Maria Zaheer

English Language Lecturer / Teacher Trainer


Maria Zaheer is an English Language Instructor at INTERLINK Institutes at Al Yamamah University.

Before joining YU, Maria Zaheer held lectureship and Coordinator positions for English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) and Final Exam College Committee (FECC), Deanship of Educational Services, Prince Sultan University Riyadh, KSA. She was chair of Departmental Research committee and department representative for Research Initiative at College Council, Deanship of educational service as well.

Maria Zaheer is the founder and educational training consultant at Educational Webinar Jam. She is a highly skilled Teacher Trainer with extensive knowledge of the latest and most effective teaching methodologies. She holds a Fellowship in Higher Education (FHEA) and Masters in TESOL and Applied Linguistics from the U.K. with additional qualifications of Cert TESOL and PTLLS. She has worked in esteemed institutions and received multiple recognition awards for her research in teaching methods and development workshops, which have proven to be both creatively innovative and best practices for an ever-changing generation of students.

Maria Zaheer has been a recipient of numerous accolades during her career and was a nominee for the Rector’s Award for Distinguished teaching, Outstanding efforts as teaching and learning coordinator, contribution & support to IT Unit activities, outstanding efforts as a regular contributor to RTC Translation connect magazine contributions, efforts in the accreditation process, research achievements and best Teaching and Learning Center Workshop of the Year Award.

Maria has authored/coauthored numerous research publications published in esteemed journals. She has also supervised undergrad students for research projects for the 6th Scientific Conference for Higher Education -Won 3rd place


  • El-Dakhs, Dina & Ambreen, Fatima & Zaheer, Maria. (2019). The Effect of Textual Enhancement on Collocation Learning: The Case of Arab EFL Learners. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching. 16.
  • El-Dakhs, Dina & Ambreen, Fatima & Zaheer, Maria & Gusarova, Yulia. (2019). A Pragmatic Analysis of the Speech Act of Criticizing in University Teacher-Student Talk: The Case of English as a Lingua Franca. Pragmatics. 29. 493-520. 10.1075/prag.18028.eld.
  • Zaheer, Maria & Shaik, Amina. (2015). Get empowered by CREAM.
  • Zaheer, Maria. (2014). The Effects of Form-Focused Instruction on the Learners’ Accuracy of Written Production. AWEJ. Volume.5. Pp.454-468.
  • Prince Salman Research & Translation Center (PSRTC) at Prince Sultan University Magazine no 2: An interview with a legend in the field of Education
  • Prince Salman Research & Translation Center (PSRTC) at Prince Sultan University Magazine no 3 PYP students’ translation of stories

Conferences and Research Forums

  • Zaheer, Maria. (2014). The Effects of Form-Focused Instruction on the Learners’ Accuracy of Written Production. AWEJ. Volume.5. Pp.454-468.
  • El-Dakhs, Dina & Ambreen, Fatima & Zaheer, Maria & Gusarova, Yulia. (2019). A Pragmatic Analysis of the Speech Act of Criticizing in University Teacher-Student Talk: The Case of English as a Lingua Franca. Pragmatics. 29. 493-520. 10.1075/prag.18028.eld.
  • Zaheer, Maria. (2014). Investigating the Effectiveness of Teacher-Teacher Collaborative Learning Sessions: ESP Teachers' Professional Development in Focus


Current Teaching

  • EMIST for Interlink

Previously taught

  • Orientation courses

Undergraduate Teaching

  • Information Resources
  • Preparatory Year Programme
  • English for Specific Purposes

Service and Administrative Experience


  • Represented, moderated, and presented Prince Sultan University Research for society Exhibitions.
  • A regular contributor to the translation connects magazine for Prince Salman Research & Translation Center (PSRTC) at Prince Sultan University
  • Prince Salman Research & Translation Center (PSRTC) Research Forum for English Department presentations
  • Keynote Speaker at an Educational platform.
  • Interschool Youth Festival Debates Judge
  • Coordinator Final Exam College Committee (FECC), Deanship of Educational Services, Prince Sultan University Riyadh, KSA.
  • Lecturer, Prince Sultan University Riyadh, KSA.
  • Coordinator English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, KSA.
  • Chair of Departmental Research committee, English PYP, Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, KSA.
  • Department representative Research Imitative College Council, Deanship of educational service, Prince Sultan University.
  • Information Resources lecturer University English Programme, Prince Sultan University. Coordinator, Teaching and Learning Centre
  • Contributor & supporter to IT Unit training activities
  • Member and active researcher at ALLAB
  • Member of KSAALT
  • International Representive of ELT Ireland.
  • Facilitated Numerous teacher training workshops at local and international forums.
  • Conducted teacher training sessions at numerous schools.
  • Teacher Training session for Mishkat.