Dr. Naveed Ahmed
Chairman / Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering

Naveed Ahmed received BSc an MSc degrees in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Lahore – Pakistan. He joined the same university as a Lecturer in 2007. Dr. Naveed Ahmed received PhD degree from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, in 2016 and received King Saud University Award for Scientific Excellence in 2017. Currently, Dr. Naveed is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of Industrial Engineering Department of Alyamamah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He has been an active member of reviewers committees of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan and numerous international journals including Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Applied Surface Sciences, Rapid Prototyping and Laser & Optics Technology.
Dr. Naveed has published one international book, one book chapter, and more than 45 impact factor papers in several areas of manufacturing engineering such as micro-machining, laser processing, and additive manufacturing. Dr. Naveed Ahmed has supervised several thesis at undergraduate and graduate level.
Thesis Supervised
Dr. Naveed Ahmed has supervised several thesis both at undergraduate and graduate level.
Undergraduate Level
- Machinability of Titanium Alloy during Electric Discharge Machining using Different Electrode Materials
- Performance analysis of micro-channel heat exchanger
- Design and Fabrication of Multi-purpose Jig and Fixture
- Synthesis of aluminum nanoparticles through EDM under confined environment
Graduate Level
- Wire-cut Electric Discharge Machining of Steel and Aluminum for Micro-channel Fabrication
- Parametric optimization for drilling of Aluminum-CFRP stacked plates
- Parametric Optimization for Surface Modification of AISI D2 Steel Alloy for Wear Resistance using Sinking EDM
- Investigating the performance of multi-material electrodes during Electrical Discharge Machining
Awards and Honors
Dr. Naveed Ahmed has an honor to receive several awards during his career at different stages such as undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate level.
Post Graduate Level
- “King Saud University Award for Scientific Excellence, 2017”
- “Excellent Researcher Award” from the College of Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2015-2016)
- “Excellency in Research Award” from the Department of Industrial Engineering, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2015-2016)
- “Fully Funded PhD Scholarship” awarded by King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2012 – 2015)
- “Key Scientific Article Certificate” on international publication awarded by Advances in Engineering (AIE), Ottawa, Canada (2015-2016).
- “Key Scientific Article Certificate” on international publication awarded by Advances in Engineering (AIE), Ottawa, Canada (2015-2016).
Graduate Level
- “Fully Funded MSc Scholarship” awarded by the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore – Pakistan (2008 – 2009)
Undergraduate Level
- Ranked at 3rd position during BSc Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (2003 – 2006)
- “Role of Honor” based on yearly academic performance during third year of BSc Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (2005 – 2006)
- “1st Prize” in “All Pakistan Painting, Photography and Sketching Competition” held by Environmental and Horticultural Society (EHS) of Pakistan (2005 – 2006)
Professional/Committee Memberships
Some selected memberships are listed below:
- Member of “The reviewer committee of International Academy of Industrial, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (IAIMAE)”
- Member of Reviewers committee of Higher Education Commission (HEC) to assess national level funded projects.
- Member of Reviewers committee of Journal of Applied Surface Sciences
- Member of Reviewers committee of Journal of Rapid Prototyping
- Member of Reviewers committee of Journal of Laser and Optics Technology
- Member of Reviewers committee of Journal of Manufacturing Processes
- Member of Reviewers committee of Journal of Materials and Design
- Member of Reviewers committee of Journal of IEEE Access
- Member of “The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Membership # 9121583”
- Member of “The Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), Membership # INDUS/692”
- Member of OBE Core committee of UET Lahore, Pakistan.
- Director of Departmental ORIC (Office of Research and Innovation Center), UET Lahore - Pakistan
- Member of “Research Committee” of Alyamamah University.
- Member of “College Council” of Alyamamah University.
Research Interests
- Water/fluid Immersed Laser Processing
- Synthesis of Micro/Nano-particles
- Biomedical Implants (Fabrication and Machining)
- Micro-manufacturing (Micro-heat exchangers, Micro-molding; Micro-channels)
- Non-conventional Manufacturing Processes
- Electron Beam Melting
- Ultrasonic Milling/Grinding
- Micro/Nano Scale Surface Modifications
- Materials Engineering
Research Profile Links
- Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=UyOfJD4AAAAJ&hl=en#)
- Researchgate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Naveed_Ahmed27)
- ORCID: QR Code + Weblink (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7752-7199)
International Book
- Darwish, S.M.H.; Ahmed, N.; Al-Ahmari, A.M. Laser Beam Micro-milling of Micro-channels in Aerospace Alloys; Springer, 2017; ISBN 978-981-10-3602-6.
International Book Chapter
- Darwish, S.; Ahmed, N.; Alahmari, A.M. Laser Beam Machining, Laser Beam Hybrid Machining, and Micro-channels Applications and Fabrication Techniques. In Machining, Joining and Modifications of Advanced Materials; Öchsner, A., Altenbach, H., Eds.; Advanced Structured Materials; Springer Singapore: Singapore, 2016; pp. 171–269 ISBN 978-981-10-1082-8.
International Impact Factor Journal Articles
- Darwish, S.M.H.; Ahmed, N.; Al-Ahmari, A.M. Laser Beam Micro-milling of Micro-channels in Aerospace Alloys; Springer, 2017; ISBN 978-981-10-3602-6.
- Darwish, S.; Ahmed, N.; Alahmari, A.M. Laser Beam Machining, Laser Beam Hybrid Machining, and Micro-channels Applications and Fabrication Techniques. In Machining, Joining and Modifications of Advanced Materials; Öchsner, A., Altenbach, H., Eds.; Advanced Structured Materials; Springer Singapore: Singapore, 2016; pp. 171–269 ISBN 978-981-10-1082-8.
- Ahmed, N.; Darwish, S.; Alahmari, A.M.; Salik, K. Laser Ablation Process Competency to Fabricate Microchannels in Titanium Alloy. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2015, 30, 1290–1297, doi:10.1080/10426914.2015.1019132.
- Alahmari, A.M.; Ahmed, N.; Darwish, S. Laser beam micro-machining under water immersion. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2016, 83, 1671–1681, doi:10.1007/s00170-015-7699-5.
- Darwish, S.; Ahmed, N.; Alahmari, A.M.; Mufti, N.A. A comparison of laser beam machining of micro-channels under dry and wet mediums. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2016, 83, 1539–1555, doi:10.1007/s00170-015-7658-1.
- Ahmed, N.; Darwish, S.; Alahmari, A.M. Experimental Investigation of Dimensional Variation in Laser-machined Micro-channels produced in Titanium Alloy. Journal of Laser Micro/Nano Engineering 2016, 11, 210–226, doi:10.2961/jlmn.2016.02.0012.
- Ahmed, N.; Darwish, S.; Alahmari, A.M. Laser Ablation and Laser-Hybrid Ablation Processes: A Review. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2016, 31, 1121–1142, doi:10.1080/10426914.2015.1048359.
- Ahmed, N.; Darwish, S.; Alahmari, A.M.; Shar, M.A. Micro-channels by Nd:YAG laser beam machining: fabrication, microstructures, and micro-hardness profiles. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2016, 85, 1955–1968, doi:10.1007/s00170-015-7257-1.
- Alahmari, A.M.; Darwish, S.; Ahmed, N. Laser beam micro-milling (LBMM) of selected aerospace alloys. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2016, 86, 2411–2431, doi:10.1007/s00170-015-8318-1.
- Ahmed, N.; Alahmari, A.M.; Darwish, S.; Khan, A.A. Experimental investigation of micro-channels produced in aluminum alloy (AA 2024) through laser machining. Appl. Phys. A 2016, 122, 948, doi:10.1007/s00339-016-0463-3.
- Ahmed, N.; Alahmari, A.M.; Darwish, S.; Naveed, M. Laser beam micro-milling of nickel alloy: dimensional variations and RSM optimization of laser parameters. Appl. Phys. A 2016, 122, 1025, doi:10.1007/s00339-016-0553-2.
- Darwish, S.; Ahmed, N.; Alahmari, A.M.; Mufti, N.A. A study of micro-channel size and spatter dispersion for laser beam micro-milling. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2017, 32, 171–184, doi:10.1080/10426914.2016.1176188.
- Moiduddin, K.; Anwar, S.; Ahmed, N.; Ashfaq, M.; Al-Ahmari, A. Computer Assisted Design and Analysis of Customized Porous Plate for Mandibular Reconstruction. IRBM 2017, 38, 78–89, doi:10.1016/j.irbm.2017.01.003.
- Ahmed, N.; Abdo, B.M.; Darwish, S.; Moiduddin, K.; Pervaiz, S.; Alahmari, A.M.; Naveed, M. Electron beam melting of titanium alloy and surface finish improvement through rotary ultrasonic machining. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2017, 92, 3349–3361, doi:10.1007/s00170-017-0365-3.
- Naveed, R.; Mufti, N.A.; Mughal, M.P.; Saleem, M.Q.; Ahmed, N. Machining of curved profiles on tungsten carbide-cobalt composite using wire electric discharge process. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2017, 93, 1367–1378, doi:10.1007/s00170-017-0592-7.
- Khan, A.A.; Kbar, G.A.; Ahmad, N. Comprehensive assessment for motor and visually impaired people using a hierarchical model. Univ Access Inf Soc 2018, 17, 147–160, doi:10.1007/s10209-017-0523-2.
- Ishfaq, K.; Mufti, N.A.; Mughal, M.P.; Saleem, M.Q.; Ahmed, N. Investigation of wire electric discharge machining of stainless-clad steel for optimization of cutting speed. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2018, 96, 1429–1443, doi:10.1007/s00170-018-1630-9.
- Anwar, S.; Ahmed, N.; Abdo, B.M.; Pervaiz, S.; Chowdhury, M.A.K.; Alahmari, A.M. Electron beam melting of gamma titanium aluminide and investigating the effect of EBM layer orientation on milling performance. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2018, 96, 3093–3107, doi:10.1007/s00170-018-1802-7.
- Ishfaq, K.; Mufti, N.A.; Ahmed, N.; Mughal, M.P.; Saleem, M.Q. An investigation of surface roughness and parametric optimization during wire electric discharge machining of cladded material. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2018, 97, 4065–4079, doi:10.1007/s00170-018-2240-2.
- Ahmed, N.; Rafaqat, M.; Ishfaq, K.; Ur Rehman, A.; Hassan, A.; Umer, U.; Ragab, A.E.; Al-Zabidi, A. Comparison of Laser Milling Performance against Difficult-To-Cut Alloys: Parametric Significance, Modeling and Optimization for Targeted Material Removal. Materials 2019, 12, 1674, doi:10.3390/ma12101674.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmad, N.; Jawad, M.; Ali, M.A.; M. Al-Ahmari, A. Evaluating Material’s Interaction in Wire Electrical Discharge Machining of Stainless Steel (304) for Simultaneous Optimization of Conflicting Responses. Materials 2019, 12, 1940, doi:10.3390/ma12121940.
- Ahmed, N.; Ishfaq, K.; Moiduddin, K.; Ali, R.; Al-Shammary, N. Machinability of titanium alloy through electric discharge machining. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2019, 34, 93–102, doi:10.1080/10426914.2018.1532092.
- Pervaiz, S.; Anwar, S.; Qureshi, I.; Ahmed, N. Recent Advances in the Machining of Titanium Alloys using Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) Based Techniques. Int. J. of Precis. Eng. and Manuf.-Green Tech. 2019, 6, 133–145, doi:10.1007/s40684-019-00033-4.
- Abdo, B.M.A.; Ahmed, N.; El-Tamimi, A.M.; Anwar, S.; Alkhalefah, H.; Nasr, E.A. Laser beam machining of zirconia ceramic: An investigation of micro-machining geometry and surface roughness. J Mech Sci Technol 2019, 33, 1817–1831, doi:10.1007/s12206-019-0334-x.
- Ishfaq, K.; Mufti, N.A.; Ahmed, N.; Pervaiz, S. Abrasive waterjet cutting of cladded material: kerf taper and MRR analysis. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2019, 34, 544–553, doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/10426914.2018.1544710.
- Ahmed, N. Direct metal fabrication in rapid prototyping: A review. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 2019, 42, 167–191, doi:10.1016/j.jmapro.2019.05.001.
- Ahmed, N.; Rafaqat, M.; Pervaiz, S.; Umer, U.; Alkhalefa, H.; Shar, M.A.; Mian, S.H. Controlling the material removal and roughness of Inconel 718 in laser machining. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2019, 34, 1169–1181, doi:10.1080/10426914.2019.1615082.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmed, N. WEDM of layered composite: analyzing material removal and cut quality issues. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2019, 34, 1073–1082, doi:10.1080/10426914.2019.1615083.
- Ahmed, N.; Ishfaq, K.; Rafaqat, M.; Pervaiz, S.; Anwar, S.; Salah, B. EDM of Ti-6Al-4V: Electrode and polarity selection for minimum tool wear rate and overcut. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2019, 34, 769–778, doi:10.1080/10426914.2019.1594278.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmed, N.; Mufti, N.A.; Pervaiz, S. Exploring the contribution of unconventional parameters on spark gap formation and its minimization during WEDM of layered composite. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2019, 102, 1659–1669, doi:10.1007/s00170-019-03301-4.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmad, N.; Ahmad Mufti, N.; Saleem, M.Q.; M. Al-Ahmari, A. Abrasive Waterjet Cutting of Clad Composite for Achieving Minimal Cut Quality Difference Between Constituent Layers. Metals 2019, 9, 754, doi:10.3390/met9070754.
- Naveed, R.; Mufti, N.A.; Ishfaq, K.; Ahmed, N.; Khan, S.A. Complex taper profile machining of WC-Co composite using wire electric discharge process: analysis of geometrical accuracy, cutting rate, and surface quality. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2019, doi:10.1007/s00170-019-04150-x.
- Ahmed, N.; Pervaiz, S.; Ahmad, S.; Rafaqat, M.; Hassan, A.; Zaindin, M. LBM of aluminum alloy: towards a control of material removal and roughness. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2019, 105, 1901–1915, doi:10.1007/s00170-019-04365-y.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmed, N.; Hamza, H.; Zahid, M.; Al-Ahmari, A.-R. Significant improvement in cutting rate during WEDM of clad-composite using zinc-coated wire. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2019, 34, 1792–1802, doi:10.1080/10426914.2019.1669801.
- Ahmed, N.; Ahmad, S.; Anwar, S.; Hussain, A.; Rafaqat, M.; Zaindin, M. Machinability of titanium alloy through laser machining: material removal and surface roughness analysis. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2019, 105, 3303–3323, doi:10.1007/s00170-019-04564-7.
- Ahmed, N.; Anwar, S.; Ishfaq, K.; Rafaqat, M.; Saleh, M.; Ahmad, S. The potentiality of sinking EDM for micro-impressions on Ti-6Al-4V: keeping the geometrical errors (axial and radial) and other machining measures (tool erosion and work roughness) at minimum. Scientific Reports 2019, 9, 1–18, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-52855-6.
- Moiduddin, K.; Hammad Mian, S.; Umer, U.; Ahmed, N.; Alkhalefah, H.; Ameen, W. Reconstruction of Complex Zygomatic Bone Defects Using Mirroring Coupled with EBM Fabrication of Titanium Implant. Metals 2019, 9, 1250, doi:10.3390/met9121250.
- Moiduddin, K.; Mian, S.H.; Ahmed, N.; Ameen, W.; Al-Khalefah, H.; Mohammed, M. khan; Umer, U. Integrative and multi-disciplinary framework for the 3D rehabilitation of large mandibular defects. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2020, doi:10.1007/s00170-019-04762-3.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ali, M.A.; Ahmad, N.; Zahoor, S.; Al-Ahmari, A.M.; Hafeez, F. Modelling the Mechanical Attributes (Roughness, Strength, and Hardness) of Al-alloy A356 during Sand Casting. Materials 2020, 13, 598, doi:10.3390/ma13030598.
- Ahmed, N.; Mughal, M.P.; Shoaib, W.; Farhan Raza, S.; Alahmari, A.M. WEDM of Copper for the Fabrication of Large Surface-Area Micro-Channels: A Prerequisite for the High Heat-Transfer Rate. Micromachines 2020, 11, 173, doi:10.3390/mi11020173.
- Anwar, S.; Ahmed, N.; Pervaiz, S.; Ahmad, S.; Mohammad, A.; Saleh, M. On the turning of electron beam melted gamma-TiAl with coated and uncoated tools: A machinability analysis. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 2020, 282, 116664, doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2020.116664.
- Imran, M.; Habib, M.S.; Hussain, A.; Ahmed, N.; Al-Ahmari, A.M. Inventory Routing Problem in Supply Chain of Perishable Products under Cost Uncertainty. Mathematics 2020, 8, 382, doi:10.3390/math8030382.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmed, N.; Rehman, A.U.; Umer, U. WEDM of AA6061: an insight investigation of axial and lateral dimensional errors. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2020, 0, 1–13, doi:10.1080/10426914.2020.1740251.
- Umar Farooq, M.; Pervez Mughal, M.; Ahmed, N.; Ahmad Mufti, N.; Al-Ahmari, A.M.; He, Y. On the Investigation of Surface Integrity of Ti6Al4V ELI Using Si-Mixed Electric Discharge Machining. Materials 2020, 13, 1549, doi:10.3390/ma13071549.
- Ahmad Mufti, N.; Rafaqat, M.; Ahmed, N.; Qaiser Saleem, M.; Hussain, A.; Al-Ahamri, A.M. Improving the Performance of EDM through Relief-Angled Tool Designs. Applied Sciences 2020, 10, 2432, doi:10.3390/app10072432.
- Ahmed, A.; Hussain, A.; Hussain; Ahmed, N.; Ishfaq, K.; Yasmin, S.; Jaffri, N.R.; How Does Occupational Stress Affect Individuals Employed in Textiles? An Exploratory Study from Pakistan. Industria Textilla 2020.
- Ishfaq, K.; Ahmad, N.; Rehman, A.; Hussain, A.; Umer, U.; Al-zabidi, A; Minimizing the micro-edge damage at each constituent layer of the clad composite during AWJM. Materials 2020.
Particulars | Details | Total |
Total Impact factor Publications = 47 | ||
Publications as a 1st/2nd author = 31 | ||
Total Impact Factor = 117.56 | ||
No. of Targeted Journals = 18 | ||
Selected List of Journals | International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing – Green Technology (I.F.: 4.561) | |
Journal of Manufacturing Processes (I.F.: 3.462) | ||
Journal of Materials and Manufacturing Processes (I.F.: 3.350) | ||
Materials (I.F.: 2.972) | ||
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (I.F.: 2.496) | ||
Metals (I.F.: 2.259) | ||
Applied Physics A (I.F.: 1.784) | ||
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (I.F.: 1.221) | ||
IRBM (I.F.: 0.934) | ||
Universal Access in the Information Society (I.F.: 0.920) | ||
Micromachines (I.F. 2.426) | ||
Journal of Laser Micro/Nano Engineering (I.F.: 0.733) | ||
Citations | - | 286 |
h-index | - | 10 |
i10-index | - | 12 |
RG Score | - | 28.16 |