Ms. Marwa Mekni
English Language Instructor

Dr. Marwa Mekni-Toujani is an English instructor at Interlink International Institutes at Al Yamamah University, Saudi Arabia. She holds a Bachelor degree in English language, literature and civilisation (minor: Linguistics), a Master degree in Applied Linguistics (minor: Experimental Psycholinguistics) and a PhD degree in Linguistics (minor: Experimental Psycholinguistics) from Higher Institute of Languages, Tunis (University of Carthage, Tunisia). She has been in the teaching domain since January 2013 and she has taught in Tunisia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. She has taught Commercial English, ESL, Preparation for TOEFL and TOEIC, English for Communication and Soft Skills, Phonetics, Oral Skills, ESP (English for Media and Interior Design Students), Teaching English for Young Learners (TEYL), Advanced Reading/Writing skills, Preliminary as well as Advanced Communications Skills, Academic Writing (ENG 101), and Technical Writing (ENG 201). Her special interests are Experimental Psycholinguistics, English Language Teaching Curriculum and Instruction, and Educational Psychology and she has been an active presenter in TESOL Tunisia and has lately joined TESOL Arabia presenters’ community.
Youssef, I. Yurtbaşı, M. & Mekni Toujani, M. (2021). Dictionary of Phonetic and Phonological Terms. Lebanon: Dar al Kotob al ilmiyah
Journal Articles
Hazaea, A. N., Bin-Hady, W. R. A., & Mekni Toujani, M. (2021). Emergency Remote English Language Teaching in the Arab League Countries: Challenges and Remedies. Computer-Assisted Language Learning, 22(1), 201-222.
Mekni Toujani. M., (2020). The time-course of generating discourse-level representations in Tunisian Arabic: Effects of task demands on detecting character-attribute anomalies. Discourse Processes. DOI: 10.1080/0163853X.2020.1813494
Mekni Toujani, M. (2014). The effect of sentential load, semantic relatedness/unrelatedness, and sex on depth of lexical-semantic processing in L1 and L2 reading. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 9 (4), 1830–1856. Retrieved from
Book Chapters
Mekni Toujani, M., & Hermessi, T. (2019). Self-esteem, self-expectancy and oral achievement in the Tunisian EFL context. In S. Hidri (Ed.), English Language Teaching Research in the Middle East and North Africa: Multiple Perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan
Conference Proceedings
Mekni Toujani, M. (2021). Rethinking English Learning and Teaching in Vocational Training Colleges. In Melanie Gobert (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 24th and 25th Annual TESOL Arabia International Conference and Exhibition (pp. 8-14).
Mekni Toujani, M. (2017). Integrating incoming information into discourse model in Tunisian Arabic. In Antonis Botinis (Ed.), Proceedings of 8th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics (pp. 109-112). Athens, Greece: University of Athens.
June 22-25, 2021: The XV edition of the International Symposium of Psycholinguistics (XV ISP) (Universities Nebrija and Complutense de Madrid), Virtual Conference, Participation with a presentation entitled: " How could psycholinguistic research on L2 processing enhance L2 instruction?" (TALK78).
October 2-3, 2020: TESOL Arabia 2020, Virtual Conference, Participation with a presentation entitled: "Communication Skills: Are Our Aims Realised?".
March 21-23, 2019: TESOL Arabia 2019, UAE, Dubai, Participation with a presentation entitled: "Rethinking English Learning/Teaching in Vocational Colleges".
November 13, 2017: Higher Institute of Languages, Tunis, Tunisia, Participation in the Study Day "Distance Learning" with a presentation entitled: "Social Networks for Language Teachers".
June 19-22, 2017: Heraklion, Crete, Greece, ExLing 2017: 8th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics with a poster entitled: "Integrating Incoming Information into Discourse Model in Tunisian Arabic".
March 2-3, 2017: Higher Institute of Languages, Tunis, Tunisia, Participation in the International Conference: Arabic Language and Cognitive and Methodological interplay with a presentation entitled: "Neurolanguage Coaching®: Approach to Teaching MSA to Young Learners".
February 23, 2017: Higher Institute of Languages, Tunis, Tunisia, Participation in the Study Day about Writing Training Reports for License and Master Students with a presentation entitled: "Getting the Job".
November 4-6, 2016: Ministry of Education - National Centre for Languages- Lac 2 Tunis –Tunisia, Participation in TATE 4th International Conference & Exhibition with a presentation entitled: Neurolanguage Coaching®: Transforming Language Learning.
October 15, 2016: CREFOC NABEUL, Tunisia, Participation in TUNISIA TESOL 6th National Day on Effective Practices in ELT with a workshop entitled: A Farewell to the Traditional Authoritative EFL Instructors: New ELT Practices.
April 21- 23, 2016: Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences, Beja, Tunisia, Participation in the symposium INFOL@NGUES 2016 with a presentation entitled: Time-course of the Construction of Discourse-Level Representations in L1 and L2.
February 12-14, 2015: Cité de Sciences, Tunis, Tunisia, Participation in the Second Tunisia TESOL International Conference on Emerging technologies and evolving pedagogies in ELT with a presentation entitled: Using Smart Boards in EFL Classrooms: Benefits and Limitations.
February 6-8, 2014: Cité de Sciences, Tunis, Tunisia, Participation in the First Tunisia TESOL International Conference on Curriculum Development in ELT: Learning from case studies with a presentation entitled: Using Videos as a Tool to Motivate EFL Learners.