Dr. Hala AlMahmoud, PhD
Assistant Professor of Management
Dr Hala Almahmoud is an assistant professor of management at the College of Business Administration - Al Yamamah University. She studied at the University of Essex in the UK. Previously, she taught at various universities in KSA and the UK. Her teaching has spanned different areas in management and business administration and on undergraduate as well as postgraduate levels.
Dr Hala’s main research interests are: the legal environment of business, human resource practices, work ethics, organisational behaviour, diversity in the workplace, culture and organizations, and work mobility. She has participated in many regional and international conferences and seminars.
- Adams, J. & Almahmoud, A. (2023) The meaning of privacy in The Digital Era. International Journal of Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing (IJSPPC), 15, no.1 2023: pp.1-15.
- Albakjaji, M., Adams, J., Almahmoud, H., & Al Shishany, A. S. (2020). The Legal Dilemma in Governing the Privacy Right of E-Commerce Users: Evidence From the USA Context. International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology (IJSSMET), 11(4), 166-187.
Most Recent Conferences with Accepted Papers
- “Post-Retirement Experiences in the UK”. The 6th Global Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences (GCBMS-2019), 24 -25 October 2019. The Academy of Business Management Conferences (ABMC) Dubai, UAE.
- " Managing the Virtual Organisation". International Conference on Business and Cyber Security, May 12 & 13, 2016 in London, UK.
- "Ageing at work: a socially-constructed phenomenon". 10th Annual London Business Research Conference, 10-11 August 2015. Imperial College London, UK.
- “Retiring in Exile: the Case of Syrian Females working in the UK”. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC) 26 – 28 May 2015 at Media City, UK.
- “Ageing at work: a socially-constructed phenomenon”. Essex Business School Research Conference - 11th May 2015 at the University of Essex, UK.
- “An Organisational Perspective of Retirement”. International Conference on Innovative Trends in Multidisciplinary Academic Research, October 20-21, 2014. ITMAR © 2014 Istanbul, Turkey.
- “Later Life Migration: A Spatial Temporal Perspective”. The 9th Liverpool Ethnography Symposium to be held at UCS in August 2014. Available at: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/management/conferences-and-events/ethnography_archive/ethnography,2014/
- “Retirement as a Multidimensional Transition”. Essex Business School Research Conference - 12th May 2014 at the University of Essex, UK.
- “Identity and Belonging in Later Life”. Norwich Business School PhD Colloquium, 24th - 25th October 2013, UK.
- Introduction to Risk Management.
- Introduction to Quality Management.
- Introduction to Management.
- Organisational Behaviour.
- Human Resource Management.
- Quality Assurance.
- Business research and Publication.
- International Management.
- Business management and Law.