Mr. Mohammed AlMohanna
Lecturer of Arabic

- Arizona State University:
Non-Credit intensive English Training Jun.2011-May.2013
American English and Culture Program
- Al Yarmouk University in Jordan: Jun.2010
Master Educational Technology
- Mohammed bin saud University in Saudi Arabia: Jul. 2004
Undergraduate Islamic Studies
- Commercial Institute:
Higher Diploma in Law for one year. Aug-2006
An educational course in classroom management for a month.
-University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud:
Active member in the summer club.
- Head of Humanities Department at Al Yamamah University Sep 2016- present
- Lecturer at Al Yamamah University Aug 2013- present
- Supervisor, summer club at the University of Imam Muhammad bin Sau 2007
Supervised (35) Teachers and(1000) students in a summer educational camp.
- Teacher, at the King Faisal Elementary School District for Embassies, Riyadh 2007
- Teacher, Darul Uloom Junior High School, Riyadh 2005-2006
• Teacher, Rabwat Alsharkiah High School 2004
- Scientific Research
- Curriculum Development
- Member of the Commission for Curriculum Development in Al Yamamah University .
- Member of the Academic Accreditation Committee in Al Yamamah University
- Data entry and word processing in Arabic and English Jun-2005
• International Computer Driving License (ICDL), Computer skills certification. Seb-2007
- English
- Arabic (native)