Dr. Yehya Badr
Associate Professor of Law

Dr. Badr is an associate professor. Prior to joining the College of Law, Yamamah University he was the head of department and acting vic-dean for the male campus at the College of Law, University of Business & Technology, Jeddah. From 2017 to 2022 he was the acting head of the department of Private International Law at the Faculty Law, Alexandria University, Egypt since 2017. He obtained his SJD degree from Tulane Law School (2010) and the title of his thesis was The Center of Main Interests as a Choice of Law Rule for Corporate Cross-border Bankruptcy: A Comparative Study of American, French and Egyptian Law, LL.M from Cornell Law School (2007), LL.M (2003) and LL.B (2001) form Faculty Law, Alexandria University. He has published several articles on Conflict of Laws and Arbitration in the following law journals : Air Law & Commerce, Arab Law Quarterly, Willamette Journal of International Law & Dispute Resolution, Qatar International Review of Law Journal, Transnational Dispute Management Journal. Dr Bard has also prepared the Egyptian Report on the Hague Principles for Choice of Law in International Contracts in International Commercial Contracts eds. Daniel Girsberger et al.(Oxford University Press, 2021)and has been a member of the Egyptian Society for International Law since 2006. Dr Badr had taught Private International law Courses for undergraduate and graduate levels in several universities such as Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Pharos Alexandria University. Dr Badr supervises several candidates for the Doctor Degree in Law and has successfully guided two candidates to receive the LLD and LLM degrees at the Faculty of Law Alexandria University. In addition, Dr Badr has teaching experience in teaching Civil Law and Commercial Law Courses to both Law and Business Students.
- âGoing Hybrid: How Hybrid Choice of Law Clauses Can Save the CISG.â Journal of Law and Commerce ,Vol. 41 Issue 1 (forthcoming).
- âThe Hague 2019 Convention for the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
- Judicial Decisions: A Comparative Studyâ, The International Journal of Doctrine,
- Judiciary and Legislation, "IJDJL""Volume 2, Issue 2, Autumn 2021,427-468
- "International Business Courts as a Forum for Adjudicating Private Aviation Disputes: The Opportunities and The Challenges" In Transnational Dispute Management Journal (forthcoming 2021)
- âEgyptian Perspectives on the Hague Principlesâ in Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts eds. Daniel Girsberger et al.(Oxford University Press, 2021).
- âParty Autonomy Under the Egyptian Arbitration Code : The Freedoms and the Limits." Willamette Journal of International Law & Dispute Resolutuion, Volume28, Issue 1Â (2021)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds & Private International Law : An Analytical Study, Revue Al Hoquoq Pour Les Etudes Juridiques Et Economique , Issue 1 , 2019 (In Arabic)
- A Cure From Rome for Montrealâs Illness: Article 5 of the Rome I Regulation and Filling the Void in the 1999 Montreal Conventionâs Regulation of Carrierâs Liability for Personal Injury,Journal of Air Law & Commerce, Volume 83 (2018)
- âThe Grounds for Setting Aside Arbitral Awards under the Egyptian Arbitration Code: Unresolved Choice of Law Issues and Unwanted Extraterritorialismâ, 32 Arab Law Quarterly, volume 32 (2018)
- âThe United States Supreme Courtâs Role in Developing Choice of Law Doctrineâ, Revue Al Hoquoq Pour Les Etudes Juridiques Et Economique, issue 1, 2015 ( In Arabic)
- "Forum Selection Clauses in Egypt: A Review of the Egyptian Court of Cassation Recent Award" ,International Journal of Procedural Law , issue 2, 2015
- Can It Be Done ? Adopting the UNIDROIT Principles Through Party Autonomy Under Omani Choice of Law Rules paper presented to The 2010 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in light of international conventions and national laws: the launch of the Arabic version of the 2010 Principlesâ â, Revue Al Hoquoq Pour Les Etudes Juridiques Et Economique, issue 2, 2014 ( In Arabic)
- The definition of "Investment" under the 1965 Washington Convention, Qatar International Review of Law Journal, Volume 2014 (In Arabic).
- " The UNCITRAL Cross-border Insolvency Model Law", paper presented to UNCITRAL Regional Conference at BAU, "Harmonization of the Law : The Hague Conference, Unidroit & UNCITRAL" held in Beirut Arab University 10-12 September 2012, Beirut, Lebanon.
- "Choice of Law in Foreign Currency Debts: A Comparative Study", University of Puerto Rico Business Law Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2012.
- "The Center of Main Interests as a Choice of Law Rule for Corporate Cross-border Bankruptcy: A Comparative Study of American, French and Egyptian Law"" presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the School of Law of Tulane University for the degree of Doctor of Juridical Science, 2010.
- " Customs Valuation Between The Egyptian law & the WTC rules"", ( in Arabic ) presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Diploma of Economic & Fiscal science 2004
- " Strict Liability" A Comparative study between the Egyptian & the English Law", ( in Arabic ), presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Private law Diploma.2003
- âColonialism, Religion and Two Concepts of "Personal Status": The Story Behind the Egyptian Choice of Law Rules for International & Interpersonal Familial Relationsâ part of the "Private International Law in Africa" series organized by Max Plank Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, held online,21 February 2022.
- âCurrent Issues in Private International Lawâ Symposium organized byĂzyeÄin University Faculty of Law held online, 19 Nov 2021
- âAlexU-CRCICA Conference 2021â , held at Cairo Regional Center for International Commercial arbitration , Cairo, Egypt, 26 March 2021.
- âAlexU-CRCICA Conference 2020â, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt 4-7 March 2020
- âParty Autonomy in African Private International Lawâ ,held at the Research Centre for Private International law in Emerging Countries, University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 4 October 2017.
- The 2010 UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts in light of international conventions and national laws: the launch of the Arabic version of the 2010 Principlesâ, Held at Sultan Qaboos University,23-24 March, 2013 Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
- UNCITRAL Regional Conference at BAU, "Harmonization of the Law : The Hague Conference, Unidroit & UNCITRAL" held at Beirut Arab University 10-12 September 2012, Beirut, Lebanon
Undergraduate Courses (LL.B)
- Yamamah University, College of Law, Riyadh, KSA
- Law 221 Real Estate & Mortgage Law (in English)
- Law 335 Private International Law (in English)
- Law 222 Maritime Law (in English)
- Law 422 Maritime & Air Law (in English)
- Law 235 Property Law (in English)
- University of Business and Technology, College of Law, Jeddah, KSA
- Commercial Law BL 211 (in English)
- Private International Law BL 472 (in Arabic)
- Maritime Law BL 312 (in Arabic)
- Sources of Obligations BL220 (in Arabic)
- Legal Effects of Obligations BL 321(in Arabic)
- Commercial Contracts and Banking Operations BL 412 (in English)
- International Commercial Arbitration BL 422 (in English)
- Alexandria University , Faculty of Law
- Egyptian Nationality Law (in Arabic)
- Private International Law (in English & Arabic)
- Beirut Arab University ( Semouha Branch)
- Nationality Law (in Arabic)
- Private International Law (in Arabic)
- International Commercial Arbitration (in Arabic)
- Business Law ( in English & Arabic)
- Pharos Alexandria University
- Egyptian Nationality Law (Arabic)
- Private International Law (in English & Arabic)
- Arab Academy for science & Technology, Institute of Maritime Transport & Technology
- Transport Law For Business Students (in English & Arabic)
- Introduction to the Study of Law (in English & Arabic)
- Introduction to the Study of Law for Business Students (in English & Arabic)
- Sources and Terms of Obligations (in English & Arabic)
- Business Law for Business Students (in English & Arabic)
- Transport Insurance Law for Business Students (in English & Arabic)
- Occupational Safety and Health (in English & Arabic)
- Business Law (in English & Arabic)
Post Graduate (LLM Courses)
- Alexandria University , Faculty of Law
- Arbitration Awards for LLM Students ( in Arabic)
- Private International Law for LLM Students ( in Arabic)
- Recognitions and enforcement of Foreign Judgements (in Arabic)
- Arab Academy for science & Technology, Institute of Maritime Transport & Technology
- International Commercial Law Masters Program
- Pre Doctoral Degree Program
- Member of the Egyptian International Law Society Since 2006
- Member of the Egyptian Bar Association ( Currently Not Active)
- Member of the Alexandria University Faculty Clubâs Board of Directors form 2012-2021.
- Reviewer for the he International Journal of Doctrine, Judiciary and Legislation, "IJDJL"