Varanasi Prasad, Ph.D.

Professor of Management


Dr. Madhusudhan Prasad Varanasi is a Professor of Management at Al Yamamah University since 2013.  As a member of Strategic Planning Committee and contributed to YU Strategic Plan 2015 to 2020. As chairman and member of several committees like research committee, appeals committee, examination committee, and graduate programs committee Dr.Prasad is playing a proactive role from time to time. Published over 115 papers in several peer-reviewed journals and conferences and as book chapters. Supervised 23 doctoral research scholars and an examiner for Ph.D. theses. As Chairman Board of Management Studies at JNTU Hyderabad, he conducted several research review meetings, and doctoral review meetings and revised the curriculum of JNTUH MBA with emphasis on the case study approach. In addition, he attended and organized several faculty development programs, training programs, and offered management consultancy services.

Prior to joining Al Yamamah University, he was a professor and chairman board of studies at the School of Management Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, India. From 1992 to 2013 he served as an assistant professor, associate professor, and professor at JNTU India. During 2001-2003 Dr.Prasad was on sabbatical as a senior lecturer, at the University of London and London School of Economics at Stansfield School of Business, Singapore. He was a senior mentor for MSIT students of Carnegie Mellon University, USA during 2005-2006. Dr.Prasad received the Universities Grants Commission, India fellowship for his doctoral work on Corporate Diversification and Performance at the College of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. During 1985 – 1988 he was a Research Associate and worked on projects like Business Cycles and Case Studies on Corporate   Planning at Times Research Foundation, Bennet Coleman & Company, India.

Dr.Prasad received several research grants. In 2012 he received Rs.7,70,000/- UGC major research project for “Implementation of Six Sigma in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad”; in 2007 he received Rs.6,81,000/- UGC major research project “Entrepreneurial Support Systems for the Development and Growth of Biotech Support Systems at Genome Valley in Hyderabad”; for his proposal in 2000 UGC sanctioned Rs.56,00,000/- one professor post and two assistant professor posts to School of Management Studies, JNTU Hyderabad; in 1997 AICTE under thrust area sanctioned INR 10,00,000/- for “Business Systems Research”.

From 2002 to 2012 he was visiting faculty at several universities like University of Limerick, Ireland, Alghurair, University, Dubai, China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong, Shanghai, China, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, USA, University of Maryland, USA, Wharton Business School, USA, University of Pennsylvania, USA, The George Washington University, USA, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, National University of Singapore, Singapore and University of Malaysia.

Dr. Prasad received YU distinguished faculty award in 2018. For his Ph.D. on Corporate Diversification Strategies and Performance, he received best thesis, Gold Medal, among the theses submitted to the faculties of Business Administration, Commerce, and Economics of Osmania University, India. In April 2017 Dr.Prasad was invited by King Saud University to join a program for attracting outstanding researchers to work on the project "Health Human Resources Planning in Saudi Arabia". Received best research paper and fellowship award from the Academy for Global Business Advancement, USA in 2017. He is a certified Strategic Management Teacher, awarded by Strategic Management Forum in 2010. He also has a Guinness World Record for participating in the largest barefoot walk which consisted of 2500 participants, organized by National Service Scheme (NSS) on  12 November 2010.


  1. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2022) Importance of Succession Planning in Indian Information Technology Industry, International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Invention, Volume 11, Issue 7, Ser I, July, 2022.
  2. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2022) Importance of Mentoring for Leadership Development: A Case Study of Public Sector, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Volume 24, Issue 6, Ser. II, June, 2022
  3. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2022) Digital Transformation of Saudi Arabia Towards Vision 2030, International Journal of Innovations and Research Analysis, ISSN:2583-0295, Volume 02, No. 01, January-March, 2022.
  4. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2022) Comparing Student’s Performance in High School and National Assessment Systems for Admission to Colleges and Universities in Saudi Arabia, International Journal of Education, Modern Management, Applied Science and Social Science, Volume 04, No. 01(1), January-March, 2022.
  5. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2021) Healthcare Human Resources: Trends and Demand in Saudi Arabia, Healthcare, 2021, 9, 955, Scopus, JCR-Q2, MDPI, ISSN:2227-9032.
  6. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2018), "An empirical Study on Design of Integrated Healthcare Model through Performance Excellence Methodologies", IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 9. Ver. IV (September. 2018), PP 01-04 ( (with Srideepti Ramayanam, G.V.R.K Acharayulu).
  7. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2018), "The Critical Role of Customer Relationship Management in the Citizens' Selection of ESeva Services", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) , December 2018, Volume 5, Issue 12, (ISSN-2349-5162) (with G Bhaskar).
  8. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2018), "Criticality of Time and Cost Factors to the Use of Citizen Services - A Study of ESeva" , International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research,  ISSN: 2455-8834,  Volume:03, Issue:12 "December 2018"(with G Bhaskar).
  9. Pauline Nusi, V.M.Prasad, YKM Naidu, Human Resource Management in Catholic Hospitals of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, ejpmr, 2017,4(9), 577-583, ISSN 2394-3211.
  10. Jehad, Prasad and Sameer, Highly Influencing Factors for Enhancing the Performance of ERP Teams, Proceedings of 32nd Research World International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 22nd -23rd July 2017.
  11. Shafiq Ahmed, Prasad Varanasi, Towards Work Life Balance of Medical Professionals, Sci.Int.(Lahore),28(2),1369-1375,2016, ISSN 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8, March-April, 2016.
  12. Sameer Pavan Alapaty, Prasad VM, Training of fresh graduates for integrating into ERP projects, Discovery-An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal,  VOL 52, ISSUE 244 | Pages 723-963 | April 1, 2016, ISSN-2278-5469 EISSN 2278 5450.
  13.  Marka Bhavani, Prasad VM, Training and development activities in Dell international services: an empirical study, Discovery-An International Multi-Disciplinary Journal,  VOL 52, ISSUE 244 | Pages 723-963 | April 1, 2016, ISSN-2278-5469 EISSN 2278 5450.
  14. Dr V M Prasad , Sujendra Swami “Importance of Six Sigma Implementation in Universities with Reference to JNTUH Hyderabad” International Journal of Scientific Research ,Volume : 4 | Issue : 7 | July 2015 ‱ ISSN No 2277 – 8179.
  15. Dr V M Prasad, Sujendra Swami “Six Sigma Implementation In Universities with Reference to JNTUH : Research scholars’ Perceptions” Economic challenger ( ISSN 0975-1351),no 18, Vol 69, Oct-Dec 2015, pg 41-46.
  16. Dr V Madhusudhna Prasad “Need For Six Sigma Implementation In Academics: Special Reference To JNTUH, “ Osmania Journal of Management” Issue : XII, Vol 2, April –June 2015, ISSN 0973-1342.
  17. Mrs Vijaya Sharada Kumari & Dr V M Prasad, “Economic Challenges for Women Entrepreneurs in Hyderabad City”, Economic Challenger, P. No.55, ISSN: 0975-1351, No. 17, Vol, No. 67, April-June, 2015.
  18. Sameer Pavan Alapaty and Varanasi M. Prasad: July-Dec 2014 "Practicing On The Job Training In ERP Projects Execution", Journal of Banking, Information Technology and Management, ISSN 0972-902X, Vol. 11 Number 2, pp.97 – 102.
  19. Mrs Vijaya Sharada Kumari & Dr V M Prasad “ A Study on Government initiatives for Women Entrepreneurs in Hyderabad Region” ‘Journal of Banking, Information Technology and Management’ (ISSN No. 0972-902X) Vol. 11 No.2 (Dec 2014 Issue.)
  20. Mr N.Narsimha Reddy & Dr V M Prasad “Motivational Determinants of Field Police Personnel’s in Cyberabad Region”  Journal Of Management Outlook ( ISSN No.: 2231-1769), ( July 2014 Issue).
  21. Sameer Pavan, Dr.Prasad Varanasi, Marketing Strategies for ERP Implementation Partners, International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Volume/No.: Volume 3, Issue 7, July, 2014, ISSN 2278-0211.
  22. S V S N Murthy, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, A study of Institutional and Psychological climate in JNTUH and its Affiliate MBA colleges, Business Vision, ISSN No.2231-5497, Vol.10. No.2, Jan – Mar 2014.
  23. Shafiq Ahmad, V M Prasad, Sujendra Swami.P (2014), “Performance Management towards Customer Satisfaction - A Survey of Six Sigma Belt Holders”, International Journal of Arts and Commerce Vol. 3 No. 4, ISSN 1929-7106.
  24. M.Bhavani,  V.M.Prasad, A Study on Motivational Aspects of Plateaued Faculty members in Educational Sector", Journal TATVA , ISSN 0973-0974, Vol. X Issue No. 1, September  2013.
  25. S V S N Murthy, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, An empirical study on approaches to enhance employability of MBA students of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, Orient Journal of Law and Social Sciences,  (ISSN:0973-7480) Vol. 7 No.7. June,2013 Issue).
  26. V.M.Prasad, M.Bhavani,  A Study of Career Plateau and Superior Support on Career Satisfaction in Offshore IT Firms in India” ‘Journal of Banking, Information Technology and Management’ ISSN  No.0972-902X, January-June 2013 Issue.
  27. M.Bhavani,  V.M.Prasad, Career Plateau in Educational Organizations, Business Vision  (ISSN No.2231-5497, Vol.9,No.2, April-June,2013 Page:49-51).
  28. M.Bhavani,  V.M.Prasad, An Empirical Study of Organizational Climate and Career Plateau Causes and Effects of Enterprises in India, Journal of Business and Management (e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Vol.9, Issue 6, March-April, 2013. Page:69-73).
  29. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. V M Prasad, Dr. M Prabhakar Reddy,  Managing Schedule and Cost Related conflicts in Software Industry,  International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (ISSN – 2249-0558), Page 215-230, Sept.2012.
  30. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. V M Prasad, “A Study of Human Resources Related to Conflicts in Software Industry in Hyderabad”, International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, Vol. No. 3 (2012), Issue No. 08(August).
  31. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr.V M Prasad, Leadership for Managing Customer Conflicts in Software Industry, International Journal of Innovative Research & Development (ISSN: 2278-0211), 2012.
  32. A.R. Vijaya Chandran, Dr. Mohammed Abbas Ali and Dr. V.M Prasad, Impact of Employee Satisfaction and Union Management Relation on Enhanced Customer Satisfaction – Regression Analysis : A Study of Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, Vol. No. 2 (2012), Issue No. 03 (March), ISSN 2231 – 5756, March,12, 2012.
  33. A.R. Vijaya Chandran, Dr. V.M. Prasad, The Union Management Relation Played the Mediatory role between employee satisfaction and enhanced customer satisfaction, International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT and Management, June 2012.
  34. Vivekananda Suri and Dr. V M Prasad, Empirical Relationship between Self Awareness and Servant Leadership, International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, Volume 2, No.1, January 2011, 81 to 84, 0976-2183.
  35. Sujendra Swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Human Resource Factors for Six sigma success” Review of Management and Engineering Economics, Romania  (ISSN 1583-624X) March 2011, Vol.10 Pp 91-105.
  36. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. V M Prasad, A Study of Human Resources Related Conflicts in Software Industry in Hyderabad.  International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management (ISSN: 0976 – 2183), Page 65 – 69, August,2011.
  37. P.Radha Krishnan, V.M.Prasad, and M.R.Gopalan(2010),  “Predictive Analytics using Genetic Algorithm for Efficient Supply Chain Inventory Optimization”, International Journal of Computer Science- ISSN 1549-3636.
  38. P.Radha Krishnan, V.M.Prasad, and  M.R.Gopalan(2009), “Inventory Optimization in Supply Chain Management Using Genetic Algorithm”, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol. 9, No.1, January 2009.
  39. P.Radha Krishnan, V.M.Prasad, and  M.R.Gopalan(2009), Optimizing Inventory Using Genetic Algorithm for Efficient Supply Chain Management, International  Journal of Computer Science, 5(3):233-241, 2009, ISSN 1549-3636, Science Publications.
  40. S.Lalitha. Dr.V.M.Prasad, CRM Component in Service Quality in Telecom Sector, Journal of Marketing & Communication, January-April 2012, Vol.7 Issue 3, ISSN 0973 – 2330.
  41. Vivekananda Suri and Dr. V M Prasad, Relationship Between Self Awareness and Transformational Leadership: A study in IT Industry, The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, Volume  X,  No.1, January 2011, 7 to 17, 0972-687X.
  42. Vivekananda Suri and Dr. V M Prasad, Measurement of Transcendental Leadership in IT Industry, Technology Spectrum, Volume 5, No. 1, March 2011, 23 to 30, 0974-6854.A.R. Vijaya Chandran and Dr. Varanasi. Madhusudhana Prasad, The Union Management Relation Played the Mediatory role between
  43. employee satisfaction and enhanced customer satisfaction, Oriental Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Volume No. V, Issue 2, ISSN 0973-7480, January, 2011.
  44. Sujendra swami.P & Dr V M Prasad “Knowledge Management: A key Strategy   to achieve Six sigma quality standards” TATVA (ISSN: 0973-0974), Oct-Dec, 2010.
  45. A.R. Vijaya Chandran and Dr. V. Madhusudhana Prasad, Impact of Liberalization on Industrial Relations, Oriental Journal of Law and Social Sciences, Vol. No. IV, Issue 4, March, 2010.
  46. Kandala Bhavannarayana and Madhusudhan Prasad V, “Network Marketing through Buzz Marketing Strategy”, ISSN-0976-0881, Journal of Marketing Vistas (Formerly called Journal of Marketing Trends) IPE, Hyderabad, Vol 2, Issue 1 June, 2010, 73-83.
  47. Surya Prakash Rao G. and Madhusudhan Prasad Varanasi, “The Bhagavad Gita -Management Model Empowers Corporates and Society,” 3D IBA Journal Of Management & Leadership., Volume 2, Issue 1, July – December 2010, pp.47-56, (ISSN 2230-752-4).
  48. Vivekananda Suri, V.M.Prasad, (2010) “Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in “International Account Managers in Software Industry”,  Osmania Journal of International  Business Studies, 2010.
  49. Sujendra swami.P & Dr V M Prasad “Factors Impact on Six Sigma Success” CAMS Journal of Business studies & Research (ISSN 0975- 7953), July – Sep 2010, Vol   1, No 3. Pgs 1-8.
  50. Sujendra swami.P & Dr V M Prasad “Critical Success Factors for Six Sigma   Implementation”   Journal of Contemporary Research in Management ( ISSN 0973-9785), July - Sep2010,    Vol 5,No 3, Pgs. 83-91.
  51. Sujendra swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Six sigma in Higher Education” University News(ISSN 0830-0445),  March 18-23, 2010 Vol; 140.pg14-21.
  52. Sujendra swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Success Aspects of six sigma Implementation” Global Journal of Business Review (ISSN 0973-8533), Jan-July 2010 vol; 33-41.
  53. Sujendra swamy.P & Dr V M Prasad “Six sigma Impact on Organization Performance” IASMS Journal of Business spectrum (ISSN 0974-8016), Jan-July 2010, Vol 5,Pg 33-41.
  54. Dr.Varanasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Vutla Padmaja Rani, “Does Education Influence the Indian Banking Customers’ Perception of CRM? A Study of Five Select Public Sector Commercial Banks in Andhra Pradesh State” published in Gavesana Journal of Management, Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Volume 1, Issue3, pages 68 - 75,India ISSN 0975 – 4547 July - December 2010.
  55. Rama Krishna, V.M.Prasad(2007), “Transformational Leadership: A Contemporary Leadership Development Program for Knowledge Workers” , Journal of Management Research, Vol. 6 N02, February, 2007.
  56. Vijay Chandran, V.M.Prasad (2006), “Importance of Knowledge Management In Organizational Context”, Oriental Journal of Law and Social Sciences, August, 2006.
  57. M.Prasad, “Diversification Strategy and Firm Performance”, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, Management Review, September 2005, Reprint No. 05307b.
  58. V.M.Prasad & G.Y.Aruna (2005)“Economies of Scope and Diversification”, “Journal of Management Research, Vol IV No.7, #02J-2005-08-06-01. August, 2005.


Research Studies on Saudi Arabia

  • Time Series Analysis of the Impact of National Policies on Healthcare Human Resources in Saudi Arabia.
  • Comparing Student performance based on High School Assessment Systems vs. National Assessment Systems for the Development of the Saudi Arabian Education Structure.
  • Digital Transformation of Saudi Arabia Towards Vision 2030.
  • Qualities of Leadership among Saudi emerging leaders to support the vision 2030.
  • Moving from traditional training to digital learning at MAWHIBA, Saudi Arabia.
  • Strategies to minimize turnover of Saudi employees in the private and semi-government sectors in Saudi Arabia.
  • Work-Life Balance of Medical Professionals in Saudi Arabia.


PhDs Supervised

  • Under my supervision, 22 Doctoral research scholars are awarded Ph.D by the faculty of Management Science, JNTUH, India.
  • Examined several Ph.D theses from various universities in India.
  • Guided 100s of MBA projects.


Research Interests

  • Strategic Management
  • Leadership
  • Strategic HRM
  • Job Analysis & Job Design
  • Employee Engagement
  • HR Staffing
  • Training & Development
  • Compensation & Performance Management


Honors and Awards

  • Distinguished faculty award, 2017-18, Al Yamamah University.
  • Best thesis award - Gold Medal for Ph.D. thesis on Corporate Diversification Strategies and Performance. among the theses submitted to Business Administration, Commerce, and Economics faculties of Osmania University, India, 1997.
  • Honored to join the King Saud University program for attracting outstanding researchers to work on the project "Health Human Resources Planning in Saudi Arabia", 2017-18.
  • Received best research paper and fellowship award from the Academy for Global Business Advancement, USA in 2017.
  • Certified Strategic Management Teacher, awarded by Strategic Management Forum in 2010.
  • UGC sanctioned Rs.7,70,000/- UGC major research project for “Implementation of Six Sigma in Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad”; 2012.
  • UGC sanctioned Rs.6,81,000/- UGC major research project “Entrepreneurial Support Systems for the Development and Growth of Biotech Support Systems at Genome Valley in Hyderabad”, 2007.
  • For faculty expansion in SMS, JNTU, Hyderabad, UGC sanctioned Rs.5.6 million, 2000.
  • AICTE under thrust area sanctioned INR 10,00,000/- for “Business Systems Research”, 1997.


  1. Varanasi, M.Prasad (2018), "Digital Transformation of Saudi Arabia Towards Vision 2030", International Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences(ICGBEFSS-19), 15th September 2019, Milan, Italy.
  2. Prasad Varanasi, "Entrepreneurial Support Systems for the Development and Sustenance of Biotech Industry, presented at AGBA 2017 Conference held at MOI University of Eldoret, Kenya. during November 23-27, 2017.
  3. Jehad, Prasad and Sameer, Highly Influencing Factors for Enhancing the Performance of ERP Teams, International Conference on Science, Innovation and Management (ICSIM), Antalya, Turkey 21st-22nd July, 2017.
  4. Mrs Vijaya Sharada Kumari & Dr V M Prasad, Market Scope for Women Entrepreneurs in Hyderabad City, 2ndInternational Confeence on Next Generation Education for Entrepreneurial Engineers, No.115, ISBN:978-93-84743-53-6, 2016.
  5. Mrs Vijaya Sharada Kumari & Dr V M Prasad, “A Review of Empowerment of Rural Women Entrepreneurs”, National Conference on Perspectives of Women in Multidisciplinary Areas. P.No.1., 2016
  6. Bhavannarayana, and Varanasi.Madhusudhan Prasad, “Entrepreneurship and Business Development through Network Marketing Strategy.”, has been accepted for presentation at the AGBA’s 12th Annual World Congress to be held at the University of Malaysia Pahang (Kuantan Campus, State of Pahang) on November 16-19, 2015.
  7. Prasad Varanasi & Shafiq Ahmed,  “Factors Affecting Work Life Balance of Medical Professionals, International Conference on Economics and Business Administration, Location: Barcelona, Spain, ISBN: 978-1-61804-293-4, April 7-9, 2015.
  8. Kolay, S.Ahmed, M.Munir, P.Varanasi, Investments in Technology and Organizational Performance in KSA, International Conference on Economics and Business Administration, Location: Barcelona, Spain, ISBN: 978-1-61804-293-4, April 7-9, 2015.
  9. Bhavannarayana, and V.M. Prasad, Performance of Network Marketing Companies Operating in India and Asia Pacific, Proceedings of 7th ICCB 2014 & GLOGIFT 14 October 15-17, 2014, Curtin Singapore, Singapore, pp. 41-48.
  10. M.Prasad and Bhavannarayana Kandala, “Business Opportunity Modelling for Network Marketing Companies” pp 32-34. Two-day International conference on “Consumer Dynamics and Marketing strategies in a globalized economic era - Perspectives & challenges organized by Gokaraju Rangaraju during 29-30th Oct 2013.
  11. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varanasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Managing Career Plateauing for Employee Retention in Organizations, International Conference on “Human Resources at the Managing Workplace” 14th&15thDecember,2013 at Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute for Management Development, Mysore(ISBN:978-81-922146-6-1).
  12. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varanasi Madhusudhan Prasad, A Conceptual Framework for Leading with Strategic Foresight and Certainty, International Conference on “Contemporary Global Management Perspectives & Practices, April, 27th-28th,2013 at Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Ghatkesar, Ranga Reddy District (ISBN:978-93-82163-25-1).
  13. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Training and Development in Dell International Services: An Empirical Study, International Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Training & Development, 6th& 7thFebruary,2014 at School of Management  Studies, JNTUH, Hyderabad(ISBN:978-93-5107-206-5).
  14. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Impact of Career Plateau on Employee Performance in Retailing Sector, National Conference on “Retailing in India”, 13th-14thAugust, 2013 at School of Management Studies, JNTUH, Hyderabad. ISBN:978-93-5062-330-5.
  15. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Impact of Career Plateauing in Educational Sector and the Strategies to minimize employee intention to quit, National Conference on “Strengthening Industry Academia Interface for Enhancement of Quality Management Education”, 6thDecember, 2013 at Bhavan’s Vivekananda College, Hyderabad. ISBN:978:81-7276-483-8.
  16. Bhavani, V.M.Prasad,  “Impact of career plateauing in Educational sector and the strategies to minimize employee intention to quit” Bhavan’s Viveknanda college ,6th December 2012.
  17. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Factors Effect Career Plateau in Service Sector, National Conference on “Green Management”, 2ndApril, 2011 at Hyderabad Business School, Hyderabad.
  18. Marka Bhavani, Dr. Varnasi Madhusudhan Prasad, Women and Inclusive Growth, National Conference on “Financial Inclusive and Inclusive Growth: Prospect & Retrospect”, 28th-30th,2010 at University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
  19. Suryaprakash, V.M.Prasad, “Can a Corporate Leader Achieve Partial or Total Enlightenment ? What is to be done? - an Empirical Study,” International Conference on The Spiritual Challenge in Management: What is to be Done? Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bengaluru.  (in partnership with BEM-Bordeaux Management School, France). January 9-11, 2012,
  20. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. VM Prasad, Dr. M  Prabhakar Reddy, Role of Human Resource Management  for Success of Conflict Resolution Process, International Conference on Strategies for Business Excellence (ICSBE-2012), Malla Reddy College of Engg.& Tech., Secunderabad. March 30-31, 2012.
  21. Vivekananda Suri and Dr. V M Prasad, Empirical Relationship between Leadership and Self Awareness, University of Limerick, Ireland,IFSAM 2012, June 2012, Full Thesis paper.
  22. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr.V M Prasad,  Conflict Resolutions Through Effective Leadership Styles in Global Software Industry, International Conference on International Trade & Commerce, 9-12th January 2010, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
  23. Sujendra Swamy, V.M.Prasad, “Six Sigma-Success Factors”,International Conference on Operations Management, IMT-Nagpur, Jan 24-25, 2010.
  24. Vivekananda Suri and Dr. V M Prasad, Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in International Account Managers in Software Industry, Osmania University, International Conference on “International Trade and Commerce”, Feb, 2010.
  25. Vivekananda Suri and Dr. V M Prasad, Leadership and Self Awareness in Quality Assurance  Managers, University of Hyderabad, Strategic Quality management Trough Innovation and Value Creation, March, 2010, Published as part the book released by the University.
  26. Suryaprakash Guda, V.M.Prasad(2009), “Principles In The Bhagavad Gita Lead To Harmony- Oriented Leadership”, “China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong, Shanghai, China”, October 2009.
  27. Radha Krishnan, V.M.Prasad and  M.R.Gopalan(2009), “Genetic Algorithm Based Inventory Optimization Analysis in Supply Chain Management”,IEEE, International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), March   6-7, 2009.
  28. Sujendra Swamy, V.M.Prasad, “Quality Wave: Impact on corporate Governance” in “2ndInternational Conference on Corporate Governance” organized by Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad-India & Waikato Business School, New Zealand during 9th-10thDecember, 2010.
  29. Suryaprakash, V.M.Prasad(2007), “Impact of Indian Scriptures and Culture on Development and Sustainability of Global Leadership”,9thInternational Global Conference, International Leadership Association & University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  30. Surya Prakash, V.M.Prasad(2006), “Wisdom of Indian scriptures and saints to nurture the competencies in Entrepreneurs and Global Leaders”, International Conference on Management and Entrepreneurship, Hyderabad Central University, July 26-28,  2006.
  31. Ramana, V.M.Prasad, Start-ups in the Indian Context”,International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Management, Hyderabad Central University, July 26-28,  2006.
  32. Sujendra Swamy, V.M.Prasad, Paper presented in “International Conference on Global Interdependence and Decision Science (ICGIDS)” organized by Administrative staff college of India, Hyderabad, during December 28-30, 2009.
  33. Surya Prakash, V.M.Prasad, Surya Prakash, V.M.Prasad, ‘Best Research Paper Award,’ received from School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, in the National Conference  On “Leadership and Corporate Governance  in Turbulent Times”, March 2011.
  34. Sujendra Swamy, V.M.Prasad, Paper Presented in “National conference on Excellence in Manufacturing & Service organizations: The Six sigma way” Organized by School of Management Studies, JNTUH, Kukatpally during August 26-27, 2010.
  35. Surya Prakash, V.M.Prasad, “Principles of The Bhagavad Gita Empower’s Global Leadership – To Face Challenges of Globalization, ” International Conference on 'Globalization And Economic Asymmetries In International Trade And Development: Challenges And Opportunities' Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow, (Noida Campus) December 16- 18, 2010,.
  36. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. VM Prasad, Dr. M  Prabhakar Reddy, Conflict Resolution Techniques in Software Project Management with Appropriate Leadership Styles to Improve Quality of Deliverables, National Conference on Quality Management, University of Hyderabad (HCU), 17 March 2010.
  37. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. VM Prasad, Dr. M  Prabhakar Reddy, Conflict Resolutions while Implementing Six Sigma Processes in Service Organizations,   National Conferenceon Six Sigma Implementation in Service Sector JNT University, Hyderabad March 2010.
  38. Ramakrishna Sastry Ghatty, Dr. VM Prasad, Dr. M  Prabhakar Reddy, Software Best Practices to Meet Global Competition and Increase Profits and ROI, National Conference on International Business Practices to Face the Global Competition, GNA-IMT – Phagwara, Punjab, April 2010.
  39. Sujendra Swamy, V.M.Prasad, Paper Presented in” National Seminar on Strategic Quality Management through innovation and Value creation” Organized by  School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad during March 18-20, 2010.
  40. Surya Prakash, V.M.Prasad,  “Application of the concept of Stable Mind as described in Indian Scriptures to Empower  Corporate Leaders”, Shanghai, China, October 19 -20, 2007,
  41. March 24-25, 2006, “The Bhagavad Gita’s role in transforming Indian Corporate Leaders, to Global Corporate Leaders,”Conference on Global Competitiveness, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIM), Kerala.
  42. Sujendra Swamy, V.M.Prasad, Paper presented in” National Seminar on Managing in an uncertain Economic Era-Embracing change in a service Economy (UGC sponsored)” Organized by School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad during November 5-7,2009.
  43. Prasad(2004), “Case Study on IT Professional turning into an entrepreneur”, National Conference of Society For Entrepreneurship Educators,Indian School of Business(ISB), Gachibowly, Hyderabad, India, Jan.2-3, 2004.
  44. M.Prasad(2002), “Electronic Commerce – Applications and Challenges”,National Workshop on e-commerce applications and implications,  Karnataka Univeristy, India, March 18-19, 2002.
  45. M.Prasad(1999), “Ethical values for Corporate Governance and Growth -excerpts from Swamy Vivekanada’s Speeches”,National Workshop On Leadership, Indian Ethos, Cultural Values, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India,  Jan. 22-23, 1999.
  46. M.Prasad(1999), “Business Process Re-engineering - A management tool for having a competitive edge”, National Seminar on 2001 – Challenges and Prospects, SiR99,  Rourkela Institute of Management Studies, Rourkela, India, Feb. 27 & 28, 1999.
  47. M.Prasad(1996), “Corporate R&D and Technological Development - Critical Issues”, National Seminar On Role Of Humanities And Social Sciences In Engineering Education, JNTU, Oct. 26-27, 1996.

Books/ Book Chapters

  1. “Leadership and self awareness in quality assurance management in software industry”. “Strategic Quality Management (Through Innovation and Value Creation.)”, Excel Books, New Delhi 2010, ISBN: 978-81-7446-825-3, 408-415.
  2. “Conflict Resolution Techniques in software project management with appropriate Leadership style to Improve Quality of deliverables”, “Strategic Quality Management (Through Innovation and Value Creation.)”, Excel Books, New Delhi 2010, ISBN: 978-81-7446-825-3, 408-415.
  3. “Six sigma impact on organization performance”, Quality Education in India: HRD Role in the book titled” Perspectives of Governance of Higher Education (85th All Indian Vice chancellor’s conference) ISBN 978-81-910455-1-2, 309-321, Pune, December,2010.
  4. “CRM Components in Service quality in Telecom Sector”, Quality Education in India: HRD Role in the book titled” Perspectives of Governance of Higher Education (85thAll Indian Vice chancellor’s conference) ISBN 978-81-910455-1-2, 309-321, Pune, December,2010.
  5. Surya Prakash Rao, Mr. Lakshmaiah Botla and Dr. V.M. Prasad, Principles of The Bhagavad Gita Offer Solutions To Managerial Problems, Towards Managerial Excellence (BooK), ISBN 10:0230-33253-6., Macmillan Publishers India LTD, India, January, 2011.
  6. “Outsourcing IT-enabled Services(ITeS)”, ‘Changing Paradigms in Marketing of Services’,Jaiko Publishing House, ISBN 81-7992-397-5, 2005, Pp 139-151.
  7. “Quantification of Corporate Diversification”,in the book Strategic Management for Firms in Developing Countries, Allied Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2007, Pp 607-619.
  8. “Bhagavad  Gita’s role in Tranforming Indian Corporate Leaders to Global Corporate Leaders”,Allied Publications Pvt. Ltd., March 2006.
  9. “Advertising and Sales Promotion”, Continuous and Distance Education, Dravida University, Kuppam, 2009.



In addition to lecturing, Dr.Prasad uses a combination of pedagogy like group discussions, Harvard case studies, role-plays, and industrial visits to enhance student teaching-learning outcomes.


Graduate Teaching (MBA/MHRM)

  • Strategy Management
  • Foundations of Leadership
  • Project Management Strategies
  • Management of Change
  • Managing a Diverse Work Force
  • Compensation and Performance Management
  • Organizational Theory and Behavior
  • Human Resource Management
  • Training and Development
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • HR Staffing
  • HR Strategies
  • Management and Leadership
  • International Management
  • International Human Resource Management
  • Business Ethics


Undergraduate Teaching

  • Project Management
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Organization and Leadership
  • Corporate Policies and Strategies
  • Business in Saudi Arabia
  • International Business
  • International Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Management
  • Human Resource Information Systems


  • Chairman, EMBA Program Quality Committee, 2024.
  • Member of AACSB Committee, 2022 to date
  • Member of Examinations Committee 2021 to date.
  • Member, Graduate Committee, YU, 2019- 2020.
  • Member YU Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Committee.
  • Member YU Appeals Committee, 2015-2020.
  • Member of Research Committee, 2015-2018


Previously Served

  • Chairman, Board of Management Studies, School of Management Studies, JNTUH, India, 2012-13.
  • Chairman and member of several AICTE Committees for grant of accreditation to business schools in India.
  • Member, Board of Management Studies, SMS, JNTUH, 1998 to 2013.
  • Governing Body Member, in several engineering and management colleges under JNTU, Hyderabad, India, 2000 till 2013
  • Member of the Grievance Committee, Purchase Committee, Department of  Technical Education, Trade Committee, Ministry of Labour /D.G.E&T., Government of India, 2004.


Training and Development Programmes Organized

Organized training and development programs for the Faculty of Management and to the Senior, Middle, and Lower-level managers of  National and Multi-national Companies. The employees of BHEL, Delloite, Infosys, Answer Think, Dr.Reddy’s, AIIMS, ICMR, CCMB, etc., and faculty of several Universities in India were all participants in the following programs.

  1. Research Methodology and Predictive Analytics (Statistics) Using SPSS versions14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0 and 20.0
  2. Business Values, Ethics, Etiquette, and Root Cause Analysis
  3. Strategic Management
  4. ERP Orientation
  5. Planning and Organizing Competency.
  6. Benchmarking and Japanese Management Concepts for  Senior and Middle Managers.
  7. Enterprise  Resource Planning and e-Commerce.
  8. Interactive Learning Methodologies
  9. Advertising & Sales Promotion Strategies for Pharmaceutical Companies.
  10. Impact of IT Advances on Corporate MIS.
  11. Market and financial feasibility studies for loan syndication for new and existing units.
  12. Small Industry Management Assistant Programs.
  13. Skill-cum-Technology Up-gradation Programs.


 Areas of Consulting

Leadership, Market Potential for Maize Starch, Modified Starches and Liquid  Glucose, Customer Satisfaction, Human Resource Development, Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Selection, and Training.


Professional Membership

  • Member, International Leadership Association, USA.
  • Member, Strategic Management Society, USA.
  • General Secretary, Strategic Leadership Society.
  • Member, Hyderabad Management Association.
  • Member, National HRD Network.



  • Contributed regularly towards curriculum development of Management Courses through industry-institution interaction.
  • Inspected the quality of infrastructure and teaching in engineering and management colleges and accordingly give recommendations to the University for recognition.
  • Involved in the selection of management faculty in various colleges and in the selection panel for selecting executives for organizations like Coal India Limited, and other private sector organizations.