Mr. Fayyaz Malik
EFL Teacher

Fayyaz Malik has been actively practicing EFL instructions to adults at the university level for more than a decade. He has taught EFL and academic English courses in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia at various levels. Being a graduate from the National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, with an MA in English Language and Linguistics, Fayyaz shows a keen interest and practice in material development, project-based instruction, and professional development. He has participated in regional and local ELT conferences through the professional platforms like, KSAALT-TESOL, TESOL-Arabia, SPELT and YU PD events and symposia. He has participated in a number of in-house projects, for instance, developing and running the Writing Center, Freshman Orientation, Students Relation Instructional Coordination and Teaching Career Preparation Program. He was one of the recipients of the Best Teacher Award in 2019.