Dr. Eisa Aleisa, Ph.D.
Chairman of Quantitative Department / Assistant Professor of Economics

Dr. Aleisa is assistant professor of economics in the Accounting and Finance Department in the College of Business(COB) at Al Yamamah University (YU). He is the chairman of the Intellectual Awareness Unit (IAU), member of the university general committee for the Intellectual Awareness in the university, member of the university examination committee, chairman of the examination committee in the college of business.
Before joining AlYamamah University. Dr. Aleisa has been working for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a senior economist at the Middle East and Central Asia Department (MCD). He was a member of a team who goes on missions to member countries to assess the overall of the state of the member country’s economy and produce a note to the authorities highlighting the state of the economy with recommendations and also produce a report called Article VI consultation, presented, discussed and approves by the Board of the IMF. Dr. Aleisa was a visiting fellow, Monetary and Economic Department, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland.
Previously, Dr. Aleisa was an adviser at the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) where he was a member of several committees in Saudi Arabia and international organizations such as World Trade Organization (WTO) and Bank for International Settlements (BIS) among others; representing Saudi Arabia and SAMA. For instance, he was member of Saudi Arabia technical team for trade in services. Member of the negotiating team for Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) Free Trade Agreement (FTAs) with countries and economic blocs. Member of the committee in charge of the preparation for Trade Policy Review of Saudi Arabia. In SAMA, also part of his responsibility was to produce notes to the higher management and engaged in the related Central Bank activities.
Dr. Aleisa attended conferences, and published research papers in a high ranking journals, such as Journal of International Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, and Journal of Economics and Finance, among others.
Dr. Aleisa received his MS and PhD in Economics from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, and a B.S. in Computer Information systems (CIS) from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro.
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
- Aleisa, E. A manuscript titled Synchronization of Economic Shocks between the GCC and the U.S., Europe, Japan and Oil Market (2012). Synchronization of Economic Shocks between the GCC and the U.S., Europe, Japan and Oil Market and Choice of Exchange Regime, Contemporary Economic Policy, November 2012, 30 (4), 584-602, (with W. Joong Kim and S. Hammoudeh).
- Aleisa, E. (2007). A Common Currency Pig in the GCC Area: The Optimal Choice of Exchange Rate Regime Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies. Vol. IX, 9, 2007, (with S. Hammoudeh),
- Aleisa, E. (2004). Dynamic Relationships among GCC Stock Markets and NYMEX Oil Futures,” Journal of contemporary Economic Policy, 22 (2): 250-269. (with S. Hammoudeh).
- Aleisa, E. (2004). Relationships among U.S. Oil Prices and Oil Industry Equity Indices, Journal of International Review of Economics and Finance, Spring, 13 (4), 427-453. (with S. Hammoudeh and S. Dibooglu),
- Aleisa, E. (2004). Oil Prices, Terms of Trade Shocks, and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, 22 (1): 50-62. ,” (with S. Dibooglu).
- Aleisa, E. (2004). The Dynamic Linkage of the GCC Stock Markets, Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, 22(1), 50-62. , (with S. Hammoudeh).
- Aleisa, E. (2002). Source of Real Exchange Rate Movements in Saudi Arabia, Journal of Economics and Finance. 26(1), 101-110. (with S. Dibooglu).
- Aleisa, E. (2002). Relationship Between Spot/Futures Prices of Crude Oil, and Equity Indices for Oil Producing Economies and Oil Industries, Arab Economic Journal, Volume 11(27), 37-62. (with S. Hammoudeh).
Research Interests
- International economics
- Macro-monetary economics.
- Financial economics
- Financial markets
- Regional economics
Work in Progress
- “Uniting Currencies and Developing the Bond Market in the GCC Area”.
- “Oil Prices, Stock Market Returns and Volatility Spillovers: Evidence from Saudi Arabia”.
- “Measuring financial stress in Saudi Arabia”.
- “Monetary Union in the GCC Area: An Assessment of Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations”.
Conference Proceeding Articles
- Aleisa, E. Monetary Union in the GCC Area: An Assessment of the Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations. June 2005, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, May 2005, Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland.
- External and Regional Shocks in the GCC regions: Implications for a common Exchange Rate regime
- Aleisa, E. Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in the GCC Area: Implication for an Optimum Currency Area, International Conference on Practical Measures to Establish A Common Market Between Muslim Countries, Doha, May 13-15, 2002,
- Aleisa, E. Sources of Business Cycle Fluctuation in Saudi Arabia, July 2001, Western Economic Association International meeting, San Francisco.
- Aleisa, E. Oil Price Shocks and World Inflation: The Role of Saudi Arabia July 2001, Western Economic Association International meeting, San Francisco.
In addition to lecturing, Dr. Eisa uses a combination of pedagogy like group discussions, case studies, role-plays, and industrial visits to enhance student teaching-learning outcomes.
Graduate Teaching (MBA/EMBA)
- Managerial Economics
- Quantitative Methods for Business and Management
- International Economics
Undergraduate Teaching
- Microeconomics
- Macroeconomics
- Money, Banking and Financial Institutions
- International Economics
- International Finance
- Business in Saudi Arabia
- Introduction to Finance
- Member of the university examinations committee 2019-present.
- Chairman of the examinations committee 2019-present.
- Chairman of the intellectual awareness unit, 2020-present.
- Member, of the Intellectual Awareness Committee (IAC) 2010-present
Published Papers
- “Monetary Union in the GCC Area: An Assessment of Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations”, 17 th SCF International Conference on "Sustainable Development in a Global Perspective" published book.
- “Time and Frequency Connectedness between Oil and Stock Markets: Evidence from GCC Countries” (with E. CEVIK), Journal of Energy Policy), June 2022.
- “Oil Prices, Stock Market Returns and Volatility Spillovers: Evidence from the Saudi Arabia” (with E. CEVIK, S. Dibooglu and Atif Awad Abdallah), Journal of International Economics and Economic Policy, August 2020, (18) 157-175.
- “A manuscript titled Synchronization of Economic Shocks between the GCC and the U.S., Europe, Japan and Oil Market Synchronization of Economic Shocks between the GCC and the U.S., Europe, Japan and Oil Market and Choice of Exchange Regime,” (with W. Joong Kim and S. Hammoudeh), Contemporary Economic Policy, November 2012, 30 (4), 584-602.
- “Dynamic Relationships among GCC Stock Markets and NYMEX Oil Futures,” (with S. Hammoudeh), Journal of contemporary Economic Policy, April 2004, 22 (2): 250-269.
- “Relationships among U.S. Oil Prices and Oil Industry Equity Indices,” (with S. Hammoudeh and S. Dibooglu), Journal of International Review of Economics and Finance, Spring 2004, 13 (4), 427-453.
- “A Common Currency Pig in the GCC Area: The Optimal Choice of Exchange Rate Regime,” (with S. Hammoudeh), Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies. Vol. IX, 9, 2007.
- “Oil Prices, Terms of Trade Shocks, and Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Saudi Arabia,” (with S. Dibooglu), Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, January 2004, 22 (1): 50-62.
- “The Dynamic Linkage of the GCC Stock Markets,” (with S. Hammoudeh), Journal of Contemporary Economic Policy, 2004, 22(1), 50-62.
- “Source of Real Exchange Rate Movements in Saudi Arabia,” (with S. Dibooglu), Journal of Economics and Finance. Spring 2002, 26(1), 101-110.
- “Relationship Between Spot/Futures Prices of Crude Oil, and Equity Indices for Oil Producing Economies and Oil Industries,” (with S. Hammoudeh), Arab Economic Journal, Spring 2002, Volume 11(27), 37-62.
- “External and Regional Shocks in the GCC regions: Implications for a common Exchange Rate regime,” S. Hammoudeh and Yuan Yuan), Economic Research Forum (ERF), 2008, number 426.
Organized service Programes
Every semester the Intellectual Awareness Unit (IAU), invite speakers to deliver a speech about various subjects to students
Professional Membership
- Member, American Economic Association, USA.
- Member, Western Economic Association, USA.
- Member, Eastern Economic Association, USA.