Dr. Khalid AlAmmari
Assistant Professor of Management

Through my career, I have gained several working principles that enriched my life and inspired me to seek the position where I can add value and at the same time fulfil my desires. First, deciding to study engineering at one of the highest reputation university in Saudi Arabia, King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, was exciting as well as challenging. However, I have gained tremendous advantages such as accepting challenges, self-confidence, self-dependence, and persistence. The fabulous on top of these advantages was achieving the degree as industrial engineer with honour.
Second, working as industrial engineer and then planning head in Saudi Ceramics Company as first job has gave me the ability and knowledge of production planning, sales requirements fulfilment, quality control, quality auditing, time studies, and dealing with human resources.
Third, I acquired completely different experience by working in a multinational company of Lucent Technologies. The planning experience of previous position has helped me a lot in working at training department.
Next, I earned new knowledge by working as mobile network analyst in operation and maintenance division. This experience was of great value for my career as I approached technical aspects of mobile networks performance, quality thresholds, data analysis, and reporting. Further, working within multinational company with people from different cultures was a great opportunity to experience various management and leadership styles.
Finally, working as quality systems manager at Saudi Telecom Company gave me the experience of huge corporate environment. It enriches my abilities in different aspects including managing, planning, team working, and leadership. I believe that continuous learning and enhancing abilities are the assets for achievements. Thus, during my career, I achieved PhD degree and two master degrees from the United Kingdom. This experience widens my vision to new horizons of research, entrepreneurship, management, and creativity.
Currently, I am reflecting this various fields experience by working in organizations that focus on empowering youth people to achieve their desires and full potential. Further, I am interested to serve society using my background in engineering, research, business, entrepreneurship, quality, and planning. It is my belief that nurturing the notions of purposeful life, lifelong learning and continuous improvement are indispensable for new generation to achieve communities’ initiatives and inspirations.
- Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Haddoud, M. Y., & Beaumont, E. (2019). Post-materialistic values and entrepreneurial intention–the case of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 26(1), 158-179.
- Haddoud, M. Y., Onjewu, A. K. E., Nowinski, W., & Alammari, K. (2022). Assessing the role of entrepreneurship education in regulating emotions and fostering implementation intention: evidence from Nigerian universities. Studies in Higher Education, 47(2), 450–468.
- Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Haddoud, M.Y. and Beaumont, E. (2016). From Goal Intention to Action; the Role of Self-Regulation. British Academy of Management (BAM), Newcastle, UK, 08-10 Sep 2016.
Research Interest
- Entrepreneurship
- Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Haddoud, M.Y. and Beaumont, E. (2018). Post-materialistic values and entrepreneurial intention-The Case of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
- Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Haddoud, M.Y. and Beaumont, (2016). From Goal Intention to Action; the Role of Self-Regulation. British Academy of Management (BAM), Newcastle, UK, 08- 10 Sep 2016.
- Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Haddoud, M.Y. and Beaumont, E. (2016). Bridging Entrepreneurial Intention Action Gap; The Role of Cultural Values and Self-Regulation. Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE), Paris, France, 27-28 Oct 2016.
- Alammari, K., Newbery, R., Beaumont, E. and Haddoud, M. (2015). Modelling the effect of mind-set on the Entrepreneurial Intentions in Saudi Arabia, Regional Studies Early Career Conference, Sheffield, UK, 29-30 Oct 2015.
- Alammari, K., (2014). Future Entrepreneurs; Nurturing Entrepreneurship at Early Stage of Saudi International Entrepreneurship Conference, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 9- 11 Sept. 2014.
Graduate Teaching:
- Management Ethics and Law (Executive MBA)
- Business Ethics (MBA)
Undergraduate Teaching:
- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Knowledge, Skills & Experience:
Leadership and motivation
At Saudi Telecom Company, I led 17 engineers and consultants as Quality Management Manager. As Network Performance Analysis Manager, I led a team of 7 employees including consultants and acting as department head with oversight of 15 employees. At Saudi Ceramics Company, I performed the job of Acting Industrial Engineering Department Head leading 6 engineers. Further, I acted as Planning Head at Water Heater Factory leading 6 employees to develop production plans.
Planning and organizing to achieve results
I have taken the lead at of production planning, scheduling, and stock balancing index at Saudi Ceramics Company. At Lucent Technologies Company, I conducted training planning and scheduling. At Water heater factory, I carried out production planning, scheduling, and commissioning. At Saudi Ceramics Company, I managed ISO certification project planning, scheduling, and auditing. At Saudi Telecom Company, I planned for quality awareness programs and quality management systems development. Further, as a business owner, I planned for various functions including sales, marketing, and customer services.
Teamwork and collaboration
I believe on team spirit in both profession and own ventures. This collaboration was highly recognized throughout industrial engineering team at Saudi Ceramics Company doing time studies and production planning. Another team was Water Heater Factory team who built and commissioned a new factory on time. Another team was ISO certification team who successfully achieved ISO accreditation for Saudi Ceramic Company. Network performance analysis team at Lucent Technologies Company successfully monitored mobile network in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Quality team at Saudi Telecom Company successfully achieved King Abdulaziz Quality Award. Teams of my own business ventures of programmers, analysts, sales and marketing, technicians, and showrooms representatives performed their functions and achieved their targets.
Commercial awareness
I Audited department processes and identified major and minor discrepancies to enable Saudi Ceramics company to gain the ISO 9000 accreditation. I reviewed and enhanced an incentive scheme introducing a quota for hours worked on the production lines and reducing overtime worked by employees, which significantly reduced costs. I improved the availability of quality management system requirements from 48% to 70% to enable the network sector at Saudi Telecom Company to achieve ISO.
Continuous improvement, innovation and change (‘can do’ attitude)
I led different teams and projects such as ISO certification teams at Saudi Ceramics Company and Saudi Telecom Company, conflict resolution team at Saudi Telecom company to study, analyses, and resolve conflicts among general directorates, the change of incentive scheme at Saudi Ceramics Company, and the change of processes and procedures of network sector at Saudi Telecom company.
Delivering excellent customer service
I developed strategic management processes, enhanced critical business processes such as customer complaints, and planned strategic initiatives to enhance systems at Saudi Telecom Company. I integrated sales plan and production plan at Saudi Ceramics Company to fulfil customer requirements raised by sales-production committee. I Responded to customers training needs by planning, scheduling, and monitoring yearly training plan at Lucent Technologies company.
The ability to develop others
I developed skills requirements plan to support staff along with performance evaluation scheme at Saudi Telecom Company. I supported other departments at Saudi Telecom Company to comply with ISO certification by conducting quality awareness sessions, ISO gap analysis seminars, and processes engineering workshops. Further, I supported students at entrepreneurship courses and undergraduate students at Plymouth University.
Data Analysis, reporting, and presenting
At Saudi Telecom Company, I analysed network characteristics including network performance metrics, operational efficiency trends, and provided recommendations for resolution. At Lucent Technologies Company, I analysed trends and metric data to identify key areas that performed well and those that underperformed. At Saudi Ceramics Company, I monitored the monthly balancing index (stock level) by extracting data from stock level and sales requirement reports.
Background working within Entrepreneurship Field
Being a Co-founder of two businesses, a manager at national and multinational companies as well as an academic professional entitles me to play different roles in entrepreneurship field such as guest and advisor at education courses, speaker at entrepreneurship conferences, and author at entrepreneurship journals such as Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. I coached Tell-Us Education Group (UK) students through workshops. At British Academy of Management, I Presented and discussed subjects such entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia.