Dr. Hessah AlSalamah
Dean of the College of Engineering / Associate Professor

Dr. Hessah Alsalamah is the Dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture, and the Acting Dean for the College of Computer and Information Sciences at Al Yamamah University. She is the Chair of both Colleges’ Council, a member of the Dean Council, and Al Yamamah University Council. Dr. Hessah is also a faculty member in the College of Computer and Information Sciences and Consultant of King Abdullah’s Institute for Research and Consulting Studies at King Saud University.
Upon joining Al Yamamah University, Dr. Alsalamah led different initiative successfully. She introduced an industrial advisory board for the college and is currently leading it. She managed to initiate and activate collaboration agreements with distinguished national and international academic and non-academic institutes in both the private and public sectors; including IBM, the Saudi Telecom Company, George Maison University, University of Central Florida, and the Saudi Council of Engineers. She also served as a member of the organizing committee and the head of the scientific committee of Al Yamamah University’s Engineering Forum.
Before joining Al Yamamah University, Dr. Alsalamah was the former Vice Dean of the College of Computer and Information Sciences at King Saud University. She served in key administrative and leadership positions; such as the Vice-Chair of the Information Systems Department, Assistant to the Vice Dean for Administrative Affairs, a member in College Council, the Chair of the College Hiring Committee, and a member of many other committees at the university, college and department levels at King Saud University. She also served as a member of the executive board in charge of implementing the King Saud University initiative to support the multi-disciplinary research activities and projects across the university.
Dr. Alsalamah introduced community services initiatives and managed to contribute in the implementation of some of them at King Saud University. She is a founder of the Business and Community Service Center at the College of Computer and Information Systems at KSU. She also introduced the National Competition in the Computing Projects and helped organize the first and second rounds of this annual competition. Moreover, she administratively supervised the establishment of the Robotics and Programming summer camp “Awaalem” and helped organize the first three rounds of it.
In 2015, Dr. Alsalamah obtained a PhD in Computer Science and an MSc in 2005 in the same field from the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK. During her PhD studies, she managed to secure an honorary researcher position at Velindre Cancer Center at Velindre NHS Trust in the United Kingdom. Through this contract, she managed to apply her PhD research on a real environment successfully. As a result, she won a scientific excellence award from the Saudi Cultural Bureau and the WFMC Global Gold Award for Excellence in Adaptive Case Management in the Medical and Healthcare field.
Dr. Alsalamah is an expert in Business Process Management and Workflow Technology. Her expertise in this area includes process discovery, modelling, analysis, re-engineering, and automation. She focuses in her research on the emerging of collaborative environments involving human aspects, such as communication, collaboration, and coordination as well as technical issues, such as heterogeneity, and distribution. Lately, Dr. Hessah has been looking at information security and privacy requirements in collaborative environments such as eHealth and eGovernment.
She successfully supervised bachelor and master students and co-supervised PhD students in Computer Science at King Saud University. Moreover, her research has been published in high quality peer-reviewed international journals, such as the IEEE Access, Future Generation Computer Systems, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, and Advanced Computer Science and Applications. She also served as a reviewer of the Journal of the College of Computer and Information Sciences, editor and Technical committee member of the 10th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2018) held in Rome, Italy, and Chair and Coordinator of the Mobile Health Applications Governance (mHealth-Gov) Special Track of the same conference.
- Alrumaih, H. Mirza, A. Alsalamah, H. Domain Ontology for Requirements Classification in Requirements Engineering Context in IEEE Access 8, (89899-89908) 2020.
- Al-Alshaikh, H. A. Mirza, A. A. Alsalamah, H. A. Extended Rationale-Based Model for Tacit Knowledge Elicitation in Requirements Elicitation Context. IEEE Access 8, (60801-60810) 2020.
- Ismail, W. N. Hassan, M. M. Alsalamah, H. A. Fortino, G. CNN-Based Health Model for Regular Health Factors Analysis in Internet-of-Medical Things Environment. IEEE Access 8, (52541-52549) 2020.
- Alrumaih, H. Mirza, A. Alsalamah, H. Toward Supporting the Classification of Software Requirements with an Intelligent Semantic Approach. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 20 (3), (92-102) 2020.
- Al-Alshaikh, H. A. Mirza, A. A. Alsalamah, H. A. Toward Development Framework for Eliciting and Documenting Knowledge in Requirements Elicitation in the First International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Computational. 2020.
- Escamilla-Ambrosio, P. J. Ramírez, D. Alsalamah, S. Tryfonas, T. Orantes-Jiménez, S. & Mota, A. Alqahtani, S. Nouh, T. Alsalamah, H. Almutawaa, S. Alkabani, H. Alsmari, M. Alashgar, N. Alrajeh, A. Kurdi, H. mHealth Applications Using IoTsecM Security Modelling: Dentify.Me mApp Case Study for Urgent Care Management. Computación y Sistemas. 23 (4) 2019. Securing 10.13053/cys-23-4-3093.
- Ismail, W. N. Hassan, M. M. Alsalamah, H. A. Context-enriched regular human behavioral pattern detection from body sensors data in IEEE Access 7, 33834-33850. 2019.
- Ismail, W. N. Hassan, M. M. Alsalamah, H. Context-Enriched Regular Human Behavioral Pattern Detection From Body Sensors Data in IEEE Access, 7 (33834-33850) 2019.
- Ismail, W. N. Hassan, M. M. Alsalamah, H. Fortino G. Mining Productive-Periodic Frequent Patterns in Tele-Health Systems in Jornal of Network and Computer Applications, 115 (33-47) 2018. ISSN 1084-8045, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnca.2018.04.014.
- Albrahim, R. Alsalamah, H. Alsalamah, S. and Aksoy, M. S. (2018). Access Control Model for Modern Virtual e-Government Services: Saudi Arabian Case Study. The International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA). 2018.
- Ismail, W. N. Hassan, M. M. Alsalamah, H. Mining Productive-Periodic Frequent Patterns for IoT Healthcare Data Analytics in Future Generation Computer Systems, 88 (512-523) 2018.
- Al-Megrin, S. Alsalamah, S. Altoaimy, L. Alsalamah, H. Soltanisehat, L. Almutairi, E. Pentland, A. Blockchain Use Cases in Digital Sectors: A Review of the Literature. IEEE International Conference on Blockchain. July 30- Aug 03, 2018. Halifax, Canada.
- Alrumaih, H. Mirza, A, Alsalamah, H. Automated Software Requirements Classification Using a Hybrid Intelligent Approach. In the 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (SCS-NCC’2018). 25-26 April, 2018. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
- Alzeer, N. Alsalamah, H. A Hafiz, A. An Enhanced Approach for the Prioritisation in Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Services Using Data Mining Techniques. In: The Tenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2018): Mobile Health Applications Governance (mHealth-Gov) [Special Track]. Pp. 116-123. 25-29 March 2018, Rome, Italy. [ISBN: 978-1-61208-618-7, ISSN: 2308-4359]
- Alsalamah, S. A. Alsalamah, H. A. Radianti, J. Alqahtani, S. Nouh T. Abomahara, M. Information Requirements for Disaster Victim Identification and Emergency Medical Services: Hajj Crowd Disaster Case Study. In: the 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2018). 20-23 May 2018, Rochester NY, USA.
- Alsalamah, S., Alsalamah, H., Gray, A. W., & Hilton, J. Information Security Threats in Patient-Centred Healthcare. In Information Management Association (Ed.), Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 1531-1552. 2018. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3926-1.ch077
- Alsalamah, S. Alsalamah, H. Gray, W. A. and Hilton, J. Information Security Threats in Patient- Centred Healthcare. In E. V. Wilson (Ed.), M-Health Innovations for Patient-Centered Care. London, UK: IGI Global. 298-318. 2016 [ISBN-13: 978-1466698611]
- Althagafi, N. Alsalamah, H. and Daraisah, A. Achieving Patient-Centred Fine Grained Access Control (PCFGAC) in Hospital Information Systems. In: 9th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2016). 21-23 February 2016, Rome, Italy.
- Alsalamah, S. Alsalamah, H. Gray, W. A. and Hilton, J., A Secure Collaborative Environment Implementation in Patient-Centred Healthcare using Workflow Technology. In: 7th Saudi Students Conference in the UK (SSCUK). 1-2 February 2014, Edinburgh, UK.
- Alsalamah, S. Gray, A. Hilton, J. and Alsalamah, H. “Information Security Requirements in Patient-Centred Healthcare Supporting Systems” in Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press 192:812-816. 2013. [DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-289-9-812]
- AlSalamah, Hessah and Gray, Alex and Morrey, David. “Mapping the Integrated Care Pathway into BPM for Health Case Management” in S-BPM ONE- Education and Industrial Developments, Communications and Information Science. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.106-120. 2012. [DOI: 1007/978-3-642-29294-1_8]
- AlSalamah, Hessah and Gray, Alex and Morrey, David. “Velindre – Cardiff University Integrated Care Pathway” in Taming the Unpredictable: Real World Adaptive Case Management: Case Studies and Practical Guidance. Future Strategies Inc. 183- 195. 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0-9819870-8-8
- AlSalamah, Hessah. Workflows in Health Informatics.: The use of Workflow Technology in Hospital Information Systems. Lambert Academic Publishing. October, 2011. [ISBN-10: 3846536814].
- Al-Salamah H., Skilton A., Gray A., Allam O.& Morry D., An Innovative Approach to Providing Dynamic Support for Distributed Healthcare Teams, in Proceeding of the Fifteenth International Symposium for Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR). 2011: Zurich, Switzerland.
- Al-Salamah H., Skilton A., Gray A., Allam O. & Morry D., Supporting Teamwork along the Dynamic Multi-disciplinary Care Pathway (Short Paper), in the 13th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics (MedInfo). 2010: Cape Town, South Africa.
- Al-Salamah H., Gray A., Allam O. & Morry D., Change Management Along the Integrated Care Pathway (ICP), in Proceeding of the Fourteenth International Symposium for Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR). 2009: Kalmar, Sweden.
- Ivins W., Allam O., Al-salamah H. & Gray A., Supporting Co-ordination of Integrated Care Pathway with Workflow Technology, in Proceeding of the Eleventh International Symposium for Health Information Management Research (ISHIMR). 2006: Halifax, Canada.
Undergraduate Courses:
SWE 401: Software Quality Assurance
IS 547: Electronic Health Records
IT 322: Software Engineering
IT 496: Capstone 1
IT 497: Capstone 2
IT 999: Practical Training
Postgraduate Courses:
IS 542: Business Process Management Systems
IS 598: Research Seminar
IS 600: MSc Thesis
IS 700: PhD Thesis
- Consultant, King Abdullah Institute For Research & Consulting Studies, King Saud University, (2016- Now)
- Editor, The 10th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2018), Rome, Italy, (March, 2018) [ISBN: 978-1-61208-618-7, ISSN: 2308-4359]
- Technical Committee Member, The 10th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2018), Rome, Italy, (March, 2018)
- Chair and Coordinator, Mobile Health Applications Governance (mHealth-Gov) Special Track at the 10th International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (eTELEMED 2018), Rome, Italy, (March, 2018)
- Reviewer, Journal the College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, (2012-Now)
- Reviewer, 2nd Scientific Forum in Bioinformatics, King Saud University, (2015)
- Judge, National Olympiad for Scientific Creativity (Riyadh Region), Mawhiba-Ibtikar, (February 2014)
- Judge, 2nd IT project Fair, College of Computer and Information Sciences, King Saud University, (2014)