Dr. Mehmet Koksal
Professor of Marketing

Dr. Mehmet Haluk Koksal is professor of marketing and an independent business consultant, advising creative start-ups regarding their next steps.
After receiving his Ph.D. from University of Exeter, England, he worked as an assistant professor of marketing in Turkey and Lebanon. He also worked in United Arab Emirates and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as a professor of marketing. He visited and lectured many times in Iraq and Republic of Syria on a short time basis. Before joining academia, he worked for several companies including Coca-Cola Export Corporation and Yasar Holding.
Dr. Koksalâs research mainly revolves around consumer behavior, marketing strategy, and business research methods. His articles have been published in internationally recognized journals, a book chapter, and many international and national conference proceedings. He supervised many MBA and Ph.D. studentsâ thesis.
Academic Blind Refereed Journal Articles
Koksal, Haluk & Seyedimany, Arian (2023). âWine Consumer Typologies Based on Level of Involvement: A Case of Turkeyâ, International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol.35, No.4, pp. 597-613.
Seyedimany, Arian & Koksal, Haluk (2022). âSegmentation of Turkish Wine Consumers based on Based on Generational Cohorts: An Exploratory Studyâ. Sustainability, Vol.14, No.5, 3031.
Koksal, Haluk. (2021). âSegmentation of Wine Consumers based on Level of Involvement: a case of Lebanonâ. British Food Journal, Vol. 123, No. 3, pp. 926-942.
Koksal, Haluk. (2020). âThe Comparative Mall Shopping Behavior: Three Countries from the Middle Eastâ Visions in Leisure and Business, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 16-45.
Koksal, Haluk. (2020). âDetermining Hedonistic Mall Shoppers: A Segmentation Approachâ. Middle East Journal of Management, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 323-342.
Koksal, Haluk. (2019). âFood Choice Motives for Consumers in Lebanon: A Descriptive Studyâ. British Food Journal, Vol. 121, No. 11, pp. 2607-2619.
Koksal, Haluk. (2019). âThe Differences among Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z Wine Consumers in Lebanon: Some perspectivesâ. International Journal of Wine Business Research, Vol.31, No. 3, pp. 456-572.
Koksal, Haluk. (2019). âShopping Motives, Mall Attractiveness, and Visiting Patterns in Shopping Malls in the Middle East: A Segmentation Approachâ. Contemporary Management Research, Vol. 15, No.1, pp. 1-23.
Koksal, Haluk. (2016). âThe Intentions of Lebanese Consumers to Adopt Mobile Bankingâ. International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 327-346.
Koksal, Haluk. (2014). âPsychological and Behavioural Drivers of Male Fashion Leadershipâ. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 430-449.
Koksal, Haluk. (2014). âThe Differences between Successful and Unsuccessful New Manufacturing Products in International Markets: Evidence from Turkeyâ, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 21-38.
Koksal, Haluk. (2011). âThe Variables Influencing Consumer Information Search Strategies: Christmas shopping in Lebanonâ, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 726-741.
Koksal, Haluk & Kettaneh, Tarek. (2010). âExport Problems Experienced by High- and Low-Performing Manufacturing Companies: A comparative studyâ, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.108-126..
Koksal, Haluk & Ozgul, Engin. (2010). âThe Export Competitive Advantages of Turkish Manufacturing Companiesâ, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 206-222.
Koksal, Haluk. (2009). âOrganizational and Exporting Determinants Affecting Export Promotion Program Awareness, Utilization, and Usefulness Levelâ, Journal of Euromarketing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 219-232.
Koksal, Haluk. (2008). âHow Export Marketing Research Affects Company Export Performance: Evidence from Turkish Exporting Companiesâ, Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 7-26..
Koksal, Haluk. (2008). âDeterminants of Export Marketing Research in Turkish Companiesâ, Journal of Euromarketing. Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 75-107.
Koksal, Haluk & Ozgul, Engin. (2007), âThe Relationship between Marketing Strategies and Performance in an Economic Crisisâ, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 326-342.
Koksal, Haluk. (2007). âConsumer Behaviour and Preferences Regarding Childrenâs Clothingâ, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 69-81.
Koksal, Haluk. (2006). âExport Training: A Preliminary Investigation of Turkish Companiesâ, European Business Review, Indexed in Scopus, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 382-394. (ABDC: B)
Koksal, Haluk. (2005). âSources and Types of Export Information: Insights from Turkish Companiesâ, The Business Review, Cambridge. Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 240-245.
Yaralioglu, Kaan & Koksal, Haluk. (2003). âAnalytic Hierarchy Process as a Managerial Tool in the Evaluation of New Product Ideasâ, Ege Academic Review, Aegean University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Izmir, Turkey. Vol. 3, No. 1-2, pp. 119-137
Koksal, Haluk. (2003). âMarketing Practices, Problems and Suggestions for the Turkish Ready-to-Wear Sub-Industryâ, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Journal, Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey, Vol. 17, No. 1-2, pp. 323-336.
Koksal, Haluk. (2001). âProduction Practices, Problems, and Suggestions for the Turkish Ready-to-Wear Sub-Industryâ, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Journal, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey, Vol. 8, No. 2. pp. 69-79.
Koksal, Haluk. (1998). âThe Methodological Review of the Studies Investigating the Success and Failure Factors in New Product Developmentâ, The Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Izmir, Turkey, Vol. 13, No. 1. pp. 1-13.
Koksal, Haluk. (1991). âSymbolism in Marketing and its Effect on Consumer Behaviourâ, The Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Izmir, Turkey, Vol. 6, No. 1. pp. 207-214.
Book Chapter
Koksal, Haluk. (2001). âSectoral Analysis of the Turkish Economyâ, Chapter 2 in Turkey Since 1970. Debbie Lovatt (ed.). Palgrave (Macmillan).
International (Refereed) Conference Proceedings
Koksal, Haluk. (2016). âConsumer Perceptions of Coffee Brands: A Market Segmentation Studyâ, 25th World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA), London, England. June 15-19.
Koksal, Haluk. (2015). âPredictors of Fashion Leadership: Lebanon as a case studyâ, 24th World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA), Nicosia, Northern Cyprus. May 27-31.
Koksal, Haluk. (2014), âComparative Mall Shopping Behaviour of Three Countries from the Middle East: The UAE, Lebanon and Saudi Arabiaâ, 23rd World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA, Ankara, Turkey. June 24-28.
Koksal, Haluk. (2013).â A Comparative Performance Analysis of Global and Local Brandsâ, 22nd World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA), Taipei, Taiwan. June 25-29.
Koksal, Haluk. (2011). âThe Effects of Advertising Beliefs on Attitudes toward Advertising and its Outcomesâ, 20th World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA, Poznan, Poland. July 3-7.
Koksal, Haluk. (2010). âSome Personal and Shopping Factors Affecting Male Fashion Leadershipâ, Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference (ABSRC), Olbia, Sardinia, Italy. September 8-10.
Koksal, Haluk. (2010). âThe Effects of Critical Marketing New Product Success Factors on New Product Export Performance: Evidence from Turkeyâ, 19th World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA), Konya, Turkey. July 21-25.
Koksal, Haluk. (2008). âDeterminants of Export Promotion Programs in Turkish Manufacturing Companiesâ, 34th European International Business Association Annual Conference (EIBA), Tallinn, Estonia, 2008. December 11-13. Paper accepted, but attendance withdrawn due to the lack of a visa issuing authority in Lebanon.
Koksal, Haluk & Ozgul, Engin. (2006). âThe Export Competitive Advantage Differences between High and Low Performing Companies: The Case of Turkeyâ, 15th World Business Congress, The International Management Development Association (IMDA, Sarajevo, Bosnia. June 18-21.
Koksal, Haluk. (2005). âThe Effects of Organizational and Exporting Characteristics on the Sources and Types of Export Information: Insights from Turkish Companiesâ, The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. August 10-13.
Koksal, Haluk. (2004). âThe Business Worldâs Expectations of a University Graduateâ, 1st International Congress on Higher Education: Perspectives on University Education in the 21st Century, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey. May 27-29.
Conference Presentations
Koksal, Haluk. (2001). âThe Effects of Market Orientation, Learning Orientation and Innovativeness on Company Performanceâ, Production Research Symposium, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul. November. 8-9.
Koksal, Haluk. (1998). âResearch and Development Activities as a Competitive Tool and Alternative Policies and Strategies in Practiceâ, XIX National Conference on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. June 15-16.
Koksal, Haluk. (1998). âStructural Analysis of Research and Development Activities During the Globalization Process and the Turkish Realityâ, XIX National Conference on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. June 15-16.
- Marketing Management
- Strategic Marketing
- International Marketing/Global Marketing
- Marketing Research and Data Analysis (SPSS)
- Business Research Methods
- New Product Development
- Consumer Behaviour
- Principles of Marketing
- Integrated Marketing Communication
- Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Consumer Behavior
Editorial Board MembershipÂ
International Journal Export Marketing. Inderscience. 2015-present
Journal of Transnational Management. Taylor & Francis. 2011-present.
The Journal of the Graduate School of Social Sciences. Dokuz Eylul University Publications. 2010-2017.
Journal of Teaching in International Business. International Business Press. Haworth Press, New York. 2008-2011
Journal of Global Business Management. Oregon, USA. ISSN 1817-3179. 2006-present.
Ad hoc reviewer
International Journal of Export Marketing. 2015-Present
International Journal of Bank Marketing. 2014-Present
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. 2008-Present.
Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing and Logistics. 2012-Present.
International Journal of Emerging Markets. 2010-Present.
Journal of Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 2008-Present.
Journal of Dokuz Eylul University. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. 1997-2004.
Assisting young researchers from under-represented publishing communities with their research and publications through Emerald Group Publishing. 2011-present.
Chaired Conference Sessions
The 25th World Business Congress, International Management Development Association (IMDA). London, England. June 15-19, 2016.
The 23rd World Business Congress, International Management Development Association (IMDA). Ankara, Turkey. June 24-28, 2014.
The Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference (ABSRC), Olbia, Sardinia, Italy, September 8-10, 2010.
The 19th Annual World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, Konya, June 18-21, 2010.
The 15th Annual World Business Congress, International Management Development Association, Sarajevo, June 18-21, 2006.
The Global Business and Economics Research Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2005.
XIX National Conference on Operational Research and Industrial Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, June 15-16, 1998.
IMDA (International Management Development Association, USA) June 2006-present
Formed in 1987 in the State of Pennsylvania to provide an interdisciplinary and global platform for the exchange of ideas in the pursuit of professional growth and opportunities for academics, practitioners, and public policy makers at all levels.
Consultancy and Industry Experience
Consulting and Training
Association of Textile & Ready-to-Wear Sub-Industrialists. Istanbul, Turkey. October 1999-March 2000.
Consultancy. Industry-specific marketing research focusing on zipper producersâ resources, skills and competitive advantages in production and marketing.
Association of Mechanical Engineers. Izmir, Turkey. October 1998-May 2000.
Management-level training in cooperation with professional institutions and private companies: new product development, research and development management, marketing, and business administration.
Gurkan Wrought Iron Company. Izmir, Turkey. March-August 1998.
Six-month management consultancy and training to meet the requirements of this rapidly expanding company. Training focused on marketing and exporting.
Yasar Holding Headquarters. Izmir, Turkey. January 1997-January 1998.
Consultancy leading to the establishment of a new private university in Izmir.
Worked closely with leading industrialist, Selcuk Yasar, the owner of Yasar Holding, to prepare the initial plan for the establishment of the university. This university started teaching in the 2002/03 academic year and now has 7 academic schools and 2 vocational training schools.
The Womenâs Organisation. Liverpool, England, June 2018-September 2018
Short-term consultancy project to prepare the marketing plan for this organisation.
Industry Experience
Coca-Cola Corporation, Izmir, Turkey. July-December 1984
Market Researcher
Under the direction of Muhtar Kent, CEO of Coca Cola Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia.
Asil Steel Company, Izmir, Turkey. June 1981-June 1984
Assistant Manager
Voluntary Work
In Another Place, Crosby, Liverpool, November 2017-present
A charity working in collaboration with community groups, offering large creative art projects and smaller specialist group projects.
My role was helping prepare customer survey forms and analyze data already collected for marketing purposes.
St Bedeâs Community Food Market, Toxteth, Liverpool, December 2016-present
I worked at St Bedeâs Community Food Market in a hands-on and consultative capacity to ensure the smooth running of all areas of this weekly market, including stock-keeping, training the volunteers in business matters, and dealing with the customers and other volunteers.
Micah Foodbank, Liverpool, January 2015-present