Abid Ali Minhas, PhD
Professor of Computer Engineering

Dr. Abid Ali Minhas, Dr. Abid Ali Minhas, did his Phd in the field of âWireless Sensor Networksâ from Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 2007. Currently he is Professor in Department of Computer Engineering (DoCE) in College of Engineering and Architecture (CoEA), Al-Yamamah University (YU), Riyadh since January 19, 2013. He remained Chair of DoCE from 2016 to 2018. He is recognized Professional Engineer by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). He is member of University Council for Post Graduate Studies and Academic Research. He has worked for many years for Quality at Higher Education. He is also acting as liaison officer of Quality of DoCE and chair of Quality Assurance Committee of DoCE, and working as member of Quality Steering Committee. He has been awarded âCommitment to Excellence Certificateâ for âoutstanding performance and Exceptional Commitment to Quality during the NCAAAâs Institutional Accreditation Projectâ by President of Al Yamamah University along with handsome cash prize. He was also awarded âDistinguished Faculty Awardâ on 25th of March 2019 by President of Al Yamamah University, Riyadh, KSA.
He is program Coordinator and ABET coordinator of âBachelor of Engineering in Network Engineering and Securityâ. He led the team in order to develop whole program/ curriculum of âBachelor of Engineering in Network Engineering and Securityâ, as per guidelines of American "Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology" (ABET) which was appreciated by external reviewers from USA.He was Head, Department of Graduate Studies and Applied Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan. He was awarded the âBest University Teacher Awardâ at country level for the year 2008, by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan in 2009. He was awarded letter of appreciation from Rector, Bahria University, and Islamabad on January 08, 2011 for research contributions in Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.  He also worked at Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission as Senior Scientist from 1992 to 2001.
He is author of a book, and has published total 72 research papers, in International/ Journals and Conferences. He had been heading a research group Bahria University Wireless Research Center (BUWRC). He is Approved Supervisor to supervise PhD students, by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan.
He has conducted many trainings on the topic of "Writing analysis out of Assessments of CLOs and area of improvements in course reports", âUsing Tool for the Assessment of Course Learning Outcomes for Quality Assurance in Higher Educationâ and âHow to Do Research at PhD Levelâ. He remained Editor of "Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technology". He remained member of Higher Educational Research Council (HERC). He is member (expert â Electrical (Telecommunications/ Networking) of accreditation team proposed by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) and acting as an expert.
Areas of Expertise
- Phd in Electrical Engineering, TUG, Austria
- IEEE Senior Member
- Department of Computer Engineering
- College of Engineering and Architecture
- Al Yamamah University
Muhammad Yasir Faheem, Shunan Zhong, Abid Ali Minhas and Muhammad Basit Azeem, âUltra-Low Power Small Size 5.8 GHz RF Transceiver Design for WiMAX / 4G Applicationsâ, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vol 28. No. 1. March 2019, Article ID: 1004-0579(2019)01-0103-06,
Muhammad Yasir Faheem, Shun'an Zhong, Abid Ali Minhas, Muhammad Basit Azeem. âUltra-Low Power 1 Volt Small Size 2.4 GHz CMOS RF Transceiver Design for Wireless Sensor Nodeâ, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology,2018,(4):584~591, DOIïŒ10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.17099,
Irfan Uddin, Adeel Baig, Abid Ali Minhas, âA Controlled Environment Model for Dealing with Smart Phone Addictionâ, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), U.S ISSN : 2156-5570(Online), U.S ISSN : 2158-107X(Print), Digital Object Identifier (DOI) : 10.14569/IJACSA.2018.090973, Volume 9 Issue No 9 August 2018
Ahmed Qaddus, Saleem Aslam, Abid Ali Minhas, âAn Efficient Channel Distribution in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks For Eluding Cross-Tier Interference in Macro and Small Cellsâ, The Scientific Journal âElectrical, Control and Communication Engineeringâ of Riga Technical University â Semi-annual ISSN: 2255-9140, DE GRUYTER POLAND SP ZOO, BOGUMILA ZUGA 32A STR., WARSAW, POLAND, 01-811,
Sohail Jabbar ,Muhammad Asif Habib, Abid Ali Minhas, Mudassar Ahmad, Rehan Ashraf, Shehzad Khalid , Kijun Han, "Analysis of Factors Affecting Energy Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Network", Hindawi Journal of "Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing", Volume 2018, Article ID 9087269,[DOI: Digital object identifier]. Impact factor 1.899
Muhammad Munawar Iqbal, Muhammad Ali, Mai Alfawair, Ahsan Latif, Abid Ali Minhas, Abdulaziz Almazyad and Kashif Naseer, "Augmenting High-Performance Mobile Cloud Computations for Big data in AMBER" submitted on 30 August 2017 to Hindawi Journal of "Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing", Volume 2018, Article ID 4796535, Impact factor 1.899.
Muhammad Saeed Khan, Muhammad Amin, Muhammad Saleem Awan, Abid Ali Minhas, Jawad Saleem, Rahimdad Khan, "Statistical modeling of optical attenuation measurements in continental fog conditions", Journal of "Optical Engineering" 56(3), 036113 (2017), doi: 10.1117/1.OE.56.3.036113. March 2017, ISSN: 0091-3286, impact factor 1.082 .
Fazle Hadi, Sheeraz Ahmed, Abid Ali Minhas, Atif Naseer, "Modeling and Analyzing Anycast and Geocast Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks", (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2016
Fazle Hadi, Sheeraz Ahmed, Abid Ali Minhas, Abdulaziz Al Mazyad,Najam ul Islam, Imran Ahmed, Nadeem Javaid, "Wireless-powered cooperative energy aware anycast routing in wireless sensor networks", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, September 2016, Vol. 12(11), 2016, DOI: 10.1177/1550147716676494, SAGE Journal, impact factor 1.239.
Abid Ali Minhas, Ahmed Qaddus, Saeed Khan, Mohsin Iftikhar, Tanveer A Zia, Abdulaziz Almazyad , and Naveen Chilamkurti, âTowards the elimination of white spots in Mobile WiMAX (a predominant 4G standard) grids through time efficient cognitive vertical handoff algorithmâ, Hindawi Journal, âMobile Information Systemsâ special issue "Wireless and Mobile Technologies for the Internet of Things", 29 March 2016, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 6254028, 17 pages
Momina Moetesum, Fazl-e-Hadi, Abid Ali Minhas, Muhammad Imran, Athanasios V. Vasilakos, âAn Adaptive and EfïŹcient Buffer Management Scheme for Resource-constrained Delay Tolerant Networksâ, Wireless Networks Journal, Oct, 2015, DOI: 10.1007/s11276-015-1085-y, Print ISSN 1022-0038, Online ISSN: 1572-8196, Web
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, Muhammad Imran, Shehzad Khalid, âEnergy Efficient Strategy for throughput Improvement in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networksâ, Manuscript ID: sensors-66037, Sensors, ISSN: 1424-8220, (Section: Sensor Networks) Manuscript ID: sensors-62178, [indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded by ISI Thomson Reuters].[ Science Citation Index Expanded], Switzerland
Sohail Jabbar, Rabia Iram, Muhammad Imran, Awais Ahmad, Anand Paul, Abid Ali Minhas and Mohsin Iftikhar, "Energy Aware Simple Ant Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks" submitted to Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Mathematical Problems in Engineering [in the special issue for, "Recent Trends in Bio-inspired Computational algorithms: Theory, Methodology and Application"], Bimonthly ISSN: 1024-123X
Hilal Jan, Anand Paul, Abid Ali Minhas, Awais Ahmad, Sohail Jabbar, Mucheoul Kim âDependability And Reliability Analysis Of Intra Cluster Routing Techniqueâ, Journal of Peer to Peer Networking and Applications, Special Issue: SI is: Cloud, Grid, P2P and Internet Computing: Recent Trends and Future Directions, ISSN: 1936-6442 (print version), ISSN: 1936-6450 (electronic version), Date of Publication: 03 Oct 2014, SPRINGER, 233 SPRING ST, NEW YORK, USA.
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, Moneeb Gohar, Anand Paul and Seungmin Rho âExtended - Multilayer Cluster Designing Algorithm for Network Lifetime Improvement of Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networksâ, Reference number 902581, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, special issue " Advanced Service Technology and Application in Smart Sensor Networks" ISSN: 1550-1329, , NEW YORK, USA,
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, âHeuristic Approach for Stagnation Free Energy Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networkâ, Journal of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, ISSN: 1551-9899, PHILADELPHIA, USA, PA, 19123,
Fazl-e-Hadi, Abid Ali Minhas, Atif Naseer and Abdulaziz Almazyad, "Secure anycast routing in wireless mesh networks", Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 9(10), pp. 414-420, 30 May 2014, ISSN 1992-2248, impact factor 0.32, JCR2010
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, Anand Paul, Seungmin Rho, âMultilayer cluster designing algorithm for lifetime improvement of wireless sensor networksâ, Journal of Supercomputing, (Springer), ISSN: 0920-8542, DOI 10.1007/s11227-014-1108-y , 09 Feb 2014, SPRINGER, Netherlands., Thomson Reuters (ISI) indexed [Thomson Reuters (ISI) indexed]
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, Imran Shafi, Shehzad Khalid and Rabia Iram, "Intelligent Optimization of Wireless Sensor Network through Bio-Inspired Computing: Survey and Future Directions", International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, special issue "Recent Advances in Energy-Efficient Sensor Networks" ISSN: 1550-1329, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 421084, NEW YORK, USA,
Muhammad Faisal Siddiqi, Muhammad Kamran Bhatti, Sana Shuja, Shaista Jabeen , Saeed Ahmad, Adeel Iqbal, Ghufran Shafiq, Ahmad Naseem Alvi, Azhar Yaseen, Abid Ali Minhas,Shahzad A. Malik, Shahid A. Khan, Raja Ali Riaz, âASIC Design Implementation of Memory Efficient Infinite Impulse Response UWB Equalizerâ, PrzeglÄ d Elektrotechniczny, Number 03b/2012, pp: 223 - 227, March 2012, ISSN: 0033-2097, Poland.
Fahad T. Bin Muhaya, Fazl-e-Hadi, Abid Ali Minhas, âOn the development of comprehensive information security policies for organizationsâ, International Journal of Academic Research, ISSN: 2075-4124, E-ISSN: 2075-7107, pp: 16-22, Vol. 4. No. 1. January, 2012, Baku, Azerbaijan.
Abid Ali Minhas, Fazl-e-Hadi, Shakir Ullah Shah âA Novel Cost-Based Framework for Communication in Computational Grid using Anycast Routingâ, International Journal of the Physical Sciences, ISSN: 1992-1950, VICTORIA ISLAND, NIGERIA,
Fazl-e-Hadi, Abid Ali Minhas, Nadir Shah and M. Yasin, âA Novel Forwarding Scheme for Adaptive Anycasting in Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networksâ, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN: 0974- 6846, India. Vol. 3 Issue No. 12 (Dec 2010), pp: 1165-1172,
Naima Rehmani, Abid Ali Minhas, âA Novel Handover Algorithm for Mobile WiMaxâ, Journal of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan, 2010, Pages: 107-118, ISSN # 1992-3082,
Abid Ali Minhas, Fazl-e-Hadi, âEAA:Energy Aware anycast Routing in Wireless Sensor Networksâ, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS), Peshawar, Vol: 30 No. (1), January-June 2011, ISSN # 1023-962X.
Mansoor Naseer, Waiser Mehmood, Abid Ali Minhas, "Virtex-4 FPGA Forms Foundation for Secure GSM Standards", Xcelljournal, Issue 73, Fourth Quarter 2010, Page 20-23, Xilinx, Inc., 2100 Logic Drive, San Jose, CA 95124-3400, California, United States of America.
Murtaza Naveed, Abid Ali Minhas, Jehanzeb Ahmad, âA Novel Security Algorithm for Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systemâ, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (IJMUE) Vol.5, No.1, January 2010, (Publisher SERSC), Pages: 1-18, ISSN: 1975-0080, Korea.
Adeel Akhtar, Abid Ali Minhas, Sohail Jabbar, âEnergy Aware Intra Cluster Routing for Wireless Sensor Networksâ, International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology (IJHIT2010), Vol.3, No.1, January, 2010, (Publisher SERSC), Pages: 29-48, ISSN: 1738-9968, Korea.
Muhammad Imran Razzak, S. A. Hussain, Abid Ali Minhas and Muhammad Sher, âCollaborative Image Compression in Wireless Sensor Networksâ, International Journal of Computational Cognition, Vol. 8, NO. 1, P:24-29, March 2010, USA (ISSN: 1542-8060).
S.A.Hussain , M.I. Razzak , A. A. Minhas, M. Sher, G.R Tahir, âEnergy Efficient Image Compression in Wireless Sensor Networksâ, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 2, Number 1, November 2009, P: 117-120, Academy Publisher, Oulu, Finland. ( ISSN 1797-9617)
Ali Minhas, T. Trathnigg, C. Steger, R. WeiĂ, â Improved Virtual Circuit Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks Under the Aspect of Power Awarenessâ, Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences (JIOS) 2006, Vol. 30/1, Pages 137 - 154, ISSN 1846-9418 (online), ISSN 1846-3312 (print), Croatia.
Janek, A. A. Minhas, Ch. Steger, T. Trathnigg, R. Weiss, âPower Aware Ad hoc Sensor Networks â Experimental Results Based on a Mote Networkâ, e&i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, ĂVE Verbandszeitschrift, 2006, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Vienna, Austria, June 2006, Pages a27 â a33, ISSN: 0932-383X EIEIEE.
Javeria Mehboob, Sahail Jabbar and Abid Ali Minhas, âAn Automated Machine Learning Classifier to Evaluate the Economic response of KSA Vision 2030", Al Yamamah University Engineering Forum 2019 (YUENG2019),10-11 March 2019, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Muhammad Rehman Shahid, Sohail Jabbar and Abid Ali Minhas, âAn Automated Machine Learning Classifier to Evaluate the Response of Arab World Toward KSA Vision 2030â, Al Yamamah University Engineering Forum 2019 (YUENG2019),10-11 March 2019, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Nadia Tabassum, Muhammad Saeed Khan, Abid Ali Minhas, Shagufta Henna, Sagheer Abbas, âSwitchover mechanism of Hybrid RF/FSO link using fuzzy inference system for Smart Citiesâ, Al Yamamah University Engineering Forum 2019 (YUENG2019),10-11 March 2019, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Ahmed Qaddus, Abid Ali Minhas, Hammad Anwar Syed, "Tactical Data Link (TDL): A Resilient Long Haul Wired Medium For Tactical Armed Forces Communications", IEEE Sponsored, 8th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE18, Amman, Jordan during 2-3 December 2018.
Farhan Ahmad, Abid Ali Minhas, Sohail Jabbar, "Smart Resource Allocation and Information System for Victims of Catastrophic Disasters", Al Yamamah Information and Communication Technology Forum (YUICT), âChallenges and Opportunities Towards Realizing Vision 2030â, 4-5 March 2018, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Sohail Jabbar, Mudassar Ahmad, Abid Ali Minhas, Syed Hassan Ahmad, "A Novel Energy Aware Design for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks", EAI ((European Alliance for Innovation) International Conference on Future Intelligent Vehicular Technologies, Future 5V 2017, OCTOBER 17â19, 2017 | ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN.
Ahmed Qaddus, Saleem Aslam, Abid Ali Minhas , Abdulaziz Almazyad , " 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks A Viable Mode For Implementing Future Smart Grid Networks", International Conference on Future Networks, and Distributed Systems (ICFNDS) 2017, July 19-20,2017, Cambridge, UK.
Sarker S. Rahman Shuvo, Mohammad Asswad , Faisal Mujahed Ali, Abid Ali Minhas, "The Next Generation Cloud Services for Universities in Saudi Arabia" 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition (GCCCE), 08 May - 11 May 2017. Bahrain. [https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8448102/]
Ahmed Qaddus, Abid Ali Minhas, "Wireless Communication a Sustainable Solution For Future Smart Grid Networks", 10th IEEE International Conference on Open Source Systems & Technologies (ICOSST-2016), 15TH - 17TH DECEMBER, 2016, KICS, UET, Lahore, Pakistan
Kamran Bhatti, Abid Ali Minhas, âHands on training on surface mount technology (SMT) assembly line for development of LED based lightsâ,17th ICL conference part of the 2014 World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF2014), 03-06 December 2014, Dubai. [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abstractAuthors.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6908299&queryText%3Dkamran+bhatti ]
Abid Ali Minhas, Kashif Shabir, Imran Mehmood, Abdulaziz Al Mazyad, âLayers Ordered Multiple Feedback Successive Interference Cancellation in MU-MIMOâ, IEEE, 10th International Conference on High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET-CNS), December 11-13, 2013, Magosa, Cyprus, Page(s): 214 - 218.
Muhammad Kamran Bhatti, Zahoor Ul Haque, M.Najam-ul-Islam, Abid Ali Minhas, Muhammad Adnan Bhatti, Abdul Hadi, Shahid Ahmed Khan, Naseer M Qureshi, âHands on training on Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Assembly Line for development of LED Based Lights", IEEE, 5th conference on Engineering Education (ICEED2013) Dorsett Grand Subang, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 4-5 December 2013.
Muhammad Kamran Bhatti, Abid Ali Minhas , Zahoor Ul Haque, Najam Ul Islam ,Muhammad Adnan Bhatti, Shahid Ahmed Khan, âCurriculum Design Using Mentor Graphics Higher Education Program (HEP) for ASIC Designing from Synthesizable HDL to GDSIIâ, IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering 2012(TALE2012), 20-23 August 2012, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. , Page(s): W1D-1 - W1D-6.
Sajjad Hussain Shah, Wajid Ali, Israr Ahmad, Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas âPerformance Analysis of Queuing Mechanism in Voice Applicationsâ, ICWN_74 World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012 (WCECS 2012)Â London, U.K., 4-6 July, 2012
Abid Ali Minhas, Ahmed Qaddus, Naima Rehmani, âRemoval of White Spots in WiMAX Using Cognitive Heterogeneous Wireless Networksâ, 8th IEEE International Conference HONET 2011, King Saud University (KSU), Riyadh December 19-21, 2011, Page(s): 99 - 105.
Abid Ai Minhas, Fazal-e-Hadi, Danish Sattar, Shahe Mardan, âEnergy Efficient Multicast Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networksâ, âWorld Congress on Sustainable Technologies (WCST-2011)â, London, UK on November 7-10, 2011, Page(s): 178 - 181.
Abdullah, Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, Shaf Alam, âLocation Prediction of Sensor Nodes for Improvement of Communication Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: Considerations and Future Directionsâ, International Conference on Communications Systems and Technologies, 2011 (ICCSTâ11), World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011 (WCECS 2011), 19-21 October 2011, San Francisco, USA, ISBN: 978-988-19251-7-6, ISSN: 2078-0958, Pages: 901-906
Sajjad Hussain Shah, Kashif Naseer, Wajid Ali, Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, âProlonging the Network Life Time in WSN through Computational Intelligenceâ, International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Technologies 2011 (ICIMTâ11), World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011 (WCECS 2011), 19-21 October 2011, San Francisco, USA, ISBN: 978-988-19251-7-6, ISSN: 2078-0958, Pages: 400 - 405.
Rabia Iram, Muhammad Irfan Sheikh, Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, âComputational intelligence based Optimization of energy aware routing in WSNâ, International Conference on Soft Computing and Applications (ICSCA'11), World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2011 (WCECS 2011), 19-21 October 2011, San Francisco, USA, ISBN: 978-988-19251-7-6, ISSN: 2078-0958, Pages: 457 - 462.
Rabia Iram, Muhammad Irfan Sheikh, Abid Ali Minhas, âComputational Intelligence Based Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networkâ, 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, July 23-24, 2011, Karachi, Pakistan
Abid Ali Minhas, Muhammad Yasir Faheem, Muhammad Basit Azeem, âUltra Low Power Small Size RF Transceiver Design for Wireless Sensor Networkâ, IEEE Proceedings of The 2011 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2011), May 23-27, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-61284-636-1, Pages: 290-295, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, "TLPER: Threshold Based Load Balancing Protocol for Energy Efficient Routing in WSN" 13th International Conference on Advanced Communication Communication Technologies, 13 - 16 Feb. 2011, Phoenix Park, Gangwon-Do, Korea Korea
Sohail Jabbar, Muhammad Zubair Aziz, Abid Ali Minhas, Danial Hussain, âA Novel Power Tuning Anchors Localization Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Sensor Nodesâ, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2010), P:2441-2446, Bradford, UK.
Abid Ali Minhas, Sohail Jabbar, Raja Adeel Akhtar, Waiser Mehmood, âQERT: Query-based Energy-aware protocol for Real-time Rotuing in wireless sensor networkâ, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on âScalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom2010)â, P:2861-2866, 29 June - 1 July, 2010, Bradford, UK.
Abid Ali Minhas,Saima Jawad, âWireless Sensor Networks in Chemical Industryâ, 3rd Symposium on Engineering Sciences, Proceedings SES2010, Page 239-243, March 10, 2010, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abid Ali Minhas, Waiser Mehmood, Ali Ijaz, âA Novel Security Algorithm For GSM Mobileâ, 3rd Symposium on Engineering Sciences, Proceedings SES2010, Page 233-237, March 10, 2010, Lahore, Pakistan
Adeel Akhtar, Abid Ali Minhas, âImpact of Adaptive Cluster Routing on Energy Efficiencyâ, 3rd Symposium on Engineering Sciences, Proceedings SES2010, Page 201-206, March 10, 2010, Lahore, Pakistan.
Abid Ali Minhas, Naima Rehmani, âA Novel Handover Algorithm For Mobile Wimaxâ, 3rd Symposium on Engineering Sciences, Proceedings SES2010, Page 245-25, March 10, 2010, Lahore, Pakistan.
Adeel Akhtar, Abid Ali Minhas, Sohail Jabbar, "Adaptive Intra Cluster Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks", Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2009), P118-123, August 27th-29th, 2009, Daejeon, Korea.
Munazza Younus, Abid Ali Minhas, M. Younus Javed, Atif Naseer, "EEAR: Efficient Energy Aware Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks", in IEEE 7th International Conference on ICT and Knowledge Engineering, Bangkok, Thailand,1-2 Dec 2009. Page(s): 57 â 62, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4513-4.
Murtaza Naveeed, Abid Ali Minhas, Jehanzeb Ahmad, âImproved Authentication Algorithm For UMTSâ, ACM International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT 2009), August 27th-29th, 2009, Daejeon, Korea.
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, Raja Adeel Akhtar,"SPERT: A Stateless Protocol For Energy-Sensitive Real-Time Routing For Wireless Sensor Network", Proceedings of Third International IEEE Conference on Information & Communication Technologies ICICT2009, 15-16 August 2009, Karachi, Pakistan. Page(s): 117 â 124, ISBN: 978-1-4244-4608-7.
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, âRear: Real-Time Energy-Aware Routing For Wireless Sensor Networkâ, PICom09, Proceedings of Eighth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, P- 825-830, December 12-14, 2009, Chengdu, China. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3929-4.
Sohail Jabbar, Abid Ali Minhas, âEnergy-Aware Real-Time Communication In Wireless Ad-Hoc Micro Sensors Networkâ, ACM Ph.D. Symposium, COMSATS, FIT2009, Abottabad, Pakistan.
Shakir Ullah Shah, Fazl-e-Hadi, Abid Ali Minhas, âNew Factor of Authentication: Something You Processâ, International Conference on Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC 2009), April 3 - 5, 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 102-106, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN: 978-0-7695-3591-3.
Muhammad Salam, Fazl-e-Hadi, Abid Ali Minhas, âStrengthening security complexity of stream ciphering algorithm by adding an additional layer of natural languagesâ, International Conference on Wireless Networks & Embedded Systems (Wecon-2008), 18th-19th October, 2008, pages 193-195.
Muhammad Imran Razzak, Sheraz Ahmad, Abid Ali Minhas, âTracking Secured Zone on Mobileâ, ICCDIT 2008, India.
Abid Ali Minhas, T. Trathnigg, C. Steger, R. WeiĂ, âEnergy saving in pervasive wireless sensor networksâ, Proceedings of 2nd IET (IEE) International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Athens, Greece, July 5 - 6 2006, Pages 381 â 389, ISBN: 0-86341-663-2.
Abid Ali Minhas, C. Steger, R. WeiĂ, M. Sarwar Ehsan, âNode Failure Detection and Path Repairing Scheme in Virtual Circuit Routing Algorithm for Wireless ad hoc Micro Sensor Networksâ, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Pakistan, September 17 - 18, 2005, Pages 86 - 91, ISBN: 0-7803-9247-7.
Abid Ali Minhas, T. Trathnigg, C. Steger, R. WeiĂ, âMultiHopRouter and VCRA Routing Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks Under the Aspect of Power Awarenessâ, Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, Croatia, September 21 - 23, 2005, Pages 357 - 365, ISBN: 953-6071-25-8.
Abid Ali Minhas, C. Steger, R. WeiĂ, âOverview of Power Aware Protocols for Wireless ad hoc Sensor Networksâ, International workshop on âTelecommunication and Mobile Computingâ, Austria, March 8 - 9, 2005
Current Teaching
- Wireless and Mobile Computing
- Digital Communications
- Network Security with laboratory
- Digital Logic and Design with laboratory
- Physics with laboratory
Graduate Teaching
- Research Methodology (To PhD Students)
- Advance System Modelling and Simulation (To PhD Students)
- Special Topics in Distributed Computing (To PhD Students)
- Wireless Communications (To MS Students)
- Mobile Computing/ Communications (To MS Students)
- Network Management (To MS Students)
- Digital Communications Systems (To MS Students)
- Information System Security (To MS Students)
Undergraduate Teaching
- Computer Networks (with lab)
- Enterprise Networking
- Digital Communications
- Data Communications
- Network Security (with lab)
- Wireless & Mobile Computing
- Digital Logic and Design (with lab)
- Digital Communication Systems
- Security Policies and Procedures
- Forensics and Incident Response
- Information security
- Information System Security
- Cyber Security
- Ethical Hacking and Intrusion Detection
- Information Assurance
- Cloud Computing
- Physics - I (Mechanics) (with lab)
- Physics - II (EM + Electronics) (with lab)
- Introduction to Physical Science
- Data Communications and Computer Networks
- Digital Logic Design
- Circuit Analysis
- Electronics-II
- Electronics-I
- Physics
Service and Administrative Experience
- IEEE Senior Member
- Member of âIEEE Student Branch at YUâ
- Life Member (as Professional Engineer) of Pakistan Engineering Council
- Life member of Pakistan Nuclear Society
- Program Coordinator of âBachelor of Engineering in Network Engineering and Security
- ABET Coordinator for the Program of âBachelor of Engineering in Network Engineering and Security
- IBM Coordinator for the Program of âBachelor of Engineering in Network Engineering and Security
- Chair of Department of Computer Engineering, YU from 2016 to 2018.
- Member of University Council for Post Graduate Studies and Academic Research.
- Member of YU Quality Steering Committee
- Member of two task forces of Quality Assurance at University level (YU) in order to write down SSR and to get institutional accreditation from National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA), Saudi Arabia.
- Remained chair/member of many committees at department/ university level in Al Yamamah University
- Head, Department of Graduate Studies and Applied Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad Campus, Pakistan for two years from Fall 2010 to Summer 2012 semester
- Member of University council, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan
- Remained chair/member of many committees at department/ university level in Bahria University , Islamabad, Pakistan
- Senior Scientist, Chashma Nuclear Power Project, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, Pakistan
- Member, Scientific Committee, of YUENG, March 2019
- Member, Scientific Committee, of YUICT, March 2018
- Chaired the Session of YUICT, March 2018
- Technical Chair, IEEE CAMAD 2016, Canada [http://nextconlab.academy/CAMAD2016/IEEE/Special%20Session%20IEEE%20CAMAD_CFP_lifi.pdf]
- Member Technical Committee, GCWOCâ16, Global Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications, September 5-7, 2016 [http://gcwoc16.ic.uma.es/technical-comittee/]
- Member Technical Program Committee, Reviewer, 18th International conference on Advanced Communications Technology, Jan-Feb, 2016, Korea [http://www.icact.org/common/committee.asp]
- Program Committee Member, 10th international conference on broadband and wireless computing, communication and applications November 4-6, 2015, Krakow, Poland, 2015 [http://www.cs.upc.edu/~net4all/BWCCA-2015/committees.html]
- Member Program Committee FIT 2014, [http://fit2014.fit.edu.pk/technical-program-committee]
- Member Technical Program Committee, First International conference on "WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIESâ 2013 [http://wsn4dc.muet.edu.pk/committees]
- Reviewer, Wireless Sensor Networks for Developing Countries, First International Conference, WSN4DC 2013, Jamshoro, Pakistan, April 24-26, 2013
- Add more about reviewing papers 2013, 2014
- Session chair, International Conference on Engineering Sciences (ICES-2012), [http://www.pu.edu.pk/ices/files/FINAL%20ICES%20PROGRAM.pdf]
- Member Technical Committee,ITSim'10 4th International Symposium on Information Technology, 2010, [http://docslide.us/documents/itsim-final-approved.html]
- Member Technical Program Committee FIT, 2009 Pakistan. [Â http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/mailing_list/tccc/2009-May/019926.html]
- Member Program Committee [http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=5561313]
- Approved Supervisor to supervise PhD students, by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and currently supervising two PhD students.
- Established state of the art laboratory at BU to do research in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (Hardware has been imported from USA).
- Member of Editorial and Management Board of Bahria University Journal of Information & Communication Technology.
- Member of accreditation team proposed by Pakistan Engineering Council
- Generated and submitted a report on the topic ,âScope of Higher Education Research Council (HERC)â at Bahria University, Islamabad
- Member of aâJudging Panelâ for âNational ICT Grassroots Research Initiativeâ for the year 2012-13.
- Chaired the PhD Symposium, in IEEE sponsored conference FIT 2012, December 17-19, 2012 held in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Invited talk in the International conference on the topic âWireless Networks and Applicationsâ in âInternational Conference on Engineering Sciences (ICES-2012)â, Punjab University, Lahore from 27-02-2012 to 29-02- 2012.
- Chaired a session of Electrical Engineering in âInternational Conference on Engineering Sciences (ICES-2012)â, Punjab University, Lahore from 27-02-2012 to 29-02- 2012
- Participated in Video Conferencing Session on QS Quality Ranking Proforma arranged by HEC on June 28, 2011 at Bahria University, Islamabad.
- Participated in one day workshop arranged by Pakistan Engineering Council Headquarter, G-5/2, Islamabad, on January 18, 2010 on topic, "Re-Building Life through Self-motivation".
- Arranged a PhD symposium (http://fit.edu.pk/symposium.aspx) in an international conference on Frontier of Information Technology, December 16-18, 2009.
- Chaired a session in an international conference on Frontier of Information Technology, December 16-18, 2009.
- Attended âTeacher Training Workshopâ arranged by Bahria University with resource personnel from CMA Education UK.
- Successfully completed the course, âStochastic Modeling & Simulationâ conducted by Research Center for Modeling & Simulation, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) from 30th July 2009 to 31st July 2009.
- Successfully completed the course, âModeling & Simulation Techniquesâ conducted by Research Center for Modeling & Simulation, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) from 27th July 2009 to 29th July 2009.
- Conducted a successful four weeks (January 22 to February 22, 2008) training workshop for faculty development program scholars at Bahria University on the topic, âHow to do research/PhDâ. It was so fruitful that all the scholars were able to produce their first PhD proposal.
- Gave invited talk on,âApplications of wireless sensor network in industryâ in an international symposium at Punjab University Lahore on April 05, 2008.
- Arranged an international seminar on April 03, 2008, on Wireless Sensor Networks by inviting Mr. Muhammad Ikram Ashraf, as a guest speaker from a research institute at University of Oulu, Finland.
- Attended a four weeks course on âWireless Channel Modeling & Simulationsâ, conducted by Military College of Signals, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) from 30th July to 24th August 2008.
- Two months certificate course on âNetwork Securityâ, International Islamic University, Islamabad, summer 2008
- I have been appointed as book evaluator by the HEC. I have evaluated one book with title, âWireless Sensor Networks, Simulation and Deployment of Sensor Networksâ given to me by HEC, successfully on April 09, 2008.
- Chaired a session at IEEE international Symposium ISBAST2007 on April 23, 2008.
- Member, Program Committee, IMTIC08
- Member, Program Committee, Frontiers of Information Technology, FIT 2008
Countries Visited
- Austria
- Ireland
- UK
- Greece
- Switzerland
- Italy
- France
- China
- Saudi Arabia
- Turkey
- Cyprus
- Bahrain
- Jordan