Dr. Marhane Hafithallah
Associate Professor of Management

Dr. Marhane Hafithallah is an Associate Professor of Human Resources and Strategic Management at the College of Business Administration, Al Yamamah University. His research is concentrated on Strategic Human Resources Management, with a strong focus on the dynamics within employer-employee relations, change management, diversity management and talent management, career development in a changing context, flexible working conditions and their effects. Dr. Hafithallah is actively involved with the business world through his consultancy and training activities in companies and organizations for several years, on the themes of change management, managerial skills and posture, then the overall improvement of human and economic performance.
Refereed Journal Articles
Amari, A., Berraies, S., Alshahrani, S., Hafithallah, M., and Choukir, J., (2023). Does the overall justice climate enhance self-initiated expatriates' creativity during uncertain times? The mediating role of cross-cultural psychological capital. Journal of Global Mobility, 11(4), pp. 78–96.
Hafithallah, M. (2023). Les caractéristiques du dirigeant-propriétaire de l’entreprise familiale comme déterminants de la décision de désinvestissement. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion - Management Sciences - Ciencias de Gestión, 154(1).
Rahmoune, M., Abdeltawab M, A., Azhari, A. and Hafithallah, M. (2023). Influence of Benevolence and Credibility on Conduct of Integrative Negotiation Behaviours. Marketynh I Menedzhment Innovacij / Marketing and Management of Innovations, 14(1), pp. 213-223.
Chouki, M., Mnisri, K., Hafithallah, M. and SOUISSI, G. (2022). An investigation into the development of the competencies of the Tunisian entrepreneur: importance of international and interpersonal dimensions. Management International, 26(3), pp. 193–209.
Khenissi, M., Jahmane, A. and Hafithallah, M. (2022). Does the introduction of CSR criteria into CEO incentive pay reduce their earnings management? The case of companies listed in the SBF 120. Finance Research Letters, 48, pp. 102880.
Berraies, S. and Hafithallah, M. (2022). Does expatriates’ cross-cultural psychological capital mediate the link between ethical organizational climate and turnover intention A generational cohort comparison. Forthcoming European Journal of International Management.
Giraud, L., Chouki, M. and Hafithallah, M. (2022). The effects of organizational commitment on knowledge sharing: the case of digital designers. Forthcoming Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 130.
Martin, P. and Hafithallah, M. (2022). The impact of the quality of manager feedback on new employees. Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels, XXVIII(74), pp. 5-25.
Khenissi, M., Jahmane, A. and Hafithallah, M. (2022). Does the introduction of CSR criteria into CEO incentive pay reduce their earnings management? The case of companies listed in the SBF 120. Finance Research Letters, 48(10), pp. 102880.
Hafithallah, M., SATOURI, T., CHOUKI, M. and SMIDA, M. (2021). Generating Knowledge through Micro-Contradictions: The case of a nursing home for the elderly. Management Decision, 59(9), pp. 2101-2122.
Jahmane, A. and Hafithallah, M. (2021). L’influence des stratégies RSE sur la performance financière : cas des entreprises du CAC 40. Question(s) de Management, (32), pp. 127-142.
Hafithallah, M. (2021). Humour et résilience en période de crise- Plus de rire pour plus de succès ? Question(s) de Management, Question(s) de résilience(35), pp. 73 à 89.
Amari, A., Hafithallah, M. and Swalhi, A. (2021). How Do Academics Manage their Stay and Career Prospects during their International Assignment? Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 145(4), pp. 185-216.
Jahmane, A., Hafithallah, M. and Ben Ali, A. (2021). La gouvernance responsable, moyen d’assurer une performance financière en période de crises et post-crise ? Management et Sciences Sociales December, pp. 4-20.
Arfaoui, N., Hafithallah, M. and Chawla, G. (2020). Social performance of the company: An explanation centralized on the social and technological factors. EuroMed Journal of Business, 15(1), pp. 102-126.
Lassoued, T. and Hafithallah, M. (2019). Le e-learning : l’innovation au service de l’apprentissage en Ressources Humaines. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 132(3), pp. 259-288.
Swalhi, A., Zgoulli, S. and Hafithallah, M. (2017). The Influence of Organizational Justice On Job Performance: The Mediating Effect of Affective Commitment. Journal of Management Development, 36(4), pp. 542-559.
Tlaiss, H., Martin, P. and Hafithallah, M. (2017). Talent retention: Evidence from a multi-national firm in France. Employee Relations, 39(4), pp. 426-445.
Hafithallah, M. and Roger, M. (2014). Favoriser le développement de l'employabilité : un enjeu pour les individus et les organisation. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 3(93), pp. 32-53.
Hafithallah, M., Swalhi, A. and Frimousse, S. (2014). Exhaustion of Employees in SMEs: the role of Employability. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 4(94), pp. 71-85.
Hafithallah, M. and Chhinzer-Navpereet, N. (2014). The Relationship Between Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions for knowledge workers. Engineering Management Journal, 26(2), pp. 3-9.
Detchenique, G., Fauvy, S. and Hafithallah, M. (2013). La robustesse des compétences de l’organisation : le rôle des pratiques créatives de GRH. Revue Humanisme et Entreprise, 313(3), pp. 33-50.
Hafithallah, M. and Lassoued, T. (2013). Les déterminants de l’acceptation de l’e-learning : étude empirique au sein de La Poste. Management & Avenir, 2(60), pp. 139-156.
Hafithallah, M. (2013). Employability: Individual initiative or Company Decision? La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 99(6), pp. 23-42.
Hafithallah, M. and Ben Hassen, N. (2012). L’employabilité” des salariés : facteur de la performance des entreprises ? La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 91, pp. 131- 150.
Hafithallah, M. and Kammoun, H. (2010). Employabilité des jeunes diplômés et réseau social : quels liens ? Revue Européenne du Droit Social, pp. 80-99.
Hafithallah, M. (2010). Le développement de l’employabilité : les stratégies des acteurs dans un pays émergent ? Revue Internationale sur le travail et la société, pp. 87-115.
GANNOUNI, K., CHERIF, A., HAFITHALLAH, M. and GINNI, C. (2019). Self-Perceived Employability and Academic Engagement in Higher Education. In: 19th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management (EURAM).
MBAREK, R., BAESHEN, Y., HAFITHALLAH, M. and ABDELTAWAB, A. (2019). Impact of Benevolence and Credibility as Dimensions of Trust Supplier and Retailer on Conduct of Integrative Negotiation. In: ISER International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering and Management (ICSTEM). Edmonton.
HAFITHALLAH, M. and NGUYEN-THI, T. (2016). Exploring the link between subjective labour market opportunity and workers' mobility. In: 65th Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE). Nancy.
MARTIN, P. and HAFITHALLAH, M. (2016). La décision face au changement : un équilibre entre effort cognitif et repères émotionnels. In: 2es Rencontres internationales des sciences du management.
HAFITHALLAH, M. and NGUYEN-THI, T. (2015). Human capital investment and voluntary turnover: The moderating role of organizational support and job opportunities. In: International Conference on Business Management and Information Systems. Singapore.
HAFITHALLAH, M., RAZA, A. and FRAWLEY, S. (2014). Exhaustion, deviance and employees in smes : the role of employability. In: Southern Management Association. Georgia.
MARTIN, P. and HAFITHALLAH, M. (2014). Talent professionnel et employabilité. Quel développement des talents en entreprise aujourd'hui ? In: Journée ESSCA-KPMG. Boulogne-Billancourt.
HAFITHALLAH, M., FRIMOUSSE, S., SWALHI, A. and ZGOULLI, S. (2013). L’épuisement des cadres au sein des PME : le rôle de l’employabilité. In: 24e congrès de l’AGRH. Paris.
HAFITHALLAH, M. and LASSOUED, Y. (2013). De l’essaimage à l’employabilité : une volonté affichée mais des pratiques timides. In: 8e Conférence Internationale en Finance et Assurance. Hammamet.
HAFITHALLAH, M. (2013). Influence of managerial decentralization on the risks of hostile takeovers. In: 3rd Transatlantic Conference in Accounting, Auditing, Financial Control and Cost Control – Crisis and Prosperity-, ISEOR, the American Accounting Association (AAA) and the International Institute of Costs (IIC). Lyon.
Current Teaching
MGT512: Strategic Management
HCM511/MGT521: Human Resources Management
HRM540: Managing a Diverse Workforce
BUS404: Corporate Policies and Strategies
MGT495: Strategic Management
Graduate Teaching
- Strategic Management
- Human Resources Management
- Managing a Diverse Workforce
- Introduction to Human Resources Management
- HR Staffing
- Leadership
- Compensation and Performance Management
Undergraduate Teaching
- Corporate Policies and Strategies
- Organizational Design and Change
- Strategic Management