Mohammad AlTarawneh
English Language Instructor

Dr. Mohammad AlTarawneh is an English Instructor at Interlink English Language Institute, AlYamamah University. Since his joining date, he has been teaching English courses to university students at Interlink International English Language Institute. He has a multicultural experience in teaching the English language to adults at college and university levels in KSA and other countries, including Jordan, Malaysia and Cyprus. During his professional career in KSA, he has worked for several prestigious educational institutions such Institute of Public Administration, EduGuide KSA, AlGhad Int. Colleges for Applied Medical Sciences, AlKhaleej Institute for Training (Direct English), and Najran University.
Dr. Mohammad is such a person who considers language teaching as a vivid experience and a lifelong learning profession. Besides his academic and professional expertise, he does support the intercultural communicative competence framework where knowledge, attitudes, skills of interpretation and comparison, and skills of discovery, are all at the heart of the ELT profession. His research interests include English language teaching methodologies, language program evaluation, needs analysis, syllabus design, and curriculum development in ESP settings. He has published several research articles that were indexed in internationally-recognized indexes such as Social Science Citation Index SSCI; among others.
- Al-Tarawneh, M. Q. (2014). A Trendy and multi-dialectical English: A descriptive review of changes and current status. International Journal of English Language & Translation Studies, 2(3), 01-13.
- Al-Tarawneh, M. Q. (2015). A Useful Guide to the teaching and testing of pragmatics in the EFL/ESL classroom. International Journal of English Language and Linguistics Research, 3(4), 23- 36.
- Al-Tarawneh, M. Q., & Osam, U. V. (2019). Tourism English training at the tertiary level in Jordan: Reality and expectations from a university context. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 24, 155-167.
- Al-Tarawneh, M. Q., & AlMithqal, E. A. (2019). Teachers' and students' perceptions of using L1 in the ESP classroom. International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation IJLLT, 2(3), 19-35.
Conferences & Workshops
- ORIENTAL COCOSDA 2006, International Conference on Speech Database and Assessment "The Emergence of Oriental Spoken Language Corpora: Towards Innovative Strategy and Technology", University Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia Dec. 9 – 11, 2006
- The 5th International Conference on Literacy 2007 "Literacy and Citizenship: Pathways to Sustainable Education", BERJAYA GEORGETOWN HOTEL, Penang, Malaysia, July 25 – 27, 2007.
- Research Methodology Workshop, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Institute of Graduate Studies Dec. 4 – 15, 2006.
- Attendance in training sessions and workshops on Models of Teaching English as a Foreign/second language held in Cambridge Language Centre (CES), Sungai Ara, Penang, Malaysia.
- Attendance in a workshop on Lesson Planning and Assessment in ELT held in Al-Ghad International Colleges for Health Sciences, Main Campus, Riyadh – KSA from Aug. 31 – Sept. 3, 2013.
- Attendance in a one-day workshop on EFL teaching strategies: Why and how, held in AlGhad International Colleges for Health Sciences, Dammam Branch – KSA, dated on May 4, 2016.
- Attendance in a one-day workshop on the Propell TOEFL IBT Test, held in AlGhad International Colleges for Health Sciences, Dammam Branch – KSA, dated on Oct. 14, 2016.
- participation in the ELT Pedagogical workshop, AlGhad Int. Colleges in cooperation with Pearson Education, Dammam, Sept 2017.
- The 21st Century Skills, Writing and Speaking workshop, AlGhad Int. Colleges - Pearson Education, Dammam, Sept. 18. 2018.
- ORN05-C: Proficient Advanced English Skills- Communication
- ORN01-R: Preliminary Reading Skills
- Panel speaker: Traditional ELT Day held by the ELT Dept., Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), North Cyprus.
- Facilitator and initiator: Initiating counseling classes for weak and low-leveled students (Malaysia).
- Organizer and initiator: Organizing and initiating summer-season programs for kids and junior-leveled school students (Malaysia and KSA).
- Supervisor: Academic supervision and consultation (Malaysia and KSA).
- Committee member: Participating in an examination committee, Head of Scientific Research Committee, Head of Translation Committee.
- Committee Head: Interviewing English teachers seeking jobs in Mawaheb AlKhaleej-related private schools in Najran, KSA.
- Director/teacher: Directing TOEFL IBT test and giving preparation courses to community people (KSA).
- Director/ syllabus designer: Directing the Pre-Admission Language Exam for students of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialists (SCHS) and designing a preparation course for the exam.
- Participant: Participation in different work projects to have University Preparatory Year programs in various positions in Saudi Arabia.
- Educational marketing assistant: Assisting in educational marketing by having visits to different public and private sector institutions.
- Multicultural lecturer/teacher: Lecturing and teaching English in different ESL and EFL settings and cultures.
- Peer-evaluator/ co teacher: Evaluating colleagues of English lecturers and teachers; co-teaching
- Researcher and Reviewer: Doing ELT research and reviewing journal articles indexed in Web of Science & Scopus (e.g., SAGE Open).
- Academic Coordinator: Doing academic supervision, academic administration, designing courses and managing academic affairs, EduGuide KSA.