Khaled Alrajhi, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor of Marketing

Dr. Khalid S AlRajhi, Earned Bachelor Degree In: Industrial Management, from University of King Fahd Mineral & Petroleum - Saudi Arabia, 1986 , And completed a Master study : (MBA) in Business Administration , from Hult International Business School, Boston Collage - USA, 1989 and then he had earned the PHD Degree in: International Business from the College of Business Administration - the University of Glasgow – Britain 2008 . Dr. Khalid works now as Vice Chairman of Al Rajhi Holding Group and Adjunct professor in the Business Administration College - Al Yamamah University.
1- VALUE CO-CREATION IN SHARÔÑAHCOMPLIANT BANKING: A SAUDI ARABIAN CASE STUDY Robert A. Paton*, Samer R. Jan** and Khalid S. Al-Rajhi*** ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance • Vol. 3 • Issue 1 • 2011
2- Investing in private universities outside the main cities - motives and obstacles A study presented in the working papers at the Economic Media Forum, 2011
- Attended a number of seminars, lectures and workshops held in different countries.
- Lectures variety of subjects.
Current teaching
Service and Administrative Experience
- Member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Yamama 2. Member of the Founding Committee and Supervisor of the University of Sulaiman Al Rajhi until it was launched.
- A member of the Board of the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Yamama for two consecutive sessions.
- Advisory Board member in the Department of Administrative Sciences - Community College.
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Faculty of Economics and Management at the University of Qassim.