Mr. Jose Martin Obregon
English Language Lecturer

Martin strongly believes in Galileo Galilei’s words: “Nothing can be taught to a man, but it's possible to help him to find the answer within himself”. As a facilitator, it gives him the excuse to create a wide variety of contexts where learning can take place proving to be beneficial and fun for all the parties involved.
His life revolves around languages. He is an Argentinean national, so Spanish is his “official language” but had learned English as a child. At a later time, he has studied and worked for the German language Goethe Institut in Bremen, Germany. He was also part of the Parisian Alliance Française where he has spent some summers enjoying the language, the culture “et l'art-de-vivre à la française'”. He has also learned Italian and now Arabic and Russian occupy part of his free time. He usually says that his home is like the “United Nations” as his wife and son also speak four languages each.
In a few words, curiosity, creativity and passion drive the spirit of this “citizen of the world”.