Issam Jabri, PhD
Program Coordinator of Software Engineering / Assistant Professor of Networking Engineering & Security

Dr Issam Jabri received his Ph.D. degree in computer engineering from the university Henri Poincaré (Nancy 1), Nancy, France, in 2008. He received his Engineering degree and Master degree in computer engineering- industrial informatics respectively from the University of Monastir (Tunisia) and University of Sfax (Tunisia) in 2000 and 2003.
He is currently working as Assistant Professor at computer engineering department, college of engineering and architecture, Al Yamamah University, KSA.
He has been Assistant Professor at communications and networks department, National Engineers School of Gabes, Gabes University from 2005 to 2016.
He is a co-founding member of Hatem Bettaher IResCoMath research unit (Gabes University). His research interests lie in the field of wireless networking, vehicular communications, Internet of Things (IoT), multimedia communi- cations, pattern recognition, and computer vision applications.
He is the author of dozens of research papers published in high quality journals (such as IEEE Communication Letters, Elsevier Ad hoc Networks) and conferences (such as IEEE GlobeCom)
Areas of Expertise
- Computer Networks
- Wireless Networks
- Vehicular communications
- Protocols design
- Performance evaluation of communication systems
- Multimedia communication systems
International Journals
Issam Jabri, Tesnim Mekki, Abderrezak Rachedi, Maher Ben Jemaa. Vehicular fog gateways selection on the internet of vehicles: A fuzzy logic with ant colony optimization based approach. Ad Hoc Networks 91 (2019)
Kaouther Mansour, Issam Jabri, Tahar Ezzedine. Revisiting the IEEE 802.11n A-MPDU Retransmission Scheme. IEEE Communications Letters 23(6): 1097-1100 (2019)
Tesnim Mekki, Issam Jabri, Abderrezak Rachedi, Maher Ben Jemaa. Vehicular cloud networking: evolutionary game with reinforcement learning-based access approach. IJBIC 13(1): 45-58 (2019)
Rim Trabelsi, Issam Jabri, Farid Melgani, Fethi Smach, Nicola Conci, Ammar Bouallegue. Indoor object recognition in RGBD images with complex-valued neural networks for visually-impaired people. Neurocomputing 330: 94-103 (2019)
Rim Trabelsi, Jagannadan Varadarajan, Le Zhang, Issam Jabri, Yong Pei, Fethi Smach, Ammar Bouallegue, Pierre Moulin. Understanding the Dynamics of Social Interactions: A Multi-Modal Multi-View Approach. TOMCCAP 15(1s): 15:1-15:16 (2019)
Rim Trabelsi, Issam Jabri, Fethi Smach, Ammar Bouallegue. Efficient and fast multi-modal foreground-background segmentation using RGBD data. Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 97, October 2017, Pages 13-20.
Tesnim Mekki, Issam Jabri, Abderrezak Rachedi, Maher Ben Jemaa. Vehicular cloud networks: Challenges, architectures, and future directions. Vehicular Communications (2017).
Nasreddine Hajlaoui, Issam Jabri, Maher Ben Jemaa. An accurate two dimensional Markov chain model for IEEE 802.11 n DCF. Wireless Networks (2018).
Nasreddine Hajlaoui, Issam Jabri, Maher Ben Jemaa, Experimental Performance Evaluation and Frame Aggregation Enhancement in IEEE 802.11n WLANs, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security, volume 5 (N°1), pp 48-58, (2013).
Issam Jabri, A. Soudani, N. Krommenacker, T. Divoux and S. Nasri, « QoS Protocol Specification for IEEE 802.11 WLAN ». Information Technology Journal 7 (4) 549-559, (2008).
Issam Jabri, Nicolas Krommenacker, Thierry Divoux, Adel Soudani, IEEE 802.11 Load Balancing: An Approach for QoS Enhancement. International Journal of Wireless Information Networks (Springer), (2008) 15, pp. 16–30.
- Tesnim Mekki, Rihab Jmal, Issam Jabri, Lamia Chaari, Abderrezak Rachedi. Vehicular Fog Resource Allocation Scheme: A Multi-Objective Optimization based Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE CCNC 2020, Las Vegas, USA: 1-6.
- Tesnim Mekki, Issam Jabri, Lamia Chaari, Abderrezak Rachedi. A Survey on Vehicular Fog Computing: Motivation, Architectures, Taxonomy, and Issues. AINA Workshops 2020: 159-168
- Tesnim Mekki, Issam Jabri, Abderrezak Rachedi, Maher Ben Jemaa. Towards Multi-Access Edge based Vehicular Fog Computing Architecture. IEEE Global Communications conference (GLOBECOM 2018).
- Kaouthar Mansour, Issam Jabri, Tahar Ezzeddine. IEEE 802:11aa GATS Mechanisms Performance Study for Very High Throughput WLANs. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2018 (WCNC 2018).
- Rim Trabelsi, Jagannadan Varadarajan, Yong Pei, Le Zhang, Issam Jabri, Ammar Bouallegue, Pierre Moulin. Multi-Modal Social Interaction Recognition using View-Invariant Features. ACM-ICMI 2017 Workshop "Investigating Social Interactions with Artificial Agents.
- Rim Trabelsi, Issam Jabri, Ferid Malgani, Fethi Smach, Ammar Bouallègue, Nicolas Conci. Complex-Valued Representation for RGB-D Object Recognition. 8th Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology 2017.
- Rim Trabelsi, Jagannadan Varadarajan, Yong Pei, Le Zhang, Issam Jabri, Ammar Bouallegue, Pierre Moulin. Robust Multi-Modal Cues for Dyadic Human Interaction Recognition. ACM MM 2017 workshop MUSA2.
- Tesnim Mekki, Issam Jabri, Abderrezak Rachedi, Maher Ben Jemaa, Proactive and hybrid wireless network access strategy for vehicle cloud networks: an evolutionary approach, Proceedings of the 13th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017).
- Kaouthar Mansour, Issam Jabri, Tahar Ezzeddine, On the design of a multicast rate Adaptation Algorithm over IEEE802.11 aa GCR Block Ack scheme, Proceedings of the 13th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017).
- Mohamed Tarroumi, Issam Jabri, EVNDN Enhanced Vehicular Named Data Networking, IEEE International Syposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC 2017).
- Kaouthar Mansour, Issam Jabri, Tahar Ezzeddine, New 802.11aa Ack leader selection scheme for multicast QoS improvement, Wireless Days 2016 (WD 2016), Toulouse, France, pp 1-6, (2016).
- Rim Trabelsi, Fethi Smach, Issam Jabri, Ammar Bouallegue, Multimodal Background Modeling Using RGB-Depth Features, 19th Iberoamerican Congress Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision and Applications (CIARP 2014), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, pp 884-892, (2014).
- Nasreddine Hajlaoui, Issam Jabri, Maher Ben Jemaa, Analytical Study of frame aggregation in error-prone channels, Proceedings of the 9th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2013), Cagliari Italie, pp 237-242, (2013).
- Rim Trabelsi, Fethi Smach, Issam Jabri, Fatma Abdelkefi, Hichem Snoussi, Ammar Bouallegue, An Endeavour to detect persons using stereo cues, International Visual Informatics Conference 2013, Selangor Malaysia, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp 358-370, (2013).
- Nasreddine Hajlaoui, Issam Jabri, On the performance of IEEE 802.11n protocol, 5th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia, pp 64-69, (2012).
- Nasreddine Hajlaoui, Issam Jabri, Maher Benjemaa, Experimental study of IEEE 802.11 n protocol, Proceedings of the 7th ACM international workshop on Wireless network testbeds, experimental evaluation and characterization, WiNTEC 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, (2012).
- Ahlem Assila, Issam Jabri, Amel Ltifi, Secure architecture dedicated for VANET alarm messages authentication through semantic verification, IEEE 6th Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications (SETIT 2012), Sousse, Tunisia, pp 652-657, (2012).
- Nasreddine Hajlaoui, Issam Jabri, Malek Taieb, Maher Benjemaa, A frame aggregation scheduler for QoS-sensitive applications in IEEE 802.11 n WLANs, IEEE International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (ICCIT 2012), Gamarth, Tunisia, pp 221-226, (2012).
- Oussama Ghorbel, Issam Jabri, Walid Ayedi, Mohamed Abid, Experimental study of compressed images transmission through WSN, 23th IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM 2011), Hammamet, Tunisia, pp 1-6, (2011).
- Issam JABRI, Adel SOUDANI, Nicolas KROMMENACKER, Thierry DIVOUX, A Proposal Approach for Load Distribution and Resources Sharing in IEEE 802.11 Networks. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications, ICWMC'06, Bucharest, Romania, (2006).
- Issam JABRI, Nicolas KROMMENACKER, Adel SOUDANI, Thierry DIVOUX, Load balancing approach for wireless IEEE 802.11 QoS enhancement. 11th IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications "PWC'06" September 20-22, Albacete, Spain (2006).
- Issam Jabri , Salem Nasri, Etude des protocoles réactifs et proactifs pour le routage dynamique dans les réseaux ad hoc, Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Automatique (CIFA 2014), Douz, Tunisia, (2004).
- Issam JABRI, Abdelhamid HELALI, Jamila BHAR, Salem NASRI, Protocoles de routage réactifs et proactifs dans les réseaux ad hoc : vers une topologie dynamique, Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference of Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS 2004), Sousse, Tunisia, (2004).
- A. HELALI, Issam JABRI, J. BHAR, M. BETAEIB, S. NASRI, Evaluation de performances d’Ethernet commuté pour des applications industrielles, Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference of Signals, Circuits and Systems (SCS 2004), Sousse, Tunisia, (2004).
- Issam Jabri, Salem Nasri. Une approche d’étude de la dynamique d’un réseau ad hoc avec routage réactif ou proactif, Proceedings of the 10th Colloque Francophone sur l’Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP 2003), Paris, France, pp 269-284, (2003).
Current teaching
- NES212: Data Communications and Computer Networks
- NES341: Computer Networks
- NES322: Signals and Systems
- MIS505: Principles and Practices of Communications and Networks
Graduate teaching
- Principles and Practices of Communications and Networks
- System Analysis and Design
- New Generations of Networks
Undergraduate teaching
- Data Communications and Computer Networks
- Computer Networks
- Signals and Systems
- Operating Systems
- Network Security
- Selected Topics in Networking
- Wireless Networks Design
- Internet and Quality of Service
- High Speed Communication Systems
- Cisco CCNA
- Best Teacher Award, Al Yamamah University, 2020.
- Cisco insctructor. Al Yamamah university Cisco Networking Academy. Since 2017.
- Manager of CISCO Academy, Al Yamamah University, Since 2018.
- Manager of CISCO Academy, National Engineering School of Gabès, University of Gabès, Tunisia, Since 2013-2016.
- Chair of CoEA Research Committee, Al Yamamah University.
- IEEE member
- Chair of Telecommunications and Networks Department. National Engineering School of Gabès, University of Gabès, Tunisia; 2011 – 2014.
- Co-coordinator of Insurance Quality Project (PAQ- PARES II): Establishment of a Certification Center and Monitoring of ICT Graduates; National Engineering School of Gabès, University of Gabès, Tunisia; Supported by IBRD; 2013 – 2014.
- Member of the Scientific Council, National Engineering School of Gabès, University of Gabès, Tunisia; 2008 – 2011.
- A referee for a number of peer-reviewed journals such as IEEE Internet of Things Journal
- A referee at several academic conferences