Yousif Alrashidi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Marketing

Dr. Yousif Abdullah Alrashidi holding a Ph.D. in Marketing from the Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia. With a diversified education background combining Engineering and Business. Dr. Alrashidi is a Marketing and Business Development Consultant and Experienced Marketing Strategist and Business Development leader with a demonstrated history of working in both the education management and Marketing industries. Specialized in Strategic Marketing, International Marketing, Strategic Communication and SMEs development and Internationalization. Highly Skilled in Marketing and Communication, Strategic Management, Strategic Marketing, Leadership, Business Planning, Event Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Strong and long experience in developing Strategic (International and Local) partnership within his Areas of expertise and a community and social services professional. A co-founder and board member of the Marketing Association and founder and Chairman of Marketing Forum Board of Trustees.
Missauri, Y& Alrashidi, Y. (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic On Saudi Consumer Behavior. International Journal of Business & Management Studies, Vol 4, No. 2
Alrashidi, Y. (In progress Project). Higher education Social Media Marketing: Marketing Content types Saudi’s Private Universities Posted on Twitter
Alrashidi Y. & Missous Y. (2021) The effect of Risk Communication Process to limit the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic infection: Saudi Arabia as a model. Arab Administration Journal, Vol. 43, No. 2
Alrashidi, Y. (2019). Exporting Barriers Perceived by Manufacturing SMEs: Evidence from emerging and advanced markets. European Journal of Business and Management.
Alrashidi, Y. (2016). The Influence of SMEs Decision-Makers’ Individual Characteristics on Risk Perception Associated with Exporting: Evidence from Saudi Arabia. European Journal of Business and Management, Vol 8, No 2.
Alrashidi, Y. (2014). Exporting Motivations: Differences between Manufacturing SMEs Operating Within Emerging and Advanced Markets. International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 7(4).
Alrashidi, Y. (2013). Exporting Motivations and Saudi SMEs: An Exploratory Study. World Journal of Social Sciences,Vol. 3. No. 6. November Issue, Pp.204 – 219.
Alrashidi, Y. (2011). Factors Affecting SMEs decision-makers risk perceptions associated with exporting: A comparison study of emerging and advanced markets (Doctoral Dissertation, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia)
Alrashidi, Y. (2016). How SMEs Decision-Makers’ Culture Characteristics influence their Risk Perception Associated with Exporting: An exploratory study (abstract). In the Proceedings of the Annual Spain Business Research Conference, 26 – 27 May, Barcelona, Spain.
Alrashidi, Y. (2014). Exporting Motivations: Differences between Manufacturing SMEs Operating Within Emerging and Advanced Markets. In the Proceedings of the International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona's Casa Convalescencia campus,16-19 June, Barcelona, Spain.
Alrashidi, Y. (2013). Exporting Motivations and Saudi SMEs: An Exploratory Study. In Proceedings of 8th Asian Business Research Conference, 1-2 April. Bangkok, Thailand.
Alrashidi, Y., Grace, D., & Weaven, S. (2011). Factors Affecting SMEs Decision-Makers’ Risk Perceptions in Saudi Arabia: An exploratory study. In Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (ANZMAC). Perth, Australia.
Alrashidi, Y. (2011). Exporting Barriers Perceived by Saudi Arabian SMEs within Manufacturing: An exploratory study. In Proceedings of the 8th SMEs in a Global Economy Conference. Nongkhai Province, Thailand.
- International Marketing
- Strategic Marketing
- Service Marketing
- Communication Marketing
2023 – till now Riyadh Economic Forum General Secretary
2018 – 2023 Chairman of Marketing Forum Board of Trustees, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
2017 – 2023 Co-founder and Board Member of Marketing Association, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2017 – 2018 Board Member of Entrepreneurship Association – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
2011 – 2012 Gold Coast Saudi Students Club General Committee President, Australia.
2009 – 2010 Member of the Gold Coast Multicultural Festival Management Committee.
2009 – 2010 Gold Coast Saudi Students Club President, Australia
2001 – 2002 Founder and President of Toledo Saudi Students Club, Ohio, USA.