documents, stylesheets, and the basic principles of effective interface design for the web
CIS 202 Data Structures CIS 104 3 Object-oriented modeling techniques for analysis and design. Provides the tools and techniques needed to solve complex, real-world software engineering problems in an object-oriented manner, using the most effective elements of the Unified Process. The course covers the essential concepts and notation of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), the standard notation for object-oriented analysis and design. Team project.
ENG 201 Technical Report Writing ENG 101 3 This course introduces the students about Technical Report Writing. Topics include Introduction to Technical Writing, Audience Analysis, Procedural Technical Writing, Report Writing, CV & Job Application Letter.
PHY 203 Physics-II PHY 103 4 This course provides students’ knowledge about Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics. Topics include electric and magnetic fields, Coulomb’s and Gauss’ Law, electric fields and potentials, electrical and magnetic properties of matter, Ampere’s and Faraday’s laws, elementary DC and AC circuits, RC,RL and RLC circuits,  Maxwell’s equations, circuit theory and electromagnetic induction, semi-conductors, PN Junction, diode of different types, transistors of different types, working of transistors in different configurations, logic gates using diodes and different types of transistors.
MTH 211 Calculus II MTH 104 3 This three-credit course provides Students to use different kind of Series like Infinite series, power series, and parametric equations for a class of different problems. Functions of several variables and multiple integrals are power tools in this course.

Topics include: Series (Finite and Infinite ones), Partial Differentiation, Multiple Integration and their applications.

SWE  202 Introduction to Software Engineering CIS 104 3 Topics include software project management, software life cycle, software specifications, and software maintenance. In addition, through a group project the students will gain experience that enables them to idea about software engineering in general.
NES 212 Communication and Computer Networks CIS 201 3 This course is an introductory course in networking technology. Students are taught data communications concepts in both Computer Networks and Mobile Communication Systems/Networks. First the layered architecture of a network is discussed, and then fundamental concepts related to Signal are taught. These concepts are then related with bandwidth, data rate, encoding and modulation of the signals. Different error detection and correction schemes along with flow control are discussed. Finally, different communication protocols are discussed in detail.
ISL 201 Foundation of Islamic Economy ORN 02R & ORN 02C 4 This course provides students with economic principles form an Islamic Perspective. It addresses Islamic economic concepts, such as protection of property, ownership, inheritance, consumption, Islamic finance and economic welfare. The course provides an introduction to Islamic Banking Systems.
NES 221 Digital Logic and Design MTH 105 4 This course provides a solid foundation in design and analysis of the operation of digital gates. This course aims to familiarize the student with the basic concepts in digital logic design. Two basic categories are emphasized: combinational and sequential logic circuits. Topics include different types of gates, design and implementation of combinational and sequential logic circuits and information storage circuits. Concepts of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, flip-flops, registers, and counters along with various logic families and comparison of their behavior are presented.
ISY  221 Introduction to Database System CIS 104 3 This course is intended to give students a solid background in database systems. Topics include characteristics and advantages of the database management systems (DBMS), database concepts and architecture; data models, database schemes and instances, DBMS and the concept of program-data independence, database languages and interfaces, database models, relational data model and relational algebra, relational model constraints; domains, keys, and integrity constraints, the structured query language (SQL); data definition, queries, update, statements, and views in SQL, database design; functional dependencies, normal forms.
ARB 202 Writing Skills in Arabic ORN 02R & ORN 02C 2 The course provides students with skills necessary for scientific and technical writing. Students have the opportunity to learn about writing in clear and concise Arabic and to apply specific strategies learned to writing business reports, articles and memos.
CIS 304 Computer Architecture NES 221 3 Computer systems topics, focusing on machine-level programming and architecture and their relevance for application programming. Information representations, assembly language and debuggers, processor architecture, program optimization, memory hierarchy and caching.
MTH 301 Linear Algebra MTH 001 and ORN 03C and ORN 03R 3 This three-credit course provides an introduction to System of equations, Matrices, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, orthogonal bases, Vector spaces, Determinants, and Crammer’s rule and show how these techniques are applied in computer engineering.
MTH 302 Differential Equations MTH 211 4 This four-credit course provides an introduction to Ordinary differential equations involving different types of equations as linear as non-linear as well, separable, homogeneous and exact. Also ODE’s of higher order, Series of Fourier and Laplace transforms and applications to ODE’s.

Topics include: Several ODE’s of higher order, Fourier series and Laplace Transforms. It shows how these mathematical tools are used to derive an understanding of computer engineering problems

NES 341 Computer Networks NES 212 4 Students will learn the design, configuration and maintenance of LAN, and WAN utilizing layer 2 switches, and layer 3 routers.  Ethernet technologies, including high-speed Ethernet, Metro Ethernet and ATM LAN emulation will be included.  Concepts related to Layer 3, including IP address management and router operations and management along with associated Internet protocols, advanced routing technologies, BGP protocols, multi-area routing protocols, security protocols, IP multicasting protocols are covered.  Students will be given an introduction to IPv6. Concepts related to Layer 4 (here the TCP and UDP protocols) will be studied in detail, Concepts related to Layer 5 including DNS and Email will also be taught.
CIS 321 Operating Systems  CIS 304 3 A course on computer systems topics, focusing on operating systems components and their relevance for application programming. Linking, processes, virtual memory, dynamic memory allocation, system level I/O, networking and network programming, concurrent servers and web services.
CIS 386 Project Management ISY 102 3 This course examines the defining characteristics of IT projects and introduces the student to a variety of project management techniques that can be applied in an IT project context.  Managing project team, conduct feasibility study, create work breakdown structure, write project scope, time, cost, and quality are provided in detail in this course.  The course will cover management issues associated with packaged software implementation (e.g., ERP systems), in-house developed systems, and outsourced projects.
NES 322 Signals and Systems MTH 302 3 ‘Signals and Systems,’ aims to prepare students with the instinctive and conventional skills needed for evaluating signals and systems. Students will not only develop an understanding of the principles of Linear Time Invariant (LTI) continuous-time and discrete-time systems and its association with signals, but they will also study the mathematical representations and methods for analyzing signals and systems. The course combines lectures and Matlab simulation exercises to expose students to the theories and concepts of both continuous-time and discrete-time forms of signals and systems.
NES 342 Wireless and Mobile Computing NES 341 3 Students will gain an understanding of the capabilities and limitations of wireless technologies to enable new business applications.  Students will learn about communications in cellular systems, satellite systems, wireless local area network and wide area network transmission technologies.  Evolving 3rd and 4th generation wireless data network standards, such as WCDMA, HSDPA, CDMA2000 and LTE, will be discussed, as well as Wi-Fi, WiMax, Bluetooth, RFID, Ultra-Wideband and Wireless Sensor Networks.
CIS 351 Client-Server Programming CIS 104 3 This is a programming course focusing on advanced Internet technologies such as tiered design of Internet applications, transactions, creating components, and Web services.
CIS 381 Computer Ethics ISY 221 3 This course will examine the ethical issues that arise as a result of increasing use of computers, and the responsibilities of those who work with computers, either as computer science professionals or end users. The course will stress the ways in which computers challenge traditional ethical and philosophical concepts, and raise old issues in a new way. Students will be expected to: read and understand the ideas in the readings; explain the ideas; analyze issues and see them from diverse perspectives; and formulate and critique arguments. The readings will include technical issues in computer science and may focus on a particular area such as software design as well as more traditional topics such as philosophical theories (e.g. ethical relativism, utilitarianism, deontological theories, rights, and virtue ethics), privacy, intellectual property rights and proprietary software, security, accountability, liability, the digital divide, hacking, and viruses.
CIS 491 Graduation Project -I 90 CH, NES 322, NES 341 3 The project is constituted of two parts, Graduation Project-I and Graduation Project -II. Capstone-I is in the first semester of fourth year and Capstone-II is offered in second semester of fourth semester. During Capstone-I, students are supposed to submit their project/ research proposal and then during Capstone-II students complete their projects
NES 423 Digital Communication Systems NES 322 3 This course provides students treatment of the basic signaling concepts involved in the communication of digital information. Topics include transmission requirements and distortion of digital signals; discrete amplitude, frequency, and phase modulation; Pulse Code Modulation; error control coding, Sampling theorem and aliasing error; random process and white noise; source encoders and decoders; matched filter; timing considerations; baseband systems; ASK, FSK, PSK; error analysis; design considerations; Information Theory.
NES 481 Security Policies and Procedures NES 341 3 This course enables the students to identify different types of security risks in any organization. Then students learn to design and implement security policies and procedures to support organizational goals. Students also learn how to survey/ audit an organization from physical/IT/network security point of view in the light of different standards set by International Standardizing bodies.
NES 443 Enterprise Networking NES 341 3 Students will learn the design of different enterprise networks. They will also learn functionalities of important network components including different types of routers, core switches, edge switches, aggregation switches, distribution switches, multi-layer switches, and firewall are taught to the students. They will also be learning selection and management of wide-area data services, such as frame relay, ISDN or IP VPNs.  In particular, IP addressing and sub-netting plans will be addressed in detail. Network management processes that provide service availability in the presence of network errors and outages are also included.  A final case study project will allow students to integrate all areas of networking knowledge into a detailed corporate network business plan.
CIS 492 Graduation Project -II CIS 491, CIS 351, NES 481 3 The project is constituted of two parts, Graduation Project-I and Graduation Project -II is in the first semester of fourth year and Capstone-II is offered in second semester of fourth semester. During Capstone-I, students are supposed to submit their project/ research proposal and then during Capstone-II students complete their projects.
NES 482 Network Security NES 341 4 This course provides an extensive overview of network security and information assurance topics.   Students will learn security fundamentals concerning privacy, secrecy, integrity, authentication, access control and risk management.  Students will then apply these principles to the design and operations of networks, including typical threats and responses, firewalls and network address translation (NAT), host hardening, password management, virtual private network (VPNs), vulnerability assessment; and common attack/defense methods.
NES 483 Forensics and Incident Response NES 481 3 Introduction to the topics of computer forensics, computer crimes, response to security incidents, Cybercrime investigation and prosecution. Students will learn how an organization can set up a security response team, prepare for Security incidents and manage these incidents