Dr. Rahma Doheim
Assistant Professor of Architecture

Dr. Rahma Doheim is an assistant professor in Architecture. Dr. Doheim has taught and practiced architecture in the USA, UK, and in the Middle East. She received her Ph.D. in the Built Environment from the University of Ulster in the UK., and her Master from the University of West Virginia in the USA. Her research interests lie in Architectural pedagogy, smart cities, Sustainable Mobility, and future city. Dr. Doheim has a long track record of publications participating in national and international conferences, publishing in peer-reviewed and high impact factor journals and has been the Chief-Editor of a book, and contributed to many books by different book chapters.
1) Doheim, R.; Yusof, N . (2020). Creativity in Architecture Design Studio. Assessing Students’ and instructors’ perception. Journal of Cleaner Production, volume 249. (impact Factor 9.29)
2) Farag, A.A.; Badawi, S; Doheim,R.M. (2019). Assessment of user happiness in campus open spaces. The Journal of Public Space, Vol. 4 n. 1. ISSN 2206-9658
3) Farag, A. A., Doheim, R. M., & Badawi, S. (2019). Evaluating Heat Island Effect at University Campus with Reference to LEED v4. Resourceedings, 2(1), 1-13.
4) Fekry, M., Doheim, R. (2017). Principles and Practice of Deconstruction in Architectural Education- When and how deconstruction should be introduced to Architecture students. Journal of Al Azhar University Engineering Sector; Volume 12, no 43, p.p. 612-619. ISSN 1110-6409.
5) Doheim, R., Yohanis, Y., Nadjai, A., & Elkadi, H. (2016). Bridging the knowledge gap between fire engineers and building service engineers-Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process approach. Procedia Engineering, 145, 1144-1152.
6) Doheim, R. M., Yohanis, Y. G., Nadjai, A., & Elkadi, H. (2014). The impact of atrium shape on natural smoke ventilation. Fire safety journal, 63, 9-16. (impact factor 2.764)
- Doheim, M., Farag, A. A., & Kamel, E. (Eds.). (2020). Humanizing Cities Through Car-Free City Development and Transformation. IGI Global.
Book chapters
- Doheim, R. M., Farag, A. A., & Badawi, S. (2020). Success Measures for Transforming Into Car-Free Cities: Recommendations for Implementation. In: Humanizing Cities Through Car-Free City Development and Transformation, 232-268.
- Doheim,R. M.; Farag,A.A.; Badawi,S. (2019), Smart City Vision and Practices across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- A review, in: Smart Cities- Issues and Challenges, Elsevier.
- Farag,A.A.; Badawi,S; Doheim,R. (2019), Digital Simulation for the Outdoor Thermal Comfort Assessment, in Digital Research Methods and Architectural Tools in Urban Planning and Design:, IGI Global.
- Farag,A.A. & Doheim,R. (2019). Educating Architecture Students for Sustainable and Environmental Responsibilities, in Global Approaches to Sustainability Through Learning and Education. IGI Global.
- Doheim, R. M. Early integration of fire safety objectives between architects in academia and in practice. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 129, 241-252. 2020.(online).
- Farag,A.A.; Doheim,R. M..; Badawi,S. Rating Sustainability at Effat University: Towards a Green Campus. The 2nd Memaryaat International Conference-MIC. April, 2018. Jeddah, KSA
- Doheim, R., Yosuf, N. Creativity in design studio. Student-instructor perception. The 2nd ARTEM Organizational Creativity and Sustainability International Conference. Sep., 2017. Nancy, France.
- Abdelaal, M, Doheim, R., Abdelaal, D. A framework for developing the quality of outdoor spaces within university Campus: a case study of Effat University, Jeddah. The 1st Memaryaat International Conference-MIC. April, 2017. Jeddah, KSA .
- Fekry, M., Doheim, R. Impact of Deconstruction on the Architectural Students’ Projects (An analytical study of samples of students’ work in the Saudi Universities). 1st Symposium on Deconstruction in Architecture, Qassim University, College of Architecture, Design and Planning, May, 2014. Qassim, KSA.
- Doheim, R. Yohanis, Y. G., Nadjai, A., & Elkadi, H. Effect of the architectural design parameters on natural forces driving air and smoke flow patterns. (Poster). The 10th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), University of Maryland. May, 2011. Maryland, USA.
- Doheim, R. Yohanis, Y. G., Nadjai, A., & Elkadi, H. Building integration and resilience of fire safety: smoke control with ventilation (Poster). Fire Safety International Workshop, University of Ulster. Feb., 2010. Belfast, UK.
- ARC 501
- ARC 502
- ARC 511
- ARC 303
- IAR 303