Students Events

Events Calendar 2021/2022

Date Activity type Title of Activty
4/2/2021 Admissions Registration YU welcomes students in the second semester
4/2/2021 YU UBT visit
7/2/2021 COBA Saudi excellence in managing the process of communication of corona virus
10/2/2021 COBA (guest speaker) Financial statement analysis (Mr.khalid alzaidi)
12/2/2021 COBA (guest speaker) Saudi arabiba is opening the world (Dr. abdullatif alafaliq)
15/02/21 COBA (guest speaker) Opprtunities & challenges for entrepreneurs (Mr. Abdullaziz aljalla)
16/02/21 COBA (guest speaker) Market Ready (Mr.khalid aloraji)
18/02/21 COBA Winning Bloomberg Misk 2020-2021 University Economic Research Challenge
18/02/21 COEA Downtown Riyadh & Almurabbaa district (visit)
21/02/21 COEA (guest speaker) The concept of sustainability in arch and employment
24/02/21 COBA (guest speaker) Future career: opportunities & challenges (Mr. abdulrahan moulay)
25/02/21 COBA (guest speaker) Expected Trends in Emerging Markets in 2021(Dr.abdullah alshuwer)
28/02/21 COEA (guest speaker) Industrial Eng in supply chain Business Mnagement(mr.khalid alghamdi)
3/3/2021 COBA (guest speaker) Market Research in KSA (Mr. waleed alsuliman)
7/3/2021 COBA (guest speaker) Striking balance between career & business (Mr. saad altuwaijri)
9/3/2021 COL (guest speaker) Failure to fulfill mortgage & rental finance contracts (Mr. saleh alattram)
10/3/2021 COBA (guest speaker) Understanding the Saudi insurance Industry (Mr. mohmoud dahduli)
15/03/21 COBA (guest speaker) Communication & its pivotal roles in business (Ms. Durra alqattan)
15/03/21 COL Qualifying a student with (contest in Arabic poetry)
15/03/21 COBA (guest speaker) What make Leaders (H.E Mr. abdullaziz furaih)
16/03/21 COL (guest speaker) Legal success secrets (Mr. ahmed alabdan)
24/03/21-31/03/21 YU Virtual Career Week 2021
31/03/21 COBA (guest speaker) Driving your career journey (Mr. abdullaziz aloudan)
1/4/2021 COEA (guest speaker) Perspective drawing (Mr. faisal alali & Mr. jamil obregon)
5/4/2021 COBA Winning Marketing Pioneer Award 2020
21/04/21 COBA The success of female students in obtaining the Oracle academy certification in the basics of Java
22/04/21 COEA YU congrats the student Ranya aljamal on being accepted to join Qimam fellowship 2021
24/04/21 COEA Visit to alfanar company
2/6/2021 COEA (guest speaker) Workshop Redhat properties
3/6/2021 YU Graduation/cars
10/6/2021 COL YU Participates in the Saudi Law Conference
24/08/21 Career Center The Next Chapter
30/08/21 YU New YU Students’ Reception Function
2/9/2021 TLDC Welcomes new faculty members
14/09/21 DARSA Clubs induction day
19/09/21 DARSA Academic advising day
20/09/21 DARSA Election for the presidency (student advisory board)
25/09/21 DARSA National Day
29/09/21 COBA (guest speaker) Insurance Industry (DR. ammr kurdi)
30/09/21 TLDC Dealing with students difficulties (Ms. Kathryn hardy)
30/09/21 DARSA Translation Day
1/10/2021 DARSA YU students participating in Sports Federation Championships
3/10/2021 DARSA Winning 3rd place in taekwondo competition
7/10/2021 COL (guest speaker) Drafting the objection list (Dr. ahmed alsaqeeh)
10/10/2021 COBA (guest speaker) World trade organization agreements (Dr. fawaz alalamy)
11/10/2021 YU Ghazi algosaibi Award
12/10/2021 COEA (guest speaker) Eng day (Dr. faisal almajed, Mr. abdullah alluhaidan, Mr. ibrahim alrashid)
13/10/21 DARSA hHosting Mr. mehdi alsuleiman to talk about astronomy
18/10/21 COBA Visit to stc solution
18/10/21 COBA (guest speaker) Career path of accounting(Mr. ali alamer)
21/10/21 DARSA Tournament held by YU
21/10/21 COBA (guest speaker) Finance experts (Ms. Kholoud aldukhail)
21/10/21 COBA Visit to SAMA GOV
23/10/21 DARSA Tournament held by YU
24/10/21 COBA (guest speaker)  New destination (Ms. Munira altayyar)
25/10/21 DARSA Breast cancer -bodycombat-
28/10/21 DARSA Breast cancer -yoga-
26/10/21 COBA (guest speaker) you are a brand (Dr. khalid alrajhi)
31/10/21 DARSA Breast cancer -zomba-
2/11/2021 YU President and the deans visiting the permanent exhibition of engineering students’ projects
11/11/2021 COBA (guest speaker) IBM (Mr. abdulrahman aldaij)
14/11/21 SLDC The writing center opening
15/11/21 DARSA Diabetes awarness day
15/11/21-18/11/21 DARSA Enterepreneurship week
18/11/21 YU Open student meeting with the president
25/11/21 COL Visit to Capital Market Authority
28/11/21 DARSA Alzheimer awarness
28/11/21 COEA (guest speaker) Industrial eng and its tracks (Mr. malik bakri)
8/12/2021 DARSA Winning table tennis
9/12/2021 COL Virtual Court Competition
12/12/2021 COEA (guest speaker) The impact of sustainability on the jobs of the future (Mr. adel faqeh)
16/12/21 DARSA Arabic language national day
19/12/21 YU Honoring (Deans list students)
20/12/21 DARSA Football tournament
23/12/21 YU Open student meeting with the president
18/01/22 YU Chinese langauge
18/01/22 DARSA Global Game Jam
31/01/22 COEA (guest speaker) Envirinment Dialogue (Mr. abdullah alsawi)
7/2/2022 TSDC New Faculty Induction
9/2/2022 COBA Pioneering student initiative launched by the Finance club
13/02/22 DARSA Honoring the students who won prizes in sports competitions
14/02/22 COBA (guest speaker) The basics of investing from my experience what you should avoid (Mr. mohammad algeel)
21/02/22 Admissions Registration “Wejha” program that helps high school students choose their university Majors
24/02/22 YU The Annual Alumni Reunion
28/02/22 DARSA Founding Day
20/03/22 YU YU Forum
23/03/22 DARSA Volleyball Tournament
27/03/22 Admissions Registration “Wejha” program that helps high school students choose their university Majors
30/03/22 YU Employees Open Day
30/03/22 YU Graduation “ما نسيناكم”
7/4/2022 DARSA End of the tournaments (volleyball, bowling and billiards)
7/4/2022 DARSA Incubating the racetrack at YU cycking for people of determination
13/4/2022 Career Center Career Chat
11/5/2022 YU Alkhobar opennings
17/05/22 COBA (guest speaker) Workshops from (human resources development fund, simah, stc and tasweeq)
18/05/22 COL Virtual Court
24/05/22 YU Ghazi algosaibi Award
25/05/22 COEA Dubai Trip
25/05/22 YU Hosting jerry inzirello CEO dirriyiah
2/6/2022 Admissions Registration Organized ceremony for students sports activities
27/07/22 COBA (guest speaker) YU Students experience in cooperative training
3/8/2022 YU Winning universities Debate League for the Saudi Fedration for Electronic Sports
4/8/2022 TLDC Celebrating the students who completed Emad program
8/8/2022 YU New YU Students’ Reception Function
16/08/22 YU Undergraduate program “master class bachelor program”
29/08/22 DARSA Academic Advisor Time
3/9/2022 DARSA Open day for majors and clubs
18/09/22 YU New YU Students’ Reception Function – alkhobar
25/09/22 DARSA National Day
27/09/22 YU Visit to the line
28/09/22 COEA Visit to Modn
29/09/22 COL (guest speaker) Invesment Law (Dr. David rid
30/09/22 DARSA Alzheimer awarness
2/10/2022 DARSA Saudi Coffee Day
5/10/2022 COBA (guest speaker) YU Pride (Mr. mohammad abu nayyan)
4/10/2022 COL (guest speaker) Writing skills workshop
5/10/2022 Career Center McKinsey – cooperative training
5/10/2022 DARSA Teachers Day
9/10/2022-13/10/22 Career Center Financial awareness week
9/10/2022 CSDC Programs & benefits of the Center of Education Skills & Development (Ms. Kathryn hardy)
10/10/2022 DARSA Business Projects Exhibition – alkhobar
10/10/2022 COBA (guest speaker) YU Council “مجلس اليمامة” (Dr. abdullrahman tulfit)
11/10/2022 DARSA Breast Cancer Awareness
17/10/22 COBA (guest speaker) Student Tales
18/10/22 COBA (guest speaker) YU Pride (Mr. mohammad alsufairy)
19/10/22 DARSA End of the tournaments (volleyball)
19/10/22 COBA (guest speaker) Student Tales
19/10/22 COEA (guest speaker) Industrial eng and its tracks (Ms. Maha alsharif)
20/10/22 COBA (guest speaker) Presentation Skills (Mr. ibrahim alansari) workshop
23/10/22 YU EMIST
24/10/22 YU Health Fair
25/10/22 YU Breast Cancer Awareness – alkhobar
26/10/22 COBA (guest speaker) Turning an idea into an opportunity (Dr. khalid alrajhi)
27/10/22 COBA (guest speaker) From Concept to an Implementation (Mr. ali alghadeer)
30/10/22 COL (guest speaker) Graduate paths available (Mr. mohammad alghadeer)
1/11/2022 COBA (guest speaker) Insurance industry in KSA: past, present and future (Dr. Ammr kurdi)
3/11/2022 COEA Visit to wood factory
8/11/2022 DARSA End of the tournaments (table tennis) female
9/11/2022 DARSA End of the tournaments (tennis table and billiards) male
10/11/2022 COL Visit to Turaif District in Diriyah
10/11/2022 COBA Organized the sustainability exhibition
10/11/2022 COBA Students winning the artificials intelligence challenge award in sports
13/11/22 YU Annual meeting with the university president
15/11/22 YU Undergraduate program “master class bachelor program”