Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,


Program Information

The Industrial Engineering (IE) is a discipline specializing in design, operation, and analysis of integrated production systems (manufacturing and service systems) that consist of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. This discipline is a multi-engineering discipline where engineering and technology sciences, social and operation management sciences, and industrial engineering sciences and tools interconnected to provide an engineering profession capable to solve complicated system assuring the system high performance, productivity, flexibility, and producing products or services with improved  quality at cost control.

The specialization of industrial engineering is characterized by skills and knowledge that are aligned with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 and the strategic directions of the governmental and private sectors that seek to develop and operate industrial and service systems. Therefore, industrial engineering offer founded engineering discipline that implement the vision projects and initiatives in all industrial and service sectors and play a strong role in planning, design, and operating those systems.

The program offers High quality, up-to-date and internationally recognized program. It is prepared to contain different disciplines courses related to industrial engineering. It is based on scientific and technological foundations, integrated knowledge, and skills of the applied sciences, engineering sciences, and industrial engineering sciences. The program is built on solid mathematics, basic sciences and engineering sciences core, in addition to industrial engineering courses in production and manufacturing, ergonomics, human factors and safety, operation management, operations research, engineering economics, quality engineering, reliability, facilities planning and materials handling. It includes electives in operation systems, Manufacturing Systems, and human factor systems. The program includes senior design courses in which students apply principles and knowledge acquired through the curriculum to an actual industrial problem. In addition, the program is supported with strong field experience training though co-op program.

The graduate will be equipped with a broad technical background and the necessary analytical and experimental skills to identify, formulate, and solve complex problems applied in various systems such as production and Manufacturing Systems, operation systems, and human systems and many other systems. In addition, it gives the student the flexibility to pursue careers in variety of manufacturing and service organizations and work in related job functions in consulting, industry (manufacturing and services), government and academia.

The IE program at Al Yamamah University has four years of study after a first preparation year.  To obtain the B.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering, the student must successfully complete 133 credit hours. The IE requirements include 14 credit hours in General Education, 30 credit hours in Mathematics and Basic Sciences, 13 credit hours in Engineering Sciences, 64 credit hours in Industrial Engineering core courses, 6 credit hours in Industrial Engineering elective courses, and 6 credit hours through Co-op Training.

Industrial Engineering department Vision

To achieve the highest standards of education in industrial engineering by graduating well-qualified and competent industrial engineers, who contribute to the well-being of society by providing innovative systems, products, and services.

Industrial Engineering department Mission

To provide a high quality industrial engineering education with a set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that will permit its graduates to succeed and thrive as industrial engineers and leaders, and prepare them to pursue life-long learning, meet intellectual and career challenges, and serve the profession.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
Within 3-5 years after graduation, BSIE graduates are expected to:

  • PEO 1: “Apply the technical expertise of industrial engineering and dynamic technological trends to devise sustainable and innovative solutions to solve future complex industrial problems”
  • PEO 2: “Advance leadership roles with high ethical standards in their profession, organizations, and communities”
  • PEO 3:“Continue professional development throughout their career and adapt to ever-changing environments”


Student Outcomes (SOs)

  • SO 1: “An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics”
  • SO 2: “An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors”
  • SO 3: “An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences”
  • SO 4: “An ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts”
  • SO 5: “An ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives”
  • SO 6: “An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions”
  • SO 7: “An ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies”


Numbers of enrolled students and graduates in the program of “Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering”


YEAR 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
New enrolled students 0 19 48 42 55 53
Total enrolled students 11 37 82 122 175 190
Graduates 0 0 0 0 14

Course Description

Course Description

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE)

==== Dec 2023 ====

Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Pre-Requisites Course Description
Mathematics and Science Courses
MTH 104 Calculus I Please visit the website of Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

MTH 106 Discrete mathematics
MTH 204 Calculus II
MTH 301 Linear Algebra
MTH 304 Differential Equations
STT 103 Probability and Statistics
PHY 103 Physics – I (Mechanics)
PHY 203 Physics – II (EM+Electronics)
CHM 101 General Chemistry
General Education Courses
ARB 102 Communication Skills in Arabic Please visit the website of Humanities Department


ARB 202 Writing Skills in Arabic
ISL 101 Foundation of Islamic Culture
ISL 201 Foundation of Islamic Economy
ENG 101 English Essay Writing
XXX Humanities/Social Science Elective
Engineering Sciences Courses
ENR 203 Statics and Strength of Materials Please visit the website of Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


CIS 103 Programming Fundamentals-1 Please visit the website of Software Engineering


ENR 201 Engineering Drawing and CAD 3 ENG 101 Engineering drawing types; Drawing equipment; Layout of drawings, Tangencies, Isometric drawing; Orthographic, oblique and pictorial projection, computer graphics; Basic mathematical functions for graphics, Basic of engineering drafting using computer software (such as AutoCad, CATIA). CAD system examples, Generating basic sketch, layout, dimensioning, tolerance, sectioning and generating different views using computer aided drafting software,; Geometric Modeling, and Assembly of components and generating bill of material, Detailed drawings including sections and assemblies
MEG 211 Fundamentals of Materials Engineering 3 PHY 103, CHM 101 Engineering materials properties testing and processing parameters; Material compositions and structures; physical and mechanical of materials; Ferrous materials; Heat treatment; Non-Ferrous alloys; Ceramics, Polymers, Composites; introduction to Nano materials; Material selection.
Industrial Engineering Core Courses
IEG 201 Introduction to Engineering Design 2 ENR 201 Engineering profession, jobs, and disciplines; Elements of engineering analysis; Introduction to Engineering Design and team formation; Engineering problem definition; Sustainability in Engineering Design (Economic, Environmental and Social factors); Engineering system Architecture and physical function decomposition; human factor, environment, and safety issues in design; Generation of alternative concepts; Evaluation of alternatives and selection of a concept, Design defense, performance evaluation, and reporting; Intellectual Property – Legal Factors. Engineering ethics.
IEG 202 Social and Ethical Aspects in Engineering 2 IEG 201 Introduction to engineering ethics and society; Moral Reasoning and Code of Ethics: Ethical dilemmas and making moral choices, Importance, limitations, abuse and justification of codes; Workplace responsibilities and Rights: Team work, Confidentiality, and conflict of interest, Honesty: Truthfulness and truth worthiness, Expert witness and advisors, Research integrity; Impact of ethics-based engineering solution on: safety (Safety and risk, Risk assessment, Reducing risk), Economics, Environment:  (Ethics impact on environment), Global (Technology Transfer, Computer ethics and internet), Social context (Socially conscious engineering, Social impact of ethics, ethical frameworks), Public health and welfare (The code of ethics and the law of the public health, safety, and welfare)
IEG 301 Design of Experiments 3 STT 103 Introduction to Design of Experiments and its applications in industry; Hypothesis testing; Analysis of variance; Residual analysis; Block design; Randomized complete and incomplete designs; Two and multi factor factorial design; Introduction to response surface methodology.
IEG 302 Engineering Reliability 2 IEG 301, MTH 204 Introduction to the concept of reliability; Failure distributions; Reliability characteristics; Estimation of system reliability both for the independent and dependent cases. Maintenance workload analysis and calculations
IEG 303 Quality Control 3 IEG 201, IEG 301 An understanding of the basic concepts of quality; An appreciation of the functions served by a quality management system; the ability to design quality into products so as to satisfy both internal and external customer; The study of frequency distributions and probability models in quality control; Preparation and use various control charts; Construction of different sampling plans for different applications (manufacturing, health, and safety considering economic factors); Quality improvement Methods and analysis of quality costs; Application of computer in the above areas. Leadership and its role in Total Quality Management
IEG 304 Engineering Economy and Costing 3 MTH 304, IEG 202 Cost concepts; Time value of money operations; Measuring the worth of investments; Comparison and evaluation of alternatives considering economic and public welfare; Economic analysis of public projects; Inflation, Breakeven analysis; Product costing and pricing. Role of Engineering ethics in decision making (economical and environmental perspective)
IEG 311 Production and Inventory Systems 3 STT 103 Introduction to operations management and productivity; Forecasting methods and analysis: NaĂŻve approach, Moving and Weighted Moving Averages, Exponential Smoothing, Regression method; Capacity planning: Design Capacity, Effective Capacity, Utilization, Bottleneck Analysis: Break-even point; Inventory management: ABC analysis, EOQ, POQ; Material requirement planning: BOM, lot-size using LFL, EOQ and POQ.
IEG 312 Operation Management 3 IEG 311 Introduction in operations management; Aggregate planning (concept, capacity options, demand options); Developing economical aggregate planning methods (Graphical method; Mathematical method); short term scheduling (assignment method, sequencing rules); assembly line balancing; Project planning, Just in Time (JIT) and lean operations; Supply chain management; Decision making (methods, tools, environments).
IEG 321 Operation Research-1 3 MTH 301, CIS 103 Introduction to mathematical programming and optimization; Characteristics of linear programs; Modeling of various industrial programs as linear programs; Graphical solutions; Introduction to the theory of simplex methods; Big M method, Unbounded and infeasible solutions; Sensitivity analysis and introduction to the duality theory; Transportation and assignment problems and solution techniques to minimize the cost; Shortest path, Minimum spanning tree, and maximum flow problems; Goal Programming. Building a collaborative environment and Examples of Teamwork environments
IEG 322 Operation Research-2 3 IEG 321 Deterministic dynamic programming; Forward and backward procedures; Application of Dynamic programming – Backward approach in Inventory problem and selection the best production plan among different alternate by considering an economic factor; Integer programming; Branch and Bound methods; Nonlinear programming; Single and multi-variable unconstrained optimization; KKT conditions and quadratic programming; Markov chains; Queuing Theory
IEG 323 Systems Simulation 3 IEG 321 This course provides an introduction for the fundamental simulation concepts: an introduction to the concept of simulation including modeling and simulation languages; Appropriate inputs to a simulation model; and random number generation; Analysis of the output from a simulation model; Validation of the simulation model, Application of simulation in industrial system and selection the best utilizes machines and workers among different alternate with considering an economic factor
IEG 332 Work Design and Analysis 3 IE 341 Introduction to work analysis and design; Methods engineering and prioritizing economic methods; Study of the basic work measurement techniques; Applications and limitations of the stop-watch time study; pre-determined motion time systems; Reengineering management.
IEG 341 Manufacturing Processes-1 3 MEG 211 Introduction Engineering materials processing considerations, product quality and production costs; Definition of stress, strain and mechanical properties of materials applied to metal forming processes; sheet metal forming, processes ( deep drawing, stretch shearing and bending) ; bulk forming processes ( forging, rolling , extrusion and wire drawing); basic casting techniques, Pattern Designing with shrinkage and machining allowances; Calculations on solidification time;  Welding processes.
IEG 342 Manufacturing Processes-2 3 IEG 341 Part specification and geometrical Tolerance; Traditional machining processes (turning, milling, drilling, grinding,
.); Process-capability analysis and Decision; optimization of cutting variables for machining operations; Principles of NC (Numerical Control), and CNC (Computer NC); Assembly design; Non-traditional machining; introduction to rapid prototyping and 3 printing machines; introduction to process planning.
IEG 345 Industrial Control Systems and Automation 3  CIS 103, PHY 203 The course familiarizes students with basic concepts and technologies of process control and automation systems. It covers Process control fundamentals; Control theory principles; Modeling analogy; Sensors and actuators; Digital control using programmable logic controller (PLC); and Industrial automation,  Control system application in (healthcare and Manufacturing system)
IEG 351 Manufacturing Systems 3 IEG 302, IEG 342 The aim of the course is to provide the students with the knowledge and tools used for factory models; Process time variability; Multi stage single product factory models; Multiple product factory models; Models of various forms of batching; Buffers in Manufacturing systems, Serial limited Buffer models; Impact of buffers on system economics; Simulations techniques in manufacturing.
IEG 400 Product Development and Innovation 3 IEG 201, IEG 303 Introduction to manage innovation; product development stages; local product VS a global product,  Customer needs; Product specification; Quality function deployment; Product structure and components; Function Analysis; Value engineering principles; principle of reverse engineering; Idea generation; Design for manufacturing and assembly (DFMA); Design for Environment, Product Development Economics, Health and Safety in product design, Implementing prototype metrologies, Setting objectives and establishing goals of innovation
IEG 411 Project Management  3 IEG 312, IEG 304 The course covers the project management process from the beginning to the end, focusing on practical skills that make students able to immediately complete projects on time and on budget, while achieving their targets. It discusses Project Participants and organizational; Project Life Cycle; Projects Planning Processes and Bar Chart; Network Model; Scheduling using activity-on-node and Time Scaled.; Resource Allocation and Optimization; Project Time-Cost Trade-Off; Project Time and Cost Control; Analysis of Scheduling Delay; Leadership in Project Management, Ethics and Risks in Project Management: global and environmental impacts.
IEG 431 Ergonomics 3 IEG 332 Introduction to human factors; Human-Machine Systems; Information theory; Human Capabilities; Environmental, Health, and thermal factors. Social and Legal aspects; Workplace Design, Physical Work and Manual Materials Handling and Speech Communications; Industrial hazard avoidance concepts and techniques; Plant safety applications; Analytical trees and fault tree analysis; Risk assessment; Emergency planning.
IEG 430 Safety Engineering 3 IEG 431 Introduction to regulations and standards; Management and its safety responsibilities; Safety system design; Training Methods, Management and its Responsibilities for Safety, Statistical methods, Network Analysis, Hazard Analysis, Risk Analysis, and Decision Theory.
IEG 450 Industrial Facility Design and Material Handling 3 IEG 332, IEG 321 Facility design stages of Industrial Factory Product, process and material handling analysis; Area allocation and space analysis with considering an economic factor, facility layout for social and cultural needs; Flow analysis; Plant layout and plan; Concepts and methodologies for the analysis and design of material handling systems. Automated material handling systems. Concept of storage analysis. Location problem analysis with considering an economic factor;. Computerized facility layout and allocations.
IEG 490 Graduation Design Project-1 2 §  Complete 85 credit hours.

§  All Mathematics, Basic Sciences, and IE courses in level 1-5

§  IEG 431

§  IEG 450

Students work in teams on an independent engineering project under the supervision of a project advisor. The design process is emphasized, encompassing project definition, design constraints, feasibility analysis, alternative designs, evaluation of alternative designs, and design computations. For each project, the scope of work is clearly defined. The scope of work may also include prototyping, fabrication, and testing. The incorporation of appropriate and relevant engineering standards and ethics are the mandatory parts of the design project. Progress reports, a final written report, and oral presentations are submitted and presented to the student’s project advisor and examiners.
IEG 491 Graduation Design Project-2 2 IEG 490 Students work in teams as on an independent engineering project under the supervision of a project advisor. The design process is emphasized, encompassing project definition, design constraints, feasibility analysis, alternative designs, evaluation of alternative designs, and design computations. For each project, the scope of work is clearly defined. The scope of work may also include prototyping, fabrication, and testing. The incorporation of appropriate and relevant engineering standards and ethics are the mandatory parts of the design project. Progress reports, a final written report, and oral presentations are submitted and presented to the student’s project advisor and examiners.
IEG 497 CO-OP Practical Training 6 Pass 90 credit hours The CO-OP is a 6-credit-hour course. A CO-OP student is required to spend 24-26 continuous weeks of practical work in a relevant field of industry. The CO-OP duration spans one regular semester and one summer. The student is required to register for the CO-OP course in both semesters. A student should not take the CO-OP until he/she completes at least 124 credit hours. During performing the CO-OP program, each student is supervised by internal advisor from the department and external mentor from the company/organization who assess the student continually. The student is required to submit monthly progress report and after finishing the CO-OP period, the student submits a final report and gives a presentation about their experience and knowledge gained during their work.
CSK001 Career Skills
Industrial Engineering Elective Courses
IEG 403 Six Sigma and Lean Operations 3 IEG 301, IEG 303 This course focuses on waste identification and removal.  Lean six sigma seeks to establish flow and pull production systems and most importantly end to end value systems that deliver only value to the customer. It uses techniques that are intended to eliminate waste in all forms (e.g. defects, over production, transportation, waiting, inventory, motion and over processing) Thus, it creates efficiency, productivity, reduced costs and increased quality.
IEG 413 Supply Chain 3 IEG 312 Methods and models of supply chain, supply chain design, multi-location inventory-distribution models, bullwhip effect, delayed differentiation, and e-commerce and supply chain. Supply chain design: customer service, quality, logistics, inventory, business processes, system dynamics, control, design, and re-engineering. Supply chain operations: issues, opportunities, tools, approaches, inter-corporate relationships, incentives and risk factors. The key insights provided by such system-wide models will be illustrated through the use of software packages, real cases discussion and presentations and term projects. In addition, the course will highlight the role of information technology in supporting supply chain operations.
IEG 414 Production System Operations 3 IEG 312 Business plans to production operation systems, strategies to reach targets, production operations system’s contribution to competitiveness, balancing production operations system and strategies; Production System Operations performance, world-class successful production operations systems, productivity and efficiency what should be measured? overall equipment effectiveness;  Advance Production System Operations dynamic, bottleneck rates, internal benchmarking, labor constrained production operation system; Just in time revolution and lean manufacturing, implementing just in time, pull production operation system, kanban, comparison of conwip with kanban and material requirement planning, production scheduling in pull environment; Advance aggregate and work force planning, product mix planning, combined modeling insides;  Modern views of capacity management, forcing cycle time compliance, factory physics approach, capacity allocation and production line balancing; Production systems operation development in the future, key areas and success factors, future production from an international perspective.
IEG 433 Ergonomic Design 3 IEG 431, IEG 332 This course covers mainly theories/methods that influence the assessment of physical, social, and psychological human factors. Development of user needs with application to designed products that interact with human body. In addition, application of design to meet human needs. Design of fabricated products, tools/machines, software/hardware interfaces, art/culture, living environments, and complex sociotechnical systems.
IEG 446 Direct Digital Manufacturing 3 IEG 342 The course familiarizes students with basic concepts and technologies of 3D technologies in both design and manufacturing. It includes scanning methods, additive manufacturing technologies, software issues for digital manufacturing, Guidelines for Process Selection, Design for Digital Manufacturing, Applications of Digital Manufacture
IEG 447 Computer Integrated Manufacturing 3 IEG 345 Introduction and Manufacturing Systems; Industrial Robots; Material handling systems; Automated storage and retrieval system; Automated identification and data capture; Industrial Networks and Communication Systems; Industrial Information Systems; Computer Aided Process Planning; Inspection principles and technologies.
MIS 327 Data Management 3 CIS 103, IEG 342 Please visit the website of Management Information Systems