Adeel Baig, PhD
Chairman of the Computer Engineering Department / Program Coordinator of Network Engineering & Security / Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering

Dr. Adeel Baig is currently an Assistant Professor at College of Engineering and Architecture at Al-Yamamah University (YU). His ORCID ID information is available here
He received his Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree from NED University of Engineering (Pakistan), his Master of Engineering and Science (M.Eng.Sc) and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and Engineering, from The University Of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. Before joining YU, he held several positions in research and teaching, including; as an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (SEECS) at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) from 2008-2014, with National ICT Australia (NICTA) from 2004-2007, where he participated in a research team working on technologies for providing communication and information access on public transports, and with UNSW as a Lecturer in 2003. Between 2000 and 2002, he served as a Research Student in the Network Research Laboratory (NRL) at UNSW.
Dr. Adeel Baig is a senior member of the IEEE (SM’14) and ACM (SM’16), and member of PEC, and ISOC. Some of his selected publications and open source contribution can be found at his Publication page.
His areas of expertise include the following categories: (but not limited to)
- IoT Architectures and Protocols
- IoT and Cloud Security
- Software-defined networking (SDN)
- Protocols for networks with highly dynamic topologies (e.g. MANET, VANET)
- Protocols for networks with limited energy, memory, and computation power resources
- IPv6 transition and implementation strategies
Refereed Journals (Published/Accepted) (Indexed / Impact Factor)
Muhammad Atif, Siddique Latif, Rizwan Ahmad, Adnan K Kiani, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, Hisao Ishibuchi, Waseem Abbas "Soft Computing Techniques for Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems" IEEE Access 2019
A Ali, H Liu, AK Bashir, S El-Sappagh, F Ali, A Baig, D Park, KS Kwak “ Priority-Based Cloud Computing Architecture for Multimedia-Enabled Heterogeneous Vehicular Users” Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018
I Uddin, A Baig, A Minhas, “A Controlled Environment Model for Dealing with Smart Phone Addiction”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2018
M Fatima, A Baig, I Uddin “Reliable and Energy Efficient MAC Mechanism for Patient Monitoring in Hospitals” , International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications - Nov 2018
MA Javed, MS Younis, S Latif, J Qadir, A Baig “ Community detection in networks: A multidisciplinary review” Journal of Network and Computer Applications February, 2018.
SA Hussain, M Iqbal, A Saeed, I Raza, H Raza, A. Ali, AK Bashir, Baig “An Efficient Channel Access Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks” Journal of Mobile Information Systems, pp 1-10, 2017.
Sheeraz A. Alvi, A Baig, Kashif Sattar Frequency-Domain Backoff Mechanism for OFDM-Based Wireless LANs, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering pp 1-14, 2016.
Imdadullah, Zawar Shah, A Baig, “S-TFRC: An Efficient Rate Control Scheme for Multimedia Handovers , Computer Science and Information Systems Journal, 2016.
A Ali, J Qadir, A Baig, ``Learning Automata Based Multipath Multicasting in Cognitive Radio Networks'', (to appear) in Journal of Communications and Networks, May 2015
Y Javed, A Baig, M Maqbool, “Enhanced quality of service support for triple play services in IEEE 802.11 WLANs” EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2015 (1), 9
Ahmed, J. Qadir, A. Baig, "High Throughput Transmission-Quality-Aware Broadcast Routing in Cognitive Radio Networks", Springer Wireless Networks (WINET), pp. , Nov, 2014.
S Saleh, Z Shah, A Baig, “Improving QoS of IPTV and VoIP over IEEE 802.11 n” Elsevier Computers & Electrical Engineering, Nov
Qadir, A. Baig, A. Ali, Q. Shafi, "Multicasting in Cognitive Radio Networks: Algorithms, Techniques and Protocols", Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), Aug, 2014.
Zia ul Haq, A Baig “Route optimization in mobile IPv6 NEMO” Journal of High Speed Networks, Volume 19, Number 4, Pages 325-337, 2013.
Ali, M. Iqbal, A.Baig, X.Wang, "Multi-Path Routing and Channel Assignment Framework for Mesh Cognitive Radio Network (MRCAMC)", International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks , Vol. 3, No. 5, pp. 185-197, Nov, 2011.
Ali, M.Iqbal, A.Baig, X.Wang, "Routing Techniques in Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey", International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks , Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 96-110, Jun, 2011.
Baig, L. Libman, and M. Hassan , "Performance Enhancement of On-Board Communication Networks using Outage Prediction", IEEE JSAC, Vol. 24, No. 9, pp. 1692-1701, Sep, 2006.
Baig, M. Hassan and S. Jha, "Quality of Service of RSVP Flows over legacy LANs in the presence of Best Effort Traffic", IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E 84, pp. 25-28, Dec, 2001.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Adeel Baig “IPv6 campus network deployment guidelines for DNS, Web server, Proxy server and Wi-Fi” IEEE ITANC 2016.
- Z Shah, S Rao, A Baig “Throughput Comparison of IEEE 802.11 ac and IEEE 802.11 n in an Indoor Environment with Interference” IEEE ITANC 2015.
- Z. Shah, A. Suleman, Imdad Ullah , Adeel Baig “Effect of Transmission Opportunity and Frame Aggregation on VoIP Capacity over IEEE 802.11n WLANs” 8th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS’2014
- Sheeraz Akhtar Alvi, Adeel Baig “No More Hidden Backoff: Advertise Backoff in Frequency Domain” 2014 Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference, ATNAC 2014
- Zeeshan Asif, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig “Channel assignment in non-cooperative coexisting co-located independent cognitive radio networks” IEEE Multi Topic Conference (INMIC), 2013
- Ain Ul Aisha, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig "Mitigating the effect of Malicious Users in Cognitive Networks", IEEE (FIT) International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, December 2013.
- Tahir Baig, Zawar Hussain, Adeel Baig, " AVHRC:A Scheme to Improve QoS for VoIP Traffic " accepted for Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2013, New Zealand.
- Saad Saleh, Zawar Hussain, Adeel Baig"'Capacity Analysis of Combined IPTV and VoIP Over IEEE 802.11n" accepted for 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 2013, Sydney, Australia.
- Junaid Farooq, Muddassar Hussain, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, "A Game-Theoretic Spectrum Allocation Framework for Mixed Unicast and Broadcast Traffic Profile in Cognitive Radio Networks", accepted for 38th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), October 2013, Sydney, Australia.
- Saad Saleh, Zawar Shah, Adeel Baig, “ IPTV Capacity Analysis using DCCP over IEEE 802.11n” VTC2013-Fall in Las Vegas, USA.
- Muhammad Talal, Ejaz Ahmed, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, "Quantifying the Multiple Cognitive Radio Interfaces Advantage", Proceedings of the IEEE Nineth International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks, March 2013, Barcelona Spain.
- Zawar Shah, Adeel Baig, ImdadUllah, Hira Samir, "State Aware Enhancement in DCCP for Multimedia Handovers", Proceedings of the IEEE Globecom, Dec, 2012, Texas United States.
- Muhammad Tanzeel Khan, Adeel Baig, "An Efficient Mapping Scheme for Locator / ID Separation Protocol", Proceedings of the IEEE Australasian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC 2012) Nov, 2012, Brisbane Australia.
- Yasir Saleem, Adnan Bashir, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, "Spectrum-Aware Dynamic Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networks", Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Oct, 2012, Islamabad Pakistan.
- Adil Kamal, Ahmed Akram,Ejaz Ahmed, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, "Unified Channel Assignment for Unicast and Broadcast Traffic in Cognitive Radio Networks", Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Local Networks (to be held with LCN) Aug, 2012, Florida United States.
- Sheeraz Akhtar Alvi, Adeel Baig, "Frequency-Domain Contention Resolution in Wireless LANs", Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMoB), Aug, 2012, Spain.
- Zia ul Haq, Adeel Baig, "Route Optimization Technique for Nested Mobile Networks", Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks (CICSyN) , Jul, 2012, Thailand.
- Najmul Hassan, Adeel Baig, Junaid Qadir, "Recovery and Bandwidth Sharing Techniques in MPLS Networks", Proceedings of the High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies Dec, 2011, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
- Imdadullah, Zawar Shah, Adeel Baig, "VoIP and Tracking Capacity over WiFi Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE VTC, May, 2011, Budapest Hungary.
- Salman Ali, Junaid Qadir and Adeel Baig, "Routing Protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks - A Survey", Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Oct, 2010, Islamabad Pakistan.
- Muhammad Fahad, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, "Broadcasting in Cognitive Wireless Mesh Networks with Dynamic Channel Conditions", Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies, Oct, 2010, Islamabad Pakistan.
- Ejaz Ahmed, Adeel Baig, Junaid Qadir, "Channel Assignment in Cognitive Radio Networks: Comparison and Analysis", Proceedings of the FIT, Dec, 2009, Abottabad Pakistan.
- Najmul Hassan, Adeel Baig, Junaid Qadir, Madeeha Owais, "Priority Based Allocation of Network Resources in Multi-class MPLS Networks", Proceedings of the FIT, Dec, 2009, Abottabad Pakistan.
- Muhammad Zeeshan Ahmad, Nabil Ur Rehman, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, Hammad Majeed, "Predication-based Channel Zapping Latency Reduction Techniques for IPTV Systems. A Survey", Proceedings of the ICET, Oct, 2009, Islamabad Pakistan.
- Imaddin, Nazar Abbas, Adeel Baig, "Passive Analysis of Web Traffic Characteristics For Estimating Quality of Experience", Proceedings of the Globecom, Dec, 2008, LA United States.
- Adeel Baig, Lavy Libman, and Mahbub Hassan, "Fairness Control by Mobile Routers in On-Board Communication Networks", Proceedings of the VTC, Jul, 2007, Dublin Ireland.
- Shaleeza Sohail, Salil Kanhere,Sanjay Jha, Adeel Baig, Muhammad Ali Malik, "A parallelized file-transfer-protocol for on-board IP networks", Proceedings of the VTC, Jul, 2005, NJ United States.
- Adeel Baig, Lavy Libman, and M. Hassan, "Prediction-Based Recovery from Link Outages in On-Board Mobile Communication Networks", Proceedings of the Globecom, Nov, 2004, Texas United States.
- Adeel Baig, M. Hassan and S. Jha, "Performance Evaluation of Subnet Bandwidth Manager for Supporting QoS Over Shared Legacy LANs", Proceedings of the ICT, Jul, 2001, Bucharest Romania.