Library Events & Orientation

New faculty induction: 23rd August 2023 Wednesday, YU Teaching, Skills & Development Center (TSDC) organized a new faculty induction session at the beginning of fall semester 2023/24. During this induction session, YU Vice President Dr. Waleed Abanomi participated on behalf of the library and delivered a presentation about the library services and facilities.

 New faculty induction. YU Vice President Dr. Waleed Abanomi addressing the new faculty members @ the main building meeting hall.

Library orientation session for new students: A group of new students visited the central library accompanied by the YU staff from Admission & Registration & Student Affairs The library staff provided an orientation about the library services and facilities such as how to use the library computers and printer, how to search and find the library resources and how to access the library databases on and off the campus and how to borrow the library materials etc.

Library orientation session for new students. @ The Central Library

Library orientation session for new students. @ The Central Library

“Meet Your Academic Advisor” Event: The Deanship of Admission & Registration & Student Affairs organized an event called “Meet Your Academic Advisor” in the central library on 30 August 2023 Wednesday, from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm for the new students to meet their academic advisor. The advisor(s) (instructor) guide the students to design their study plan and everything that students need.


“Meet Your Academic Advisor” Event. YU Faculty meeting the students @ the Central Library 

“Meet Your Academic Advisor” Event. YU Faculty meeting the students @ the Central Library 

Library booth:

Based on the Vice President’s request to the Deanship of Admission & Registration & Student Affairs to include the library orientation session during the students’ reception event. The concerned department allocated a separate booth for the library department during the students’ reception event held at Tuwaiq building on Thursday, 24 August 2023 from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm.  And many YU students visited the library booth, and our staff explained the library services and facilities and showed them how to use and access. .


New Students’ visiting the library booth. @ TUWAIQ Building  

Introductory section for new students:

The Deanship of Admission & Registration and Student Affairs department organized an introductory session for new students during the second semester (spring semester) of the AY 2023/24 on January 23rd Tuesday, 2024. The library also participated in the event, and the concerned department provided a booth for library at Najd building to explain about the library services, resources and facilities. Our library staff Ms. Badreya Al Mutairi was assigned to give a brief orientation to the new students regarding the library services, facilities and how to find the library resources online. In result of the event, many of the new students visited the library booth to get the updated information about the library and its services.

New students visiting the library booth @ NAJD Building 

LIBRARY DAY for Students at all Levels:

YU library organized the ‘Library Day’ for the students at all levels on 6 March 2024 at TUWAIQ building.

The event seeks to highlight the importance of libraries and the role they play as a reservoir of knowledge. Furthermore, to encourage reading habits and spread awareness about the rich array of reference resources, digital resources and services. The library supervisor has assigned a library staff to meet the students and show them how to use the library services on and off campus. The event was very successful, and many students from all levels visited the library booth to get more information about the libraries and their services.


Students at all levels visiting the library booth @ TUWAIQ Building


Students at all levels visiting the library booth @ TUWAIQ Building 

New Arrivals (Print Resources)

SN Book Title Author edition Location


Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Office 2021 and Microsoft 365)  

Wayne Winston,



Available in both Central and Female libraries


Understanding Digital Marketing: A Complete Guide to Engaging Customers and Implementing Successful Digital Campaigns  

Damian Ryan



Available in both Central and Female libraries
3 Financial Modeling Simon Benninga, Tal Mofkadi 5th Available in both Central and Female libraries
4 Organizational Change Barbara Senior, Swailes, Stephen& Carnall, Colin. 6th Available in both Central and Female libraries


Materials Enabled Designs: The Materials Engineering Perspective to Product Design and Manufacturing  

Michael Pfeifer



Available in both Central and Female libraries
6 Project Management Harvey Maylor 5th Available in both Central and Female libraries


Statistics for Business and Economies. McClave, James T.; Benson, P. George, Sincich, Terry  


Available in both Central and Female libraries
8 Compensation management in a knowledge-based world Richard I. Henderson. 10th Available in both Central and Female libraries
9 Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua 7th Available in both Central and Female libraries
10 Calculus for business, economics, life sciences, and social sciences Barnett, Raymond 14th Available in both Central and Female libraries
11 Applied statics and strength of materials Leonard Spiegel, George F. Limbrunner 6th Available in both Central and Female libraries
12 Literature: A Portable Anthology


Janet E. Gardner




Available in both Central and Female libraries
13 Financial Services Technology: Processes, Randall E. Duran




Available in Central library



Introduction to machine learning



Ethem Alpaydin.




Available in both Central and Female libraries


Introduction to machine learning with Python: a guide for data scientists Andreas C. Müller and Sarah Guido.




Available in both Central and Female libraries


Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of current English A.S. Hornby; managing editors: Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery.  


Available in both Central and Female libraries


The architecture reference + specification book: everything architects need to know every day  

Julia McMorrough.



Available in both Central and Female libraries


The interior design reference + specification book: everything interior designers need to know every day  

Chris Grimley + Mimi Love




Available in both Central and Female libraries


Technical Building Blocks: A Technology Reference for Real-world Product Development  

Gaurav Sagar, Vitalii Syrovatskyi

1st Available in both Central and Female libraries
20 Architecture and identity: responses to cultural and technological change  

Chris Abel.

3rd Available in the Architectural library
21 Creating sensory spaces: the architecture of the invisible Barbara Erwine 1st Available in the Architectural library


Architectural system structures: integrating design complexity in industrialised construction  

Kasper Sánchez Vibæk



Available in the Architectural library
23 Making places for people: 12 questions every designer should ask Christie Coffin 1st Available in the Architectural library


Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater: American architecture in the Depression era  

Catherine Zipf



Available in the Architectural library


Open architecture for the people: housing development in post-war Japan  

Shuichi Matsumura,



Available in the Architectural library


The Routledge handbook of infrastructure design: global perspectives from architectural history  

edited by Joseph Heathcott.



Available in the Architectural library
27 The Routledge companion to artificial intelligence in architecture edited by Imdat As and Prithwish Basu. 1st Available in the Architectural library


HAPPY DESIGN TOOLKIT: architecture for better mental wellbeing  

Ben Channon



Available in the Architectural library
29 Architectural terra cotta Donald B. Corner and John Rowell 1st Available in the Architectural library
30 Adapt as an architect: a mid-career companion Randy Deutsch 1st Available in the Architectural library
31 Research methods for the architectural profession Ajla Akšamija 1st Available in the Architectural library


The Routledge companion to games in architecture and urban planning: tools for design, teaching, and research  

edited by Marta Brkovic Dodig and Linda N. Groat.



Available in the Architectural library


The urbanism of Metabolism: visions, scenarios and models for the mutant city of tomorrow edited by Raffaele Pernice 1st Available in the Architectural library
34 Virtual aesthetics in architecture: designing in mixed realities edited by Sara Eloy, Anette Kreutzberg, and Ioanna Symeonidou.  


Available in the Architectural library
35 Urban Transformations through Exceptional Architecture Nadia Alaily-Mattar (Editor), Alain Thierstein (Editor)  


Available in the Architectural library


Essential urban design: a handbook for architects, designers and planners  

Rob Cowan.



Available in the Architectural library
37 Rethink design guide: architecture for a post-pandemic world Nicola Gillen, Pippa Nissen 1st Available in the Architectural library


Rethinking the crit : new pedagogies in design education [editors] Patrick Flynn, Maureen O’Connor, Mark Price, Miriam Dunn.  


Available in the Architectural library


Street-level architecture: the past, present and future of interactive frontages  

Conrad Kickert with Hans Karssenberg



Available in the Architectural library
40 Self-build: how to design & build your own home Julian Owen 1st Available in the Architectural library
41 Design strategies for reimagining the city: the disruptive image Linda Matthews 1st Available in the Architectural library


Environmental design sourcebook: innovative ideas for a sustainable built environment William McLean, Peter Silver  


Available in the Architectural library
43 Ecologies of inception: design potentials on a warming planet Simone Ferracina 1st Available in the Architectural library
44 Pyrotechnic cities: architecture, fire-safety and standardisation Liam Ross 1st Available in the Architectural library
45 The handbook to building a circular economy David Cheshire 1st Available in the Architectural library


The architecture of waste: design for a circular economy edited by Caroline O’Donnell and Dillon Pranger.  


Available in the Architectural library


New work, new workspace: innovative design in a connected world  

Ruth Slavid



Available in the Architectural library
48 Small projects handbook Nigel Ostime 2nd Available in the Architectural library
49 21st century houses RIBA award-winning homes Dominic Bradbury 1st Available in the Architectural library
50 Living construction Martyn Dade-Robertson 1st Available in the Architectural library
51 Which contract? : choosing the appropriate building contract Sarah Lupton, Manos Stellakis 6th Available in the Architectural library
52 Understanding architecture: its elements, history, and meaning Leland M. Roth and Amanda C. Roth Clark. 3rd Available in the Architectural library
53 Introducing architectural tectonics: exploring the intersection of design and construction  

Chad Schwartz



Available in the Architectural library


Designed to perform: an illustrated guide to delivering energy efficient homes  

Tom Dollard



Available in the Architectural library
55 An introduction to passive house Justin Bere 1st Available in the Architectural library


All-inclusive engagement in architecture: towards the future of social change edited by Farhana Ferdous and Bryan Bell.  


Available in the Architectural library


Architecture history, theory and preservation: prehistory to the Middle Ages  

Arleen Pabón-Charneco

1st Available in the Architectural library
58 The architecture of persistence: designing for future use D. Fannon, M. Laboy, P. Wiederspahn. 1st Available in the Architectural library
59 Behind architectural filters: phenomena of interference Miguel Guitart. 1st Available in the Architectural library
60 Collaborations in architecture and engineering Clare Olsen , Sinéad Mac Namara 2nd Available in the Architectural library


Housing and the city edited by Katharina Borsi, Nick Haynes, Didem Ekici and Jonathan Hale.  


Available in the Architectural library


Residential architecture as infrastructure: open building in practice edited by Stephen H. Kendall.  


Available in the Architectural library


Architectural education through materiality: pedagogies of 20th century design edited by Elke Couchez and Rajesh Heynickx.  


Available in the Architectural library
64 Architectural structures: visualizing load flow geometrically Edmond Saliklis 1st Available in the Architectural library


Architects after architecture: alternative pathways for practice edited by Harriet Harriss, Rory Hyde, Roberta Marcaccio.  


Available in the Architectural library


Architecture, philosophy and the pedagogy of cinema: from Benjamin to Badiou  

Nadir Lahiji.



Available in the Architectural library
67 All together now: the co-living and co-working revolution Naomi Cleaver and Amy Frearson. 1st Available in the Architectural library
68 Beautiful lighting: an insider’s guide to LED lighting in homes and gardens Randall Whitehead, Clifton Stanley Lemon. 1st Available in the Architectural library
69 SQUEEZING IT IN: designing for compact spaces Mary Leslie 1st Available in the Architectural library


Digital fabrication in interior design: body, object, enclosure [editors] Jonathan Anderson and Lois Weinthal.  


Available in the Architectural library