Razia Sultana, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Management

Razia Sultana is an Assistant Professor and Quality Coordinator of the Management Program in the College of Business at AlYamamah University. She is a distinguished member of the COB Accreditation Committee (NCAAA and AACSB) and holds over a decade of teaching and research experience. Her teaching expertise encompasses a diverse range of courses pertinent to Management, HR, and Research. She holds a doctoral and M.Phil. degree from COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) and an MBA from the International Islamic University Islamabad (IIUI). Her doctoral research focuses on the protean career attitude (PCA) and its implications on various career outcomes. Razia Sultana possesses dynamic research interests, including Protean career attitude, Career commitment, Career success, Emotional intelligence, and Conflict management techniques. She is a keen researcher with good research publications in esteemed journals. She is committed, self-motivated, and profoundly interested in learning and development activities.
Prior to joining AlYamamah University, she worked as a lecturer at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) for two years. she served in key positions at CUI. She was an active member of the Graduate Thesis Incharge Committee at CUI. In addition, she was a member of the Research Advisory Board at Bilquees College PAF, Islamabad. She has conducted a few research workshops for undergraduate students in Bilquess College PAF and offered external evaluation services for undergraduate final-year projects.
- Samma Faiz Rasool & Hamid Raza & Vaclav Zubr & Muhammad Zaheer Asghar & Razia Sultana, 2024. "Exploring the relationship between usage of social networking sites, cyberbullying and academic performance: Evidence from the higher education sector of Saudi Arabia," E&M Economics and Management, Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Economics, vol. 27(1), pages 70-86, March.
- Sultana, R., Khan, Imran., (2023) “Mediation of Emotional Intelligence on the relationship between PCA and career success” (under review).
- Sultana, R., & Malik, O. F. (2020). Is Protean Career Attitude Beneficial for Both Employees and Organizations? Investigating the Mediating Effects of Knowing Career Competencies. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:1284. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01284.
- Sultana, R., & Malik, O.F. (2019). Protean career attitude, perceived internal employability, and perceived external employability: Does self-efficacy make a difference? Middle East Journal of Management, 6(4).
- Sultana, R., & Aldehayat, J. (2018). Career commitment; a mediating link between EI and career success. International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7(4).
- Sultana, R. (2017). Conflict productivity in PhD supervision; does conflict management style matter? International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy, 10(3), 320-333.
- Khan, T. N., & Sultana, R. (2017). Barriers and challenges of Saudization: an integrative model. Middle East Journal of Management, 4(3), 185-20.
- Sultana, R., Yousaf, A., Khan, I., & Saeed, A. (2016) "Probing the interactive effects of career commitment and emotional intelligence on perceived objective/subjective career success,” Personnel Review, Vol. 45 Issue: 4, pp.724-742, https://doi.org/10.1108/PR-11-2014-0265.
- Conference Paper entitled, “Impact of Protean Career Attitude on Career Sustainability through Psychological Empowerment.” in 7th International Conference on Advances in Business. University of Dubai, UAE, 2023.
- Presented a paper entitled “Careers in Universities: Careers and Emotional intelligence in KSA” in the Academy of International Business (AIB), The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Chapter, 7th Annual Conference (Dubai, UAE), 2021.
- Presented conference paper entitled, “Career commitment; a mediating link between EI and career success” at 3rd Connecting Asia conference UTM Malaysia, 2017.
Undergraduate Courses
- Introduction to Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Entrepreneurship
- Operatoions Management
- Performance Management
- Strategic Management
- Business research methods and publishing
- Organizational Theory
- Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- HRM Policies and Practices
- Human Resource Development
- Management Thoughts and Philosophy
- Risk Management
- Leadership
- Introduction to Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- Marketing Management
Graduate Course
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- International Business
- Business Ethics
- Research Methods
Services at YU:
Member of AACSB Accreditation Committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University (2023-24).
Member of Assurance of Learning Committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University. (2023-24).
Member of COBA Research Committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University (2022- 2023).
Member of NCAAA accreditation committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University (2022- Present).
Member of Graduate Program Committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University (2020-2021).
Member of Scientific Research Committee, College of Business Administration, AlYamamah University (2021).
Member of the Grade appeal committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University (2021).
Member of Undergraduate Restructuring Committee, College of Business, AlYamamah University (2019- 2020).
Member of Annual Program Report Committee, College of Business Administration, AlYamamah University (2018).
Member of AACSB Strategic Management and Innovation Committee, College of Business Administration, AlYamamah University (2018).
BSBA Program Coordinator for Quality and Accreditation, College of Business Administration, AlYamamah University (2020).
Supervisory Roles:
- Supervised EMBA Business Plan, Post Graduate Studies (PGS), Al Yamamah University (2021-2023).
- Supervised Graduate research projects (20221-2023).
- Supervised multiple BSBA final research projects at the College of Business (COB), Al Yamamah University, KSA (2016 to date).
- Supervised students for the 6th Undergraduate Research Forum, Prince Sultan University (2017).
- Supervised multiple MBA research projects at COMSATS University Islamabad (2013-2015).
- Supervised 5 MS/M.Phil. thesis students at COMSATS University (2013-2015).
Reviewing Service:
- Reviewer for the Academy of Management annual meeting 2023 and 2020.
- Reviewer for the Academy of International Business (AIB) 2021 to date.
- Reviewer for Frontiers of Psychology 2021 to date.
- Reviewer for Current Psychology Journal.
- Research Topic Coordinator at Frontiers in Psychology Journal.
- Member-Academy of International Business
- Member-Society for Business Ethics