Dr. Dalia Abdel Fattah
Vice Dean of College of Engineering / Assistant Professor of Architecture

Dr. Dalia Abdelfattah is an architect and researcher in urban affairs. Dalia is an assistant professor and a researcher in UN-HABITAT Programme of Planners for Climate Action. Currently, working as Head of the architecture and interior architecture department (AIA), faculty of engineering and architecture (COEA), Al Yamamah University. In 2018, she obtained her PhD from Cairo University, Egypt, about how to motivate local community to participate in conservation programs. MSc in Architecture, awarded in 2011 "Quantitative Analysis for Urban Qualities of Conserved Areas, studying cases: Old Cairo, Egypt, Old city, Istanbul". Her area of interest is in community design in Middle East and Northern Africa Region (MENA) with special focus on urban conservation, adaptation of multi-disciplinary approaches from environmental psychology. She has a number of scientific studies published in international journals and conference proceedings.
Before joining Al Yamamah University, Dr. Dalia Abdel Fattah was a Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Architectural Engineering, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. In addition to the Architecture Engineering Technology (AET program) Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
Being a researcher in UN-HABITAT Programme of Planners for Climate Action, allows the opportunity to support the new initiative of Building the Climate Resilience of the Urban Poor, offered by the UN-Habitat at the Climate Action Summit 2017. The initiative has three objectives: Integrate climate change in the professional practices of all planners and their institutions through integrated approaches that reduce emissions, and prepare human settlements to adapt to climate change, Build the capacity of all planners by ensuring that all graduate-level urban/regional planning curricula prepare planners to be effective climate change professionals, Support and commission research that can strengthen knowledge at the intersect of planning practices and climate change. As a member of the team (P4CA), Dr. Dalia has the chance to embrace international, regional and national associations and networks of urban and territorial planners. She contributes through knowledge, capacity-building and outreach activities. The Working Groups convene (in person or, more typically, virtually) at least every two months, or as often as required to achieve their aims. Meetings are jointly at least once a year to take-stock of activities undertaken, and plan for future actions.
It was the opportunity to show what strong leadership and action look like through initiatives, commitments and achievements across all the Action Areas of the Climate Action Summit.
She has about 12 years of experience in teaching, practice, and public services that includes projects in the area of architecture design, urban planning, urban design, landscape design, community development, and urban conservation.
Selected Refereed Articles
Journal of Engineering and Applied Science
Assessing publicness of public spaces in gated and ungated communities using the star model.
IGI Global – Book chapter
Book title: Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design. Chapter title: Cairo's Downtown in Narratives: From Singularity to Hardship.
Journal of Engineering Research
Local community as a motivator for urban sustainability in conserved areas with a special reference to motivation theory.
Urban catalyst theory towards promoting conservational sustainable development.
Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society (in progress) Towards Regenerative Sustainable Urban Development.
Conference Proceeding Articles
The international scientific conference (ARCHCAIRO 8- 2019). Building the Future Now, Rights to Better
Living, Architecture & Contexts.
Spatio-temporal dynamics of socio economic public life in historical contexts. Tools for studying life between historical buildings.
International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment. EAST LONDON UNIVERSITY.
20-21 December 2017, London, UK.
- Motivating participation in regenerating sustainable urban neighbourhood open Spaces.
- Urban Liveability Dimensions in the Egyptian New Cities. Case study: Sheikh Zayed city.
- Towards Regenerative Sustainable Urban Development.
The forth Arabian conference for housing- 2016 – Riyadh – kingdom of Saudi Arabia. (In Arabic). Changing the housing policies between planning, implementation, and existing conditions, with a special reference to 6th of October city, Cairo, Egypt.
International Conference of Sustainable Development and Planning. 19 - 2l May 2015, London , UK.
Methodology towards defining multi-scalar attributes of sustainability indicators in historical urban areas: Assessment tool development. WESSEX INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – 2015.
Attended workshops
CARDIFF UNIVERSITY. UK: Summer School. 2015
Low Carbon Architecture Summer Program (LCASP 2015). Welsh School Of Architecture. Cardiff. UK.
Attended Training Courses
- “Presentation and communication skills” at MSA University. (Egypt, 2009).
- “Emotional inelegance” at MSA University. (Egypt, 2010).
- “Self-motivation” at MSA University. (Egypt, 2009).
- “Time management” at MSA University. (Egypt, 2009).
- “Constructions and building materials” at Arab contractors company. (Egypt, 2008).
- “Finishing materials” at Arab Contractors Company. (Egypt, 2008).
- “Calculating Bill of quantities and project managing” at Arab Contractors Company. (Egypt, 2008).
Book reviewer
IGI Global, eEditorial Discovery
(Reviewer) for the upcoming book ‘Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design: chapter title: Cairo Street Markets'; A Study to Analyze Socio-Spatial Contemporary Practices in Urban Spaces.
Organizing committee
With partners from Kent University, USA, and Metropolis international institute, Spain.
WATERFRONT FOR EVERYONE: serial of Workshops
Perception of Urban Waterfront Aesthetics
Part One: Cairo - Alex. Egypt. 30th of Jan. to 3rd of Feb._2018
Part Two: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 17th to 21st of Apr. _2018
Hosted by
Housing & Building National Research Center (HBRS). Alexandria University (Alexandria. Egypt)
Effat University (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
Current teaching
- ARC 401 - Architectural Design Studio V
- ARC 302 - Building construction II
Undergraduate Teaching
- Graduation project
- Architecture Design VI
- City and Regional Planning
- History Of Architecture I
- Site Planning and Housing
- Human factor in design (elective course IV)
- Design methodology (elective course III)
- Culture heritage conservation (elective course I)
- History V (Islamic architecture)