Mr. Vincent Dall’Aglio
EFL Instructor

Vincent Dall'Aglio is an EFL instructor with Interlink at Al Yamamah University. His work focuses on language use in the classroom. He holds a Bachelor's degree in English and French as a foreign language and a Master's degree in foreign language teaching from the University of Geneva. He has an interest in multilingualism and applied linguistics supported by experience in classes in Switzerland, Vietnam, Cambodia, and now Saudi Arabia. He has also worked with translation as part of a MOOC teaching the pictographic script Dongba.
DALL’AGLIO, Vincent, FONSECA FAVRE, Mariana, GAJO, Laurent, VAISSIÈRE, Stéphanie. « Pratiques translangagières et (dé)cloisonnement curriculaire : deux études de cas en contraste », Lidil, 67 | 2023.
DALL'AGLIO, Vincent, POGRANOVA, Slavka. Translanguaging. In: Geiger-Jaillet, A., Fonseca Favre, M., Vassière, S. & Verney, Y. (Ed.). Abécédaire des gestes professionnels dans l'enseignement bi/plurilingue. Paris : ADEB, 2022. p. 1-6.
DALL'AGLIO, Vincent. Translanguaging: facettes d'un produit plurilingue entre théorie et pratiques. Université de Genève. Master, 2020.