Dr. Yosra Missoui

Assistant Professor of Marketing


Dr. Yosra Missaoui is an Assistant Professor at Al Yamamah University with expertise in marketing and business. She has a Ph.D. and experience in teaching, research, and industry (marketing manager, consultant).


  • Yosra Missaoui (2024) , How Social Media Shapes Our Happiness: Exploring the Mediating Effects of Social Comparison and Materialism, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 16, No. 1, June 2024 issue.
  • Yosra Missaoui, Youssef Al Rashidi (2023), The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Saudi Consumer Behavior, International Journal of Business & Management Studies, Vol4, issue 2, pp39-47
  • Faouzi Najjar and Yosra Missaoui (2021), The Market Orientation from Dual Perspectives :Customers and Managers Perceptions in Tunisian Banks, International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, Vol 21, Issue 11, pp.31-32
  • Alrashidi, Y., & Missaoui,Y. ,(2021) .The effect of Risk Communication Process to limit the spread of Covid-19 pandemic infection : Saudi Arabia as a Model , Arabian Jouranl of Administration , (43), 2 9 DOI: 10.21608/AJA.2023.130536
  • Yosra Missaoui and Faouzi Najjar, Mission statements of Top ranked International airlines companies: Are they really market-oriented? The International Journal of Business and Management, Vol 5 Issue 11, November, 2017, ISSN 2321 - 8916, pp.7-15
  • Yosra Missaoui (2016), Non-verbal communication barriers when dealing with Saudi sellers, International Journal of Organizational Leadership, x, Volume 4, pp. 392-402
  • Hanan Saidi & Yosra Missaoui) 2015). Customers ‘evaluation of Saudi female as Sellers, International Journal of Business and Management Study, Volume 2: Issue 1 [ISSN: 2372-3955]
  • Yosra Mohammed Missaoui and Hanan Saidi (2015), Market Orientation of Saudi Banking Sector by MKTOR Market orientation Measure Scale , Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review , 4 (4),10009


Yosra Missaoui  (2015, 6 july) .”Non-verbal communication barriers when dealing with Saudi sellers”, Paper presented in the International Conference on Future Challenges in Management and Business, Istanbul, Turkey.

Hanan Saidi & Yosra Missaoui( 2014, 20-21 December) . Customers ‘evaluation of Saudi female as Sellers, Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Advances in Economics, Management and Social Study - EMS 2014 (Kuala Lampur ,Malysia ) ISBN: 978-1-63248-036-1 doi: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-036-1-55


Marketing Lecturer, Al Yamamah University, Riyadh

Courses taught:  International marketing, digital marketing, international business, E-marketing, Promotion and advertising, Marketing management, services marketing, Marketing principles, consumer behavior, senior project in Marketing, marketing research, Introduction to marketing, sales management


Consulting Projects:

March 2015: Descriptive analysis (Data Insertion, qualitative and quantitative Data analysis, Recommendations) Saudi national project established by the King Abdullah Institute for Research and consulting studies

December 2014: Preparing courses specification in the King Abdullah Institute for Research and consulting studies