Djamal Ziani, Ph.D.
Associate professor of MIS

Dr. Djamal is the acting director of Master MIS at Al Yamamah University. He is Associate Professor in Computer Sciences, in the College of Business at Al Yamamah University.
Before joining Al Yamamah University, Dr. Djamal was President of High Technology Innovation, A French Company in IT Training & Consulting, where he was responsible for organizing training, seminars and conferences in IT, supervising many projects such as Academic Accreditation and E-commerce Market Place, and managing a team of development.
Dr. Djamal has worked as Associate Professor in the College of Computer and Information Sciences at King Saud University during 10 years. During his career in King Saud University, he took many responsibilities, he was Head of Graduation Project Committee, Member of Research and Industrial Collaboration Committee, member of Curriculum Committee, member of Internships Committee, and Head of SAP program. He was the initiator of SAP Program at university level, and he introduced several courses related with industry, such ERP systems, Selected topic in ERP (Finance), Advanced System Analysis and Design. Dr. Djamal organized many Industry training, workshops and events for students and academic staff on SAP.
Dr. Djamal created in 2013 the Research Chair ERP-BPM, with purpose is to form a group of researchers who work and collaborate in the fields of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and BPM (Business Process Management). It allowed to supervise the students of master and doctorate who make their theses in this field. Also this research chair allow us to organize several workshops and conferences and meetings with the companies evolving in this field, like SAP, Oracle, DELL EMC.
In the research area, Dr. Djamal started his research in Automatic Machining Learning where he was preparing his master thesis: Incremental Leaning based on Neuronal Network, (1992). He did his PhD thesis on Symbolic Data Analysis (SDA), which an extension of classical data analysis (1992-1996). SDA is considered as field of Big Data. He worked also two years on Symbolic Data Analysis, when he was Research Engineer for Philips Electronique-Paris Dauphine University (1994-1996). He did also research Financial Prediction Automatic Marching Learning using Neuronal Network when he was post-doctoral in Montreal University (1997-1998). In King Saud University (2009-2018) he created a project named “Symbolic Data Analysis”, granted by The College of Computer and Information Sciences Research Center. This permit to develop an entire system which includes the feature selection program, the individual data simulator program, a generator of symbolic object, program and a quality validation program. These programs help the expert to interact with the system and assess the quality of the result. We have made a big effort in order to reduce the complexity of the algorithm using mathematical properties and discrimination matrix; this will allows to use the algorithm with big databases. The developed application will be included soon in the Symbolic Data Analysis Software (SODAS).
In ERP research area, Dr. Djamal industry experience in SAP helps him to have a great contribution in Enterprise Research Planning (ERP) research group. He published many research papers and supervised many master and PhD thesis, mainly on ERP cloud.
Dr. Djamal supervised 3 PhD Thesis, 15 Master Thesis & Reports, 13 Bachelor Projects.
Dr. Djamal has a great contribution in University and Community services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was involved in Auditing King Saud University ERP Madar, Advising E-Transaction Deanship of King Saud University for the new ERP Implementation, and he was Member of SAP Saudization: a program created in collaboration between SAP, Company, King Saud University and Saudi Arabia Ministry of labor. This program permits to a fresh graduated students to have a training on SAP ERP. He was Volunteer Teacher and Organizer of Coder Dojo (computer programming clubs for young people) with DELL EMC. I taught for kids how to develop on the web.
Dr. Djamal has a great experience in Industry (14 years) mainly in Canada and France. He worked in several big companies. He was Project Manager and Architect in SAP Canada for 8 years, where he contributed in the development of many versions of SAP CRM and SAP Service Industry. He is considered as expert in SAP CRM. Dr. Djamal worked also as Project manager and Consultant in many other companies, such as: Banctec (Bank Business Area); Gemplus (smart card), Bombardier Aerospace, Montreal Exchange, Government of Canada (Ministry of Family), Mutual Social Insurance, and High Technology Innovation.
Dr. Djamal has great mastering in technology, he worked with quality standards of big organizations
In 2016, Dr. Djamal was awarded for Best Technology Project (Smart E-Commerce) in King Saud University. And in 2002 he was awarded by M. Bill McDermott, Actual SAP CEO, for the great work in SAP CRM.
D. Ziani, and Nada Alfaadhel. "Web Services as A Solution for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning Interoperability.", International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT) Vol 12, No 1, February 2020.
Areas of Expertise
- Data Mining, Database
- Project Management
Research Groups
- Co-founder of ERP-BPM Research Chair in KSU
- Member of Data Mining research group in KSU
- Head of Symbolic Data Analysis project in KSU
- Head of ERP research group in KSU
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
- Ziani, " Correlation Dependencies between variables in Feature Selection on Boolean Symbolic Objects ", The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT), (2019) (ISI journal)
- Ziani and R. Al-Muwayshir. "Improving Privacy and Security in Multitenant Cloud ERP Systems." Advanced Computing: An International Journal (ACIJ) 8, no. 5, (2017).
- , Maysoon, and D. Ziani. "Intelligent Method for Software Requirement Conflicts Identification and Removal: Proposed Framework and Analysis." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND NETWORK SECURITY 17, no. 12, (2017): 91-98.
- Maysoon, A. Chikh, and D. Ziani, "Software Requirements Conflict Identification: Review and Recommendations", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science And Applications 7.10 (2016): 326-335.
- Raed and D. Ziani, "Suggest an Intelligent Framework for Building Business Process Management", International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA), Vol.6, No.1, January 2015
- Ziani, "Feature selection on probabilistic symbolic objects." Frontiers of Computer Science 8.6 (2014): 933-947. (ISI journal)
- Ziani, "Configuration in ERP SaaS Multi-Tenancy", International Journal of Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJCSEIT), Avril 2014, Volume 4, Number 2
- Misfer Al-Shardan and D. Ziani, "Configuration as a Service in Multi-Tenant Enterprise Resource Planning System," Lecture Notes on Software Engineering vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 95-100, (2015).
- Ziani, "Feature selection on Boolean symbolic objects", International journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, (2013), 5(6): 1
- M. Al-Saleem, Junaid Qayyum, D. Ziani, A. Mansoor, F. Amin. "Analysis and Overview of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, 3(4), 38-44. (2012)
- Ziani, "Variable Hierarchical Dependencies in Feature Selection on Boolean Symbolic Objects", 6th International Conference of Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Tunisia, 2014/08/11
- Ziani and A. AlShehri, "A New Framework for Customizing ERP Systems in a Multi Tenant SaaS Environment",International Conference on Cloud Computing and Multimedia 2014, Tunisia 2014/07/23
- Ziani, "Sélection de variables : Traitement des dépendances logiques", Proceedings of Troisième rencontres de la société francophone de classification, SFC’95, pp 63, Namur (Belgique) 28-29 Septembre 95
- Ziani, "Minset-plus : Un algorithme de sélection de variables pour les objets symboliques", Proceedings of International conference of ordinal and symbolic data analysis, pp 129-130, Paris 20-23 Juin 1995.
- Ziani, "Sélection de variables sur des objets symboliques", Journées numérique-symbolique, Marseille PRC, 5-7 October 1994.
- Ziani, "Un système d'apprentissage pour la génération d'objets symboliques", Secondes rencontres de la société francophone de classification (S.F.C), Tours 12-13 Septembre 1994.
- Ziani, Z. Khallil, R. Vignes ,"Recherche de sous-ensembles minimaux de variables à partir d'objets symboliques",. Proceedings of the 5th international conference IPMU, pp 794-799, Paris 4-8 Juillet 1994.
- Ziani, Z. Khallil et R. Vignes, "L'algorithme Minset-plus : Recherche de sous-ensembles de variables minimaux et discriminants", Proceedings of the 4th journées sur l'induction symboliques numériques, pp 97-112, Paris 1994.
Current Teaching
- MIS 316 Fundamental Programming I
- MIS 432 Enterprise Systems
- MIS 490 Senior Project
- MIS 504 Management Information Systems
- MIS 526-Enterprise Systems for Management
- MIS 528 Financial Information Systems
- MGT 545 IT For Managers
- MGT 555 Research Project
PhD Teaching
- Advanced ERP
- Advanced System Analysis and Design
Master Teaching
- Data Mining
- Management of Software Development
- Advanced Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
- Advanced Information Systems Analysis & Design
- Enterprise Applications Development
- Introduction to Enterprise Architecture
- Information and Requirements Engineering
- Business Process Management Systems
- Object Oriented Modeling
- Management Information Systems
- Database Management and Design
- Financial Information Systems
- IT For Managers
- Business Plan
Undergraduate Teaching
- Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (SAP ERP)
- Selected topics in ERP (SAP Finance)
- ERP Lab (SAP)
- Database Management Systems
- Database Management Systems Lab (Oracle)
- Introduction to Enterprise System
- Capstone Project I and II
- Business Computing Language, for Bachelor
- Fundamental Programming I
- Decision Support and Business Intelligence
- Fundamental of Web Design
- Web Application development
- Health Information systems
PhD & Master thesis, and Bachelor Project Supervision
PhD thesis Supervision
- Spring 2018,: An Intelligent Approach for Identifying and Resolving Conflicts in Functional Requirements
- Spring 2018: Toward an Agile Approach to Managing the Effect of Requirements Change on Software Architecture during Global Software Development
- Spring 2017: Collaborative Knowledge Management of Domain Expertise: The Case of Best Teaching Practices
Master thesis Supervision
- Spring 2018 : Improving Privacy and Security in Multi-tenant Cloud ERP Systems, Master Thesis
- Spring 2018: Web Services as a Solution for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning Interoperability, Master Thesis
- Spring 2018: Web analysis effectiveness to improve the efficiency in e-commerce, Project Report
- Spring 2018: Composites applications a solution for Customizing in Cloud ERP, Master Thesis
- Fall 2016: Improving the Development of Business Rules Engine in E-Government Services, Master Project
- Fall 2016: Data Migration Wizard in ERP implementation, , Master Project
- Spring 2016: A new solution for ERP Cloud to Cloud Interoperability, Master Thesis
- Spring 2016: Dynamic Search Component In ERP Systems, Master Project
- Spring 2016: Data Collector for ERP Implementation, Projet de Master.
- Spring 2015: Comparing and Analyzing Techniques of Multilanguage Development, , Master Project
- Fall 2015: Building Ontology of Requirements Engineering, , Master Project
- Spring 2015: An intelligent framework for building business process management, Master Thesis
- Fall 2014: A New Framework for Customizing ERP Systems in a Multi-Tenant SaaS Environment, Master Thesis.
- Fall 2014: A Proposed Configuration As A a Service (CAAS) Layer for Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (CLOUD ERP), Master Thesis
- Fall 2014: Smart Order application, Master Project. Awarded Best Master project in 2014.
- Spring 2013 Smartphone’s QR code application for reporting Medical Emergency, Master Project
Bachelor Project Supervision
- 2015-2016: Smart Sales. A mobile and web application to allow a supplier company to sell the services of other companies and to allow users to find and purchase services more efficiently. Best Technology project in King Saud University
- 2014-2015: Swimming Competition. A web and mobile application to manage the scoring competitions.
- 2013-2014: Online Car Competition. An application that allows users to participate on the best car competition on the web.
- 2013-2014: Student Collaboration Room. A website that allows students to collaborate, help each other, solve others' questions, exchange ideas, and documents.
- 2012-2013: Hospital Appointments System. An application that manages patient appointments over the internet.
- 2012-2013: Student Project Management System. An application that allows professors and students to manage the student projects.
- 2011-2012: University Examination System, A Web application that automate student exams (exam time automation, automatic correction, marks,...).
- 2011-2012: E-Vacation. A mobile and web application, which allows to trade in tourism (hotels, entertainment, events,...).
- 2010-2011: Faculty Schedule. A web application that allows to manage the schedule of faculties.
- 2010-2011: Curriculum Advising System. An application that helps teachers to give advice to students regarding their study plans.
- 2009-2010: E-Hospital systems. is new web based application that change the paper medical records to electronic records
- 2009-2010: University Alumni. A site that allows university alumni to communicate with each other, organize meetings, conferences, internships or workstations for students.
- 2009-2010: Data Center Project for Ministry of Education of Saudi Arabia
Committee and Administrative Experience in University
- Acting Director for Master MIS, Al Yamamah University
- Head of Research committee, Al Yamamah University, 2020-2023
- Member of Industrial Partnerships Committee, Al Yamamah University, from 2019-till now
- Head of Research & Studies Department, Al Yamamah University, from Sept 2019-2021
- Member of Quality Committee, Al Yamamah University, from Sept 2019-2020
- Member Undergraduate Program Committee, Al Yamamah University, from Sept 2019-2021
- Member of Development and Accreditation Committee, King Saud University, 2009-2018
- Head of Graduation Project Committee, King Saud University, 2009-2018
- Member of Research and Industrial Collaboration Committee, King Saud University, 2009-2018
- Member of Curriculum Committee, King Saud University, 2009-2018
- Member of Internships Committee, King Saud University, 2009-2018
- Head of SAP program at university level, King Saud University, 2009-2018
Services for University
- Proposing the project of the creation of IBM Center of Excellence, Al Yamamah University, 2020
- Initiator of YU SAP agreement, Al Yamamah University, (March 2021)
- SAP Dual Study Program Awareness session, Al Yamamah University, 2021-2022
- SAP Dual Study Program Awareness session, Al Yamamah University, 2022-2023
- Initiator of YU IBM collaboration agreement, Al Yamamah University, (May 2023)
- IBM Academic Awareness session, Al Yamamah University, 2022-2023
- Advising E-Transaction Deanship of King Saud University for the new ERP Implementation
- Organizing workshop : SAP Next Generation Digital Transformation, King Saud University
- Volunteer Teacher and Organizer of Coder Dojo (computer programming clubs for young people) with DELL EMC, King Saud University
- Organizing of SAP workshop Design Thinking, and Code Jam, King Saud University
- Organizing of SAP ERP Training for university academic members, King Saud University
- Initiator of SAP university Alliance Program at University level, King Saud University
Community Services
- Member of SAP Saudization
- Organizer with Dell-EMC of KSA Coder-Dojo (Technology training for kids)
Awards and Honors
- 2016 : Best Technology Project (Smart E-Commerce) in King Saud University
- 2002 Awarded by M. Bill McDermott, Actual SAP CEO, for the great work in SAP CRM
Industry Experience
- Associate Founder, President
-High Technology Innovation, France. Sept 2018-Aug 2019
- Project Lead, Team Lead, Application Architect
-SAP Canada, Montreal. Mar 2001-Mar 2009
- Project Manager
-Banctec, Montreal, Canada. Jul 2000-Feb 2001
- Consultant
-Gemplus, Montreal, Canada. Apr 2000-Jul 2000
- Team Leader
-Bombardier Aerospace, Montréal, Canada. Aug 1999-Mar 2000
- Consultant
-Ministère de la Famille et de l’Enfance, Montreal, Canada. Mar 1999-Aug 1999
- Software Engineer
-Montreal Stock Exchange, Montreal, Canada. Mar 1998-Mar 1999
- Software Engineer
-Mutualité Sociale Agricole, Paris, France. Sept 1996-Mar 1997