Dr. Tarik AlSulimani
Assistant Professor of MIS

A highly accomplished and commercially minded leader with over 35 years of experience. Has great passion for teaching utilizing the long-years of experience in providing students with state-of the art education background, tools, and techniques about the latest development in the field of MIS and Management in general.
Holds a Doctorate with Major in Computer Information Systems & Minor in Management Science, from The George Washington University, Washington D.C. (USA). Holds a Master of Science in 2 specializations: Computer Systems Applications & Management Information Systems, The American University, Washington D.C. (USA)
Has graduate certifications in Project Management, Marketing, and Quality: George Washington University, USA. Has participated in the Stanford University Executive Strategic Human Resources Program, Stanford University, (USA)
Holds a Graduate Certificate in Computer Systems Application (one year), The American University, (USA), Holds a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology with Major in Data Communications, Arizona State University, (USA).
Worked in a “C” level positions in leading organizations including the Advanced Electronics Company, BAE Systems and others. Currently finalizing writing his first two books on “Transforming the Human Resource Function in the New Era”, and the other “Happiness: The Success of Organizations”.
Published various papers in the field of management.
Prepared and presented over 80 papers in local and international conferences on subjects related to Human Resources, Management, Quality, Change Management, Strategies, and many more.
Taught in the following Universities:
- New York Institute of Technology
- The Arab Open University (Bahrain)
- King Abdulaziz University
- Prince Sultan University (Information Systems- Dept. Chairman).
Provided private consultations to various leading companies for over 20 years. In addition, participated as a “Board Member” in various organizations and “Committee Member” for Government and private sector companies for many years,