Dr. Moodhi AlOtaibi
Assistant Professor of Economics

I was working with Arab Open University as the Assistant President for Financial & Administrative Affairs, Saudi Arabia. Besides, Vice Professor of Economics at the College of Business. Economics gave me the opportunity to introduce individuals to a dynamic field that I love. My goal is, simply, to provide individuals with a set of analytical tools for understanding and contributing to the real life. When individuals are able to explain the market and economic factors that they see in the economies, discuss current events with economic principles, and analyze policy debates, I know that I have given them tools that they can exercise in their personal lives, future careers. My research interests are corporate finance, financial statement analysis and the economic theories
with focus on diversification in the Saudi Economy and relevant economies (MENA and South Asian Economies).
My colleagues would describe me as a driven, resourceful individual who maintains a positive, proactive attitude when faced with adversity. Strong education professional with a PhD in Economics focused in Economics from Howard University, Washington, DC. The last fifteen years, I moved between many continents such as Asia, Africa, North America and Europe.
Publications in Scopus/WOS Indexed Journals
- Moodhi Raid and Omaima Elnor (2023). The Economic Impact of Energy Poverty and Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The Energy Journal IAEE, [Accepted, Scopus, SCI, SSCI & ISI indexed].
- Moodhi Raid, Nisar Ahmad, Hisham and Jumah(2023). Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation in Developing Countries: The Case of Pakistan, Heliyon journal by SSRN [Published - Scopus, ELSEVIER and WOS indexed].
- Bader Alhafi, Muhammad mu, Moodhi Raid (2023). Assessing University Students Knowledge and Awareness about COVID-19 Infection Symptoms and Preventive Measures in Saudi arabia. International journal 2023 ISSN:2305-6766;2306-6544 [Published, Scopus, DRJI& ISI indexed].
- Nisar Ahmad, Moodhi Raid & Asma Mobarek (2023). Impact of global financial crisis on firm performance in UK: Moderating role of ESG, corporate governance and firm size, Cogent Business & Management [Published- Scopus, WOS, and ABDC indexed].
- Nisar Ahmad, Moodhi Raid, Hisham and Jumah(2023). Input Prices and Wheat Productivity in Selected Asian Countries, Cogent Business & Management [Accepted - Scopus, WOS, and ABDC indexed].
- Bader Alhafi, Azhar Abbas, Raza Ullah, Imran Azeem, Moodhi Raid and Tahira Sadaf (2023).
Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture in Saudi Arabia: Implications for Adaptation, Mitigation, and Sustainability: Atmosphere ISSN 2073-4433, [Published by MDPI, Scopus and SJR-SCIE/SSCI indexed].
- Moodhi Raid Nisar Ahmad, Salim Bagadeem, Jumah and Hisham, (2023). The Non-Oil Institutional Sectors and Economic Growth in Saudi Arabia, Cogent Economics & Finance Journal [Accepted - Scopus, WOS, and ABDC indexed].
- Moodhi Raid and Omaima Elnor (2022). The Circular Carbon Economy: A mechanism Achieving Sustainable Development Evidence from Saudi Arabia. Rimar International Journal [Published, Scopus, DRJI& ISI indexed].
- Nisar Ahmad, Moodhi Raid, Hisham and Jumah(2023). Impact of Urbanization and Income Inequality on Life Expectancy of Male and Female in South Asian Countries, Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, [Published - Scopus, Indexed on SJR, SSCI & AHC].
- Moodhi Raid (2021). The Economic Effects of Foreign Trade on the Manufacturing Growth in
Saudi Arabia (Dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 28149739.
Participation in National, Regional and International Conferences
- Moodhi Raid, the Economic Impact of Energy Poverty and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
IAEE International Conference 2023 . The King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center
(KAPSARC) Feb 4-9 Riyadh, KSA. https://iaee2023.saudi-aee.sa/ar/program-details/
- Moodhi Raid, moderate a panel discussion in partnership with the Authority of Auditors and Accountants, Saudi Accounting Association and General Accountability Bureau, World Accounting Day Forum, November (12-13), 2023. https://www.arabou.edu.sa/media/pages/news-item.aspx?iid=145
- Moodhi Raid, The Non-Oil Sectors and Economic Growth in Saudi Arabia 6 NOV 2023, Annual scientific research from AOU, NOV 2023 Scientific research and innovation are a gateway to a better future Annual scientific research form
- Moodhi Raid, Modern manufacturing based on high-technology. Sustainable Partnerships Conference Ministry of Education , Nov 23-24, 2022. Riyadh, KSA. https://spc- moe.com/en/welcome
- Moodhi Raid, Circular Carbon Economy in Saudi Arabia- International Research Congress for
Economic and Administrative Studies Oct 18 to 20 2022. Istanbul,Turkey. https://www.rimaracademy.com/en/congresses/international-research-congress-for-
- Moodhi Raid, the role of small and medium enterprises in Vision 2030 Saudi Arabia. Economic Forum at Princess Noura University PNU . 2018/02/11 Riyadh, KSA. https://www.pnu.edu.sa/ar/NewsActivities/Pages/news3109.aspx
Other Seminars, Conferences and Meetings
Global events, Since Howard University located in Washington D.C, this opportunity enabled me to attend a lot of international organizations conferences, such as the World Bank and IMF, Washington DC, the US.
Local events, I have been attending a lot of conferences in finance and economic, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, such as local Universities and Research Centers as:
-The Financial Academy Forum, Saudi Central Bank , March 30, 2022, https://forum.fa.gov.sa/ar
- The World Education 2022 Forum entitled “Changing the Course, Transforming Education” The
Arab Open University and @SSQ_RIYADH, Jan 24, 2022. https://forms.office.com/r/DtUFug4eKB
- The Scientific Economic Forum “Developing National Human Capabilities in the Field of
Economy and Manufacturing Industries.” PN University, on Wednesday and Thursday 11-12 May
2022, https://www.pnu.edu.sa/ar/NewsActivities/Pages/news3109.aspx.
- Research and innovation in NEOM-OXAGON, The Ministry of Education in partnership with Oxagon, Aug 4, 2022, https://www.moe.gov.sa/ar/mediacenter/MOEnews/Pages/neom- Hackathon.aspx
- Global Entrepreneurship Conference (GEC), ‘Rethink... Reboot... Regenerate’ Riyadh city between March 27 to March 30 2022, https://fikra.sa/node/1172
- The first scientific conference for labor market research, studies and indicators, National Labor Observatory of the Human Resources Development Fund "HRADF", 17-18 May, 2022 https://scrsi- sa.com/
- Digital Economy, The 21st annual meeting of the Economics Association, The Saudi Press Agency
"WAS" Conference Center in Riyadh, KSA, 21 March, 2022 https://sea.org.sa/register
Graduate Teaching (MBA/EMBA)
- ECO 506 : Managerial Economics
- ECO 504 : International Economics
- BUS 536 : Business Feasibility Study
Undergraduate Teaching:
- ECO 101: Principles of Microeconomics
- ECO 105 : Principles of Macroeconomics